I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 691: Timely containment

Case immediately saw a group of human figures appearing in front of him. Looking at this group of human figures, Case's eyes flashed a ray of light.

Case was very surprised that humans appeared here, because after the demons and the humans signed an agreement, the two sides temporarily stopped the war, so the humans rarely sneaked into the territory of the demons.

The figure of the human race appeared in the domain of the demon race.

It made Case very puzzled.

Are human beings doing something small?

Case murmured inwardly.

Looking at these human beings, he suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart. This feeling appeared very suddenly and strangely, but it was very—strong.

Just when Case waited for the monsters to be puzzled, the group of humans had already arrived not far from them and stopped.

All humans are looking at them.

This group of people is naturally Chen Qiu and others.

After stopping, Chen Qiu looked at the monster in the distance. With his strong perception and experience, Chen Qiu immediately saw the depth of the other party.

There are 12 rank six monsters, one rank 7 monster, and the rest are rank 5 monsters.

There are not many, but they are all very powerful!

If this team of monsters attacked Yum City, it would definitely cause huge losses to the army of Yum City.

Fortunately, Chen Qiu had the foresight. As soon as Case was dispatched, scouts were dispatched thousands of kilometers away to monitor the main crossings leading to Baisheng City.

As long as a monster is found, it can provide an early warning to Yum City, so that the humans in Yum City have enough time to prepare to prevent a sneak attack by a monster.

"Humans, where did you come from?"

The seventh-rank monster Keith stared at Chen Qiu and the others from a distance, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and asked Chen Qiu coldly.

Keith has never had a good face for human beings, he felt that a lowly race like humans should die.

For these humans who suddenly appeared in the Demon Territory, he has a strong killing intent.

The reason why he didn't act immediately was to find out where these humans came from and whether they had any purpose.

Although the human race has signed a truce with the demon race, Case has never trusted the human race, and feels that these cunning guys will definitely do some tricks in secret.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Now that these people are here, it is even more proof that his idea is possible.

The human race may be secretly planning something unfavorable to the demon race.

He must stop this kind of thing in time!

We must not let the race secretly cause any loss to the demon race!

"We were passing by."

Chen Qiu listened to Case's words, a playful look flashed in his eyes, and said lightly.

"Passing by?... Who are you kidding? You don't know where this place is? This is the territory of our Demon Rhinoceros. Your human race entered the territory of our Demon Rhinoceros, and you even said that you were passing by?

As soon as Chen Qiu finished speaking, a Grade 6 monster behind Case immediately stood up, looked at Chen Qiu coldly, and shouted angrily.

Regarding Chen Qiu's statement that he was passing by, the monster didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

How could it be possible to directly pass through the monster territory? This is to treat these monsters as fools?

Chen Qiu didn't care about the monster's anger, he shrugged and said lightly, "We just passed by." Ding.

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