I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 71: Chen Qiu's strength is obvious to all! (7)


The Great Yan Dynasty had kung fu, they recognized it!

Everyone in the Great Yan Dynasty knows kung fu, and they recognize it!

A student of the Dayan Dynasty can beat their ass, and they still recognize it!

But now...

Eighteen top killers still can't accept it, for no other reason!

Chen Qiu!

How did their goal this time stand in the void out of thin air, is he a ghost?!

And behind Chen Qiu.

Lu Shu's hand glowed, and then a shape like a laser sword came out.

Lu Shu frowned at the eighteen top killers, and said indifferently, "Just so many people are not enough for us...

behind him.

The man with the crackling thunder in his hand sneered: "What's not enough, I can kill them all by myself!"

The woman with the ice in her hands froze the air shyly said: "12 Why don't I come, I haven't killed so many people at once..."

The man who was flying around in the air laughed loudly and said, "What is there to argue about, it's all over if you don't kill each other!?"

The man with the current surging all over his body sneered: "It's better for me to electrocute them and scorch them..."

Some people have flames out of thin air!

Some people have fog in their hands out of thin air!

There are also people who are constantly transparent in the air!

There are also people whose bodies can be stretched infinitely like a rubber!

There are others...

one by one!

When these ability users appeared in front of eighteen top killers.

All eighteen top killers were dumbfounded.

Each one was dumbfounded and stunned.

They all recognized it before, but when so many ability users appeared in front of them...

They still can't accept it!

"This, this, what's the situation!?"

"My God. Is the world crazy..."

"I didn't wake up, I definitely didn't wake up..."

"It can't be, it can't be, it can't be human!

Eighteen top killers seem to be crazy.

Seeing their panicked appearance, Chen Qiu was even more disappointed.

This is the black list!?

This is the world's notorious, but powerful black list!?

"These people don't even know us at all, so they dare to take over the mission!?"

Chen Qiu was also speechless and felt extremely boring.

I heard what Lu Shu told the God King before, I thought this black list was a bit interesting, but it turned out...

that's it!?

Chen Qiu waved his hand, a little disappointed, and said, "I leave it to you.

He was too lazy to move.

It was directly handed over to the power user team behind him, and when the power users heard the words, they were even more excited and excited!

And this time.

The eighteen top killers probably also saw their desperation, and the one in the lead roared.

He directly took out his pistol and shouted: "Fight with them!

The voice just fell.

He, including the seventeen top killers behind him, roared one by one, and pulled out his pistol to shoot at close range.


"Hmph, I don't know what it means!"

Chen Qiu snorted coldly, his hands clearly empty.

But now...


The saber-cutting saber tailored for Chen Qiu by the weapon master Zhou Jian suddenly appeared in Chen Qiu's hands, and then...

He immediately flashed a figure.


In the next second, a knife slashed down simply and rudely.



"Pfft! 95

One slash, from the person headed in the front to the seventeen people behind.

They were all cut off by Chen Qiu and died on the spot!

As a second-rank martial artist, his peak strength, his speed...

Who is the match!?

Chen Qiu threw the saber and disappeared again, but in fact...

He is using his space ability, just put away the saber!

And now.

He looked at the stunned abilities and said, "Get in the car and go, our enemy is still on the Huashan Road. 99

These black list killers are considered woolly enemies!?

too weak!

Lu Shu and the other abilities were stunned.

They looked at Chen Qiu, who had already killed him, and looked at the corpses of eighteen black-listed killers.

All of them wanted to cry without tears, looked at Chen Qiu and cried: "Director, didn't you agree that we will do it...


"I didn't hold back for a while, and I just finished killing it."

Chen Qiu made a prevarication, and got in the car directly.

He really did move too fast just now, and if he couldn't hold it back, he killed all the eighteen top killers.

And in fact!

It is more than enough to let the superpower team deal with these 18 black list killers, but who made... Chen Qiu accidentally kill them all!?

Chen Qiu is cool.

The people in the power user team 020 packed up one by one extremely hard.

They are responsible for collecting corpses, dismantling bombs, etc...

Looking at these eighteen corpses one by one is extremely helpless.

It's not easy for someone who doesn't have long eyes to kill them.

But before they started, they were killed by Chen Qiu alone!?

Could they be helpless!


Chen Qiu's knife just now still amazed all the power users, because that knife seems to be simple, but in fact...

That knife combines the strength of a warrior with the power of supernatural space!

Combined, this sword can kill 18 people in a row!

"When will I be able to do this with one sword!?"

The ability user Lu Shu said yearningly.

Then he sighed and felt that there was no hope, it was not that he could not do that step.


It is impossible to surpass Chen Qiu in this life, not only him, but also other power users!

They have long been surprised by the strength of Chen Qiu!


Chen Qiu's strength is obvious to all!!

Chapter 7 is here today!

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