I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 827 : I'm not afraid either!

Listen to me all!

If you leave now, I won't blame you, you can continue your studies and become a strong person step by step!

However, if any one of you dares to run away during the selection process, it will only be killed without mercy!""

Kill without mercy!

In this sentence, there is endless killing intent and the icy cold night, like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month, blowing on all the students, causing the faces of all his students to change suddenly, even the teachers of the Martial Artist Academy. He was also shocked by Chen Qiu's words, his face horrified.

Those who escape from battle, kill without mercy!

The cold breath and strong killing intent contained in Chen Qiu's words made everyone very clear that Chen Qiu's words were not a joke!

Chen Qiu is very serious!

If someone really ran away, Chen Qiu would really kill!

So saying one sentence made the expressions of everyone present change wildly, and their hearts were horrified for a while, and when they looked at Chen Qiu's eyes, they all became terrified.

None of them expected Chen Qiu to be so strict!

Chen Qiu looked down at the changes in the expressions of all the people below. After watching many people listen to his words, their faces turned pale for a while, and panic flashed in his eyes. He was unmoved.

Chen Qiu wasn't joking with them.

He is quite serious.

He can give these people the chance to leave now without forcing them.

But if they dared to escape during the trial after the warning from the internship, then Chen Qiu would never show any mercy, and everyone would be killed without mercy!

Chen Qiu is quite serious about this!

Because this kind of person is very likely to cause huge damage to his comrades on the real battlefield!

Chen Qiu is not willing to put these people on the battlefield!

"You guys, have you heard me clearly?"

Chen Qiu looked indifferent, his voice buzzed like thunder, and he asked loudly.

Chen Qiu shouted like a thunderous question, which immediately made everyone tremble and their hearts were startled, and many people took a step back subconsciously, looking at Chen Chen Qiu in awe.

Obviously they haven't completely recovered from Chen Qiu's terrifying words. If Chen Qiu gave them enough time, he didn't rush them, but used a look like a blade, in all directions. Glancing over the person.

Chen Qiu's eyes gave them an incomparably powerful pressure, which made many students feel like the weight of Mount Tai was pressing down on them.

Just when most people were hesitating, Chen Xi'er suddenly stood up and said loudly to Chen Qiu above the sky, "Listen clearly! I, Chen Xi'er, will never be a deserter! Before the commander's order , even if I die in battle, I won't take a step back! 95

Chen Xi'er suddenly stood up, and many of these people were shocked, and they all turned their eyes to him, and looked at the heroic Chen Xi'er, and felt incredible for a while.

No one thought that Chen Xi'er would be the first to stand up. You must know that Chen Xi'er is Chen Qiu's sister and has countless resources, so she doesn't need to go on an adventure with them here.

As a result, now Chen Xi'er took the initiative to stand up and go through this life-and-death experience with his 647s, so many people felt a burst of admiration in their hearts.

Of course, there are also many people who think that Chen Xi'er is just doing it for a show. Chen Xi'er naturally disdains the thoughts of these dirty people. Her beautiful eyes are full of determination, staring at the sky. On top of that, his elder brother's heroic demeanor expressed his meaning in a firm and uncompromising tone.

above the sky.

Chen Qiu watched Chen Xier stand up first, and couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect Chen Xier to be the first to stand up and express that he was not afraid.

However, Chen Qiu was quite happy that his sister was so brave, but at this time, Chen Qiu couldn't express too much, so he could only nod at him.

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