I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 833: A little embarrassed

Chen Qiu listened to his words, narrowed his eyes, and said lightly, "What happened to your son?"

He is not interested in research on Ouyang Xiang's son, but he said that his son was among the students selected this time, which surprised him a little.

"Lord Chen Qiu, my son is 19 years old this year, and he is already a third-rank martial artist. His talent is very good, and he is quite mature in dealing with people. He is a rare young talent..."

When Ouyang Xiang mentioned his son, his face immediately showed a high-spirited look, and he praised his son to Chen Qiu in a cadenced manner. everyone can feel it.

However, when Chen Qiu listened to his words of praise for his son, his brows suddenly sat up, his face turned cold, and a cold snort erupted from his mouth.

"Speak the truth!"

Chen Qiu was a little impatient.

His time is quite precious.


He has no time to waste here listening to Ouyang brag about his son.

He still has a lot to do.

It turned out that Ouyang Xiang didn't talk about the business for a long time, but instead blew her son here, how could he bear it?!

He was able to stand here and wait, and if he could speak, he was already saving face for him and the Ouyang family, but as a result, this guy said these nutritious words!

Chen Qiu's cry of coldness was immediately let down, and Ouyang Xiang's whole body was jolted. He was originally proud and excited, but his expression instantly became embarrassed.

"Lord Chen Qiu, don't be angry, don't be angry, I'll just say the business, I'll say the business..."

Seeing that Chen Qiu's face turned cold in an instant, Ouyang Xiang, who came down, was so scared that his face turned pale, and he wanted to slap himself.

Damn it, what is I blowing here?!

(bcbc) Just because his son is a bit arrogant, he is bragging in front of Qiu?!

His son is a genius, but compared to the one in front of him, he's just like a scumbag!

Who in the entire Great Yan Dynasty can compare to the genius of Chen Qiu?!

The most talented person in the entire Great Yan Dynasty is standing in front of him now!

Compared with Chen Qiu, what kind of genius is his son?

Ouyang Xiang immediately put away the naive idea that he wanted to show off to Chen Qiu, and he felt ashamed about the idea that he couldn't help showing off in front of basketball.

After hesitating for a second or two, Ouyang Xiang gritted his teeth and stated his purpose.

"Lord Chen Qiu, I want you to give my son some convenience when you enter the cellar world, take care of him a little bit, and then let him get a better grade, come under your door and become yours disciple……"

When Ouyang said this, although he didn't dare to look directly at Chen Qiu, the corner of his eye kept looking at the change of Chen Qiu's expression secretly. He wanted to know what Chen Qiu thought after hearing his words.

"You want me to open the back door for your son?"

After listening to Ouyang Xiang's words, Chen Qiu's face didn't change, there was no expression at all, he just stared at Ouyang Xiang and asked lightly, "Want me to open the back door for your son and make her my disciple, are you? Does that mean?"

Listen to Chen Qiu's naked words.

Ouyang Xiang's face was a little embarrassed.

But he did not deny what Chen Qiu said.

Apparently that's what he meant.

He really wants to open a back door for his son, so that his son can get a good grade, and then smoothly enter Chen Qiu's door and become Chen Qiu's direct disciple.

"Lord Chen Qiu, of course I know it's not right to do this, but don't worry, as long as you can make my son your direct disciple, I will definitely not treat you badly, and I will give you the benefits that I deserve... …”

Ouyang wanted to strike while the iron was hot to get Chen Qiu to promise himself, so Balabala said a lot of benefits, "As long as you accept my son as a disciple, then our Ouyang family will stand on the same front as you, Chief Chen Qiu, We will be with you in the future!"

Ouyang Xiang raised his head slightly when he said this.

A proud look flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The Ouyang family is one of the most powerful families among the newly emerging martial artist families.

Taking advantage of the outbreak of the monster Da Qiao, some people in the Ouyang family who were well prepared hunted and killed many high-level monsters, and then used the meat of these monsters to make the warriors in the family grow and explode in strength.

After the warriors became strong, they continued to hunt down more powerful monsters, thereby obtaining more resources and allowing the warriors in their family to improve faster. After such a virtuous cycle, the Ouyang family quickly became stronger and became the Dayan Dynasty. One of the most powerful emerging families of martial artists today.

The reason why Ouyang Xiang was able to become the headmaster of Yujing Martial Artist Academy was because of the support of the Ouyang family.

This time, the Ouyang family put their idea on Chen Qiu, and wanted to use Chen Qiu's power to make their family continue to be strong and become the most powerful warrior family in the Dayan Dynasty.

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