I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 83: Come in and help me carry the body! (3)


April 20, 2019.

The dynasty war situation is dignified.

The news that Chen Qiu, the head of the headquarters, had entered the cellar, they knew.

Everyone is worried.

Although they already knew that the enemy was in the cellar, but...

They still never got in!

And Chen Qiu, at this moment, has already entered first, and when the passage is still unstable, how can everyone not worry!?


In the dynasty war, everyone prayed for Chen Qiu!

Huashan Road.

In charge of the forbidden army stationed next to the entrance of the cellar, the space whirlpool where Chen Qiu entered, expanded from a thousand people to an army.

The Jiang An Dynasty is also there.

Do not.

Not only him, but also Song Cheng, Gong Cai, Mei Qianyi, and the emergency recall of Xiao Anshan's supernatural force.


If it weren't for the conditions, the king of gods might have to come over!

For no other reason, Chen Qiu entered the cellar.


It's been a whole day, he hasn't come out yet, everyone is anxious,

Especially the Kang An Dynasty!

No one knows better than him the importance of Chen Qiu to the Dayan Dynasty. At this moment, Chen Qiu is the guide of the Dayan Dynasty!!

Chen Qiu037, absolutely nothing!

It's been a whole day, and Chen Qiu hasn't come out yet, and Jiang An Dynasty can't wait any longer.

"The First Imperial Army is ready, enter the fighting state at any time, and rush into the cellar with me!"9

The Jiang An Dynasty directly drank it.

He couldn't care less, he was thinking, what if Chen Qiu and others were trapped in the cellar!?

At this time, they are needed!

And behind.

All the soldiers of the First Army are all ready, and they are no longer armed with firearms, but all cold weapons.

They saluted in unison, their eyes were sharp, and they shouted:

"Ready to fight anytime!"

"Ready to fight anytime!"

"Ready to fight anytime!"

Xiao Anshan, Gong Cai, Song Cheng and others didn't say anything.

In fact.

If it wasn't for not allowed, they themselves would want to rush into the cellar to see what's going on!!

"Wait! 35

And just when Jiang An Dynasty was about to rush in, suddenly...

Geography master Mei Qianyi shouted loudly.

His face changed greatly, he pointed at the vortex of space, and quickly said: "Everyone, stand back, something is going to rush out!!


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone stepped back a little, and then all entered a state of battle.


At this time, they also heard a strange noise, as if...

What kind of person is pretending to be a space whirlpool!


The voice continued, then violently.



"Bang bang bang bang bang...

The sound is getting faster and louder.

All the people present have changed their faces and become solemn.

"Boom! 99

Soon, under the anxious waiting of everyone.

A black body with a lot of hands and feet, and the whole body is full of pimples, something like a monster rushed out of the ground.

Jiang An Dynasty's expression changed, and he scolded: "This is a monster!"

Others also recognized that it was a monster.

As early as when the vibration frequency of Huashan Road was getting higher and higher, after Chen Qiu disclosed the enemy, he explained the appearance of the monster to everyone.

As soon as this monster came out, everyone recognized him instantly!


At the beginning, everyone was like a big enemy, ready to enter a state of battle, but then, everyone couldn't help but stumbled to discover that this monster...

is dead!

That's right, red blood is flowing all over their bodies, and (bcbc) this monster that is close to two or three meters at this time is already dead and can't die anymore!

Everyone was stunned.

What the hell is this, a monster finally rushed out, or is it dead!?

But then, even more jaw-dropping yet to come.


The second monster rushed out, still dead!


The third monster rushed out, still dead.


The fourth monster rushed out, also dead!!


"Boom! 35


Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth...


More and more, there were already more than 5,000 monsters, all of them were dead and breathless.

And looking at these monsters, everyone was stunned.


What the hell is this, how come these monsters are all dead!?


At this moment, the space vortex rushed out a black shadow again.

Everyone subconsciously thought it was a monster corpse.


It was Chen Qiu who rushed out, and it was Chen Qiu who was covered in blood!

At this moment, Chen Qiu looked at the stunned Jiang An Dynasty outside, and a large number of the Imperial Army remained sluggish.

He asked back, "What are you doing!?"

Jiang An Dynasty, Song Cheng, Gong Cai and others looked at Chen Qiu in surprise: "Director, you are finally out!! 39

"Nonsense, if I don't come out, I'll die in the cellar!?"

Chen Qiu looked at them angrily, and couldn't help but said, "Why are you all staying alone, come down and help us carry the bodies!! 35

Finish talking.

Chen Qiu jumped directly into the vortex of space again, disappeared, and left behind...

The confused Jiang An Dynasty and others!

Lift the corpse!?

What the hell!?

Everyone was puzzled, and Jiang An Dynasty said: "The others stay where they are, the first forbidden army, go in with me and have a round with the director!!"

The voice just fell.

He approached the space whirlpool directly, gritted his teeth and rushed in.

And behind him...

All the people in the first banned army jumped in with the same dignified heart!

This spatial vortex, like a bottomless pit, devoured everyone!

The third update is here today!

The author just got up and updated it. I will wash up and eat something later.

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