I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 867: Time and Space Vortex

If it is they do not admit defeat, the spirit of daring to fight!

Jiang Anjia waved his hand and walked directly in the direction of the time-space vortex, entering the field created by Chen Qiu, and entering the underground world with Chen Qiu.

And the students followed suit.

One head plunged into the vortex of time and space.

Watching all the students enter the vortex of time and space.

Outside the vortex of time and space, the gathered people all sweated for the students who entered it, and were very worried about their situation in their hearts.

The fact that Chen Qiu was going to bring the students back to the underground world had already been known to the Grand Marshal Wutian and others in the cellar world, so they had already prepared things to welcome Chen Qiu's return. 677

"Are all camps ready? Is there anything missing?"

Grand Marshal Wu Tian asked his adjutant with a serious face.

For him, Chen Qiu's matter is not a trivial matter, and must be done thoroughly.

Grand Marshal Wu Tian also understands how important Chen Qiu's behavior is this time, and also knows that Chen Qiu is screening talents for the Dayan Dynasty and cultivating strong people. There must be no mistakes in this matter!

"Master Marshal, don't worry, we have prepared everything, whether it is the camp where the students live or the logistical support facilities, we are all ready!"

"That's the training venue, has it been selected yet?! Have you done a good job of clearing the venue?"

"The clearing work has been completed. We have divided an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers as the test site. The monsters in the test site have been found out. 99

After listening to his adjutant's report, Grand Marshal Wu Tian nodded lightly.

Just as long as everything is arranged.

He was afraid that Chen Qiu would come back, and his affairs were not ready yet. If so, he would be pitiful. Chen Qiu treated him well, and he didn't want to do anything to disappoint Chen Qiu.

If he can't do such a small thing well, he will definitely be disappointed, not what he wants to see.


Just then.

In Yum City, the rank 7 monster Case, which Chen Qiu used as a monster radar, suddenly let out a loud roar and rose into the sky.

"Master is back!

After the rank 7 monster Case soared into the sky, he let out an excited roar, and looked closely in the direction of the time-space vortex.

He has already felt the breath of Linzhou's return!

Wu Tian Dayuan (bcbc) Shuai and the others were shocked when they heard Case's movement.

"Get ready now!

Under the command of Grand Marshal Wu Tian, ​​a large number of videos were made immediately, preparations were made, and they were waiting for Chen Qiu's arrival.

Case's expression was excited at this time, and it turned into a black streamer and flew in the direction of Chen Qiu's return.

At this time, Yusheng City was not too far away from the time-space vortex, and at the initial speed, it wouldn't take long to reach it.

So soon I saw a large figure appearing in the distance.

The students who were rushing to Yum City with Chen Qiu all looked at each and every one at this time, with a strong curiosity in their eyes.

After entering the cellar world, all their attention was attracted by the surrounding situation, and everything felt fresh.

This is the first time they have entered the cellar world. They are full of curiosity and freshness about various situations in the cellar world. This strong sense of freshness and curiosity makes them forget about the dangers around them for a while. .

And because the surrounding monsters and other things have been completely cleaned up by the Great Yan Dynasty military, they can't see any dangers such as monsters at all, so they subconsciously feel that there is no danger around them.

In fact, this is not the case. The surrounding area outside the control of the army is still full of danger, and monsters are still walking everywhere, but it is only because humans have an advantage now, and those scattered monsters do not dare to appear.

If these students appeared alone, those monsters would definitely dare to attack them, and it would be no small matter by then!

Seeing the excited but relaxed vigilance of these students, Chen Qiu couldn't help shaking his head, but he didn't criticize these students too much. After all, they were still young and had not experienced any storms. Vigilance is naturally impossible to be like these old fried dough sticks.

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