I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 889 : He doesn't want to die yet! 【Subscription】

Even many times they feel inferior and can't lift their heads in front of Chen Qiu!

Of course, this didn't hit them completely, but instead aroused the competitive spirit of these guys. They held back their strength, cultivated hard, and sharpened their own cultivation. This also allowed them to make great progress.

At this time, Chen Qiu above the sky was not clear about the mentality changes of the people below, and he had no interest in taking care of the mentality changes of these guys. At this time, his eyes were full of cold rays of light, and he was staring at the entrance of the magic cave in the distance. .

At this time, a huge ball with a diameter of several 10 meters appeared on Chen Qiu's head.

This sphere was all made of sand, stone, and earth and wood facing the street. It was extremely hard. It floated quietly above Chen Qiu's head, exuding a terrifying aura.

Feeling the huge ball above the head of the 12 connection, exuding that kind of powerful pressure, all the people who got off work were shocked.

This huge sphere fell from the sky, and even if it was a free fall, the potential energy it caused was absolutely terrifying.

At this time, not only Chen Qiu's subordinates were shocked.

Huge movement caused by Chen Qiu.

It also made the monsters in the magic cave agitated.

In the depths of the devil's cave, a rank 5 monster of the Devil's Clan was looking terrifying at this time. It looked up into the sky through a hole, and looked at Chen Qiu who appeared in the sky and the terrifying ball above his head. , such a fifth-grade monster of a pig, his face was full of fear.

"What the hell is going on?!...Is this a human?"

The leader of the fifth-grade demon rat clan looked at Chen Qiu above the sky, his heart was extremely horrified, and he screamed in shock, "Why does a human appear here? ... And what the hell is going on with this human being? Why can he cause such a thing? Terrifying movement? What kind of realm is this guy?"

The Demon Mouse Clan had already become a mess at this time.

The movement caused by Chen Qiu scared them to death.

They can't imagine why such a terrifying guy would suddenly appear on their doorstep!

To their horror, this human powerhouse seems to be attacking them!

"Prepare to fight! Prepare to fight against all the demon warriors, prepare for me immediately!

After the leader of the fifth-rank monsters recovered from the shock, he suddenly shouted loudly, calling for all the monsters to prepare for battle immediately.

He could feel that the humans outside were menacing. Obviously, it was not a coincidence that they suddenly appeared here, but they were prepared to deal with them.

The terrified cry of the monster leader made many monsters come back to their senses and prepare to fight immediately.

Yet their preparations were meaningless.

above the sky.

Chen Qiu's face turned cold.


Chen Qiu waved his hand, and the huge ball above his head was manipulated by the mind force, and it fell down toward the bottom with a rumble.

With the momentum of thunder, it fell from the sky.

At the moment when all the monsters did not respond, the huge ball had already landed above the entrance of the magic cave.

"No! 35

Looking at the huge ball that fell from the sky, the rank 5 monster leader's eyes showed a look of horror, and he retreated like a madman.

He could feel an incomparably terrifying aura from this huge sphere, and he knew very well that if he didn't retreat at this time, he would definitely have to die.

He doesn't want to die yet!

So he quickly retreated, trying to avoid this attack.

However, no matter how fast he was, it couldn't compare to the speed of Chen Qiu's attack.

He had just started 693 to withdraw, and Chen Qiu's attack had already fallen.


A huge stone ball fell from the sky and smashed into the ground above the entrance of the magic cave. In an instant, a terrifying energy shock wave caused the ground to be torn apart and melted in an instant, collapsed piece by piece, like ice and snow encountered fire.

A huge rumbling sound erupted, and a powerful shock wave ravaged the four fields, rushing away like a tidal wave, but anyone who stood in front of this shock wave was immediately destroyed like an instant piece of paper.

At this moment, the demon rats wearing strong armor were easily torn apart, and there was no room to struggle, and they were directly smashed into flesh.

This shocking scene fell in the eyes of all the students, and they stayed where they were in shock.

After a long time, they recovered from the unparalleled shock.

Everyone's faces were shocked.

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