I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 896 : Point fingers at his affairs! 【Subscription】

After working with Chen Qiu for so long, he naturally understands Chen Qiu and knows that what Jiang Anjia said is true. Chen Qiu has always acted simply and rudely, and he doesn't like other people pointing fingers at him.

This time, Chen Qiu's selection of disciples, although he was cultivating talents for the Dayan Dynasty, could also be regarded as his personal business, so no one planned to point fingers at Chen Qiu on this matter.

What Chen Qiu plans to do is all Chen Qiu's business, they just need to cooperate with Chen Qiu. As for other things, it's better for them not to interfere too much, so as not to cause Chen Qiu's dissatisfaction.

Now no one wants to cause Chen Qiu's dissatisfaction.

If 710 knows that Chen Qiu is not only a high-ranking person in the Dayan Dynasty, but also can bring them countless benefits, causing Chen Qiu's dissatisfaction, it will only make him unable to get it from Chen Qiu, only a fool would do this kind of thing .

"The boy Chen Qiu said before that he could capture 10,000 monsters within two hours. Do you think this is possible?" Jiang An's family didn't plan to worry about Chen Qiu's disciples, but smiled at Wu Marshal Tian said, "This is not easy...

The Jiang An family felt incredible about catching 10,000 monsters within two hours.

To be honest, even if he was asked to bring back 10,000 pigs from Jiang An's house within two hours, he couldn't do it.

Not to mention asking him to catch 10,000 monsters.

Even if 10,000 first-level monsters came to attack him overwhelmingly, he would still feel a headache. Although these monsters could not pose a threat to him, it was still difficult to catch so many monsters.

"Although I'm not doubting his strength, the matter of catching 10,000 monsters in two hours is a bit weird no matter how you look at it... So I reserve my opinion."

Having been slapped in the face countless times by Chen Qiu, Marshal Wu Tian has already learned his skills, and he will not jump to conclusions about Chen Qiu doing anything inconceivable, because he no longer wants to be embarrassed by being slapped in the face any more. .

Although he also felt that this time Chen Qiu should not be able to catch 10,000 monsters within two hours, but he was very shrewd and did not say this (bcbc), because he might be slapped in the face if he said it. ...

He doesn't want to continue to be slapped in the face, that's quite embarrassing...

Hearing the words of Grand Marshal Wu Tian, ​​Jiang Anjia smiled. He also quite understood the reaction of Grand Marshal Wu Tian, ​​knowing that the Grand Marshal also had a psychological shadow on Chen Qiu.

Being slapped in the face by Chen Qiu time and time again, even a fool would not dare to guess Chen Qiu casually.

Because Chen Qiu is full of unknowns to them, they don't know what kind of weird things Chen Qiu can do next moment, what incredible feats can be accomplished.

"I think two hours should be fine.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Anjia looked in the direction of the east and said, "But two hours is the limit, and it takes at least two hours to do it. After all, 10,000 monsters are not 10,000 little chickens. They will resist.


As soon as Jiang Anjia finished speaking, a huge roar suddenly came from the horizon, as if there were millions of troops coming in their direction, and the battle was quite terrifying.

Hearing such a loud voice suddenly, Jiang Anjia and the others' expressions changed, and they suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the horizon.

"what happened?"

Suddenly seeing a large black shadow appearing on the horizon, Jiang Anjia's heart was shocked, and after he carefully saw the shadow appearing on the horizon, he immediately exclaimed, "Damn it, Chen Qiu?! This guy is back? You're right? How long has it been since the motherfucker?"

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