I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 907 : Confident Chen Xi'er! 【Subscription】

"The battle is about to start, are you ready?!

Chen Qiu's loud shout exploded like thunder, making the eardrums of the students hum for a while, but the students not only did not feel uncomfortable at this time, on the contrary, they were extremely excited. Many students listened to Chen Qiu's words. Then he shouted loudly, "Ready!"

"Speak louder, don't eat, I can't hear clearly!"


The shouts resounding through the sky, like thunder in the sky, make people feel uplifted, and all the students from whom are all excited and excited.

Not only Chen Qiu has been looking forward to this moment for a long time, the students have also been looking forward to this moment for a long time, longing for this moment to come.

"Just be ready!"

Listening to the shouts resounding through the sky, Chen Qiu nodded and said loudly to the students below, "I want to remind you once again that this battle is about taking your life to fight, and it is possible to fight at any time. Die, become a ghost under the claws of monsters! 95

Chen Qiu's words were like a basin of cold water poured on the students' heads, but they could not extinguish their enthusiasm at this time.

"Don't be afraid!"

"Fuck tnd!

"Wealth is in the sky, life and death have fate, and I'm afraid of a hammer! Isn't it just a group of monsters? It's just livestock, just slaughter and eat meat!

"Kill! 99

"Kill kill kill! Kill him and turn the world upside down!"

At this moment, the students became excited. Even though Chen Qiu poured cold water on them, he couldn't make them take half a step back, but instead aroused the blood that had been hidden for a long time in their hearts.

Many students roared and roared loudly, shouting and killing the sky.

Like a wolf like a tiger.

What I'm talking about is the current group of students.

Looking at the wolf-like student cubs, Chen Qiu's mouth showed a playful look. These guys have never seen blood, and they still don't know the cruelty of the real battlefield, so now they will be stimulated by a few words. Then became excited and frenzied.

After they really fought the monsters, many people will find that for the time being, they are not as romantic and bloody as they imagined, but only with cold blades and pungent blood. At that time, they will never have any way out.

Only keep killing until the last enemy is killed, they can win!

Before the last enemy fell, they could not be sure that they were 100% victorious, nor could they guarantee that their lives would be 100% secure.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

However, Chen Qiu did not continue to attack the enthusiasm of these students. Instead, he admired these students. It's just this kind of ruthlessness that is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Brutal fury!


On the battlefield either you die or I die.

Any cowardly act will invite failure and death.

So Chen Qiu hoped that his soldiers would be more brutal.

Only the fierce and powerful enough on the battlefield can become the final winner, and survive to step on the enemy's corpse and blood to the brilliance of success.

Therefore, Chen Qiu looked at the fierce expressions on the young faces of the students. Not only was he not dissatisfied, but he felt very satisfied.

"Okay, now it's your performance time."

Chen Qiu looked at the excited expressions of the students, and said loudly, "I will explain the rules of the trial for the last time, you all listen to me.


Everyone fell silent.

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