I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 909 : The Blood Demon King! 【Subscription】

Chen Qiu was quite convinced about his younger sister.

This guy is not only talented, but also quite willing to work hard. Coupled with the support of his own resources, his cultivation realm has always been advancing by leaps and bounds. Now he has reached the peak of the fourth-grade realm, and it is possible to break through the fifth-grade realm at any time. .

In fact, with a cultivation like hers, continuing to practice trials with her classmates and compete for places is a cruel thing for those students.

Because Chen Xi'er didn't have to go all out at all, she could easily give them to two families and get very good results.

The students have entered the battlefield.

Began their first battle with monsters in their 12 lives.

Although it is said that the monsters this time are all low-quality monsters, there are only a very small number of monsters above the third-rank realm.

But these students are all raw melon eggs after all, and have never experienced any real battles, so even if they face lower-level monsters, they are still in great danger.

But all of this is within the acceptable range of Chen Qiu.

It is impossible for Chen Qiu to make these students without any risk, because if he really wants to do this, it will not have much promotion effect for the students, and the effect that Chen Qiu wants will not be achieved.

Chen Qiu can provide them with some protection.

But it's impossible to make them flowers in a greenhouse.

As I said before, life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky, everything is still solved by these students themselves, and it is impossible to rely on Chen Qiu to solve everything for them.

Chen Qiu didn't have that much energy, and there was no need for it.

He believes that the potential of these students is unlimited, as long as they are provided with a large enough stage, they will have enough dazzling performances.

Just when Chen Qiu's students entered the trial area and started to fight, 1,000 kilometers north of Yum City, in a huge city, there were monsters watching Yum City.

This giant city is the royal city of the Gorefiends.

The Gorefiends can be regarded as a relatively powerful group among the demons.

The sky of Gorefiend City seems to be shrouded in blood at any time, and the first pure music sky seems to be filled with a thick bloody aura at any time, which makes people feel sick.

In the Gorefiend Royal City, a huge mansion stands in the center of the royal city. This mansion is very huge, stretching for 10 kilometers. among the fangs.

This mansion is the mansion of the Gorefiend King Gorefiend Tangulas.

A large number of Gorefiends are guarding 710 inside and outside the Tanggulas Palace, and each of those Gorefiends have blue faces and fangs, and each exudes a powerful aura.

The Gorefiends guarding outside the Tangulas Palace are at least level 4 monsters in their cultivation realm!

A gatekeeper is a Grade 4 monster!

This shows the power of the Gorefiends!

Among the Tangulas royal family, Tangulas, the king of the blood family, was in his own hall at this time, looking at the generals below, his face was gloomy.

"Has any news come back? How long has it been? Why hasn't news come back from Parker? What the hell is this guy doing?"

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