I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 916 : The Scared Pike! 【Subscription】

As far as those weak races are concerned, it can be easily dealt with, okay?

Besides, now that there is a super powerhouse of the eighth-rank realm, Lord Parker, what do human beings use as their enemies?

Looking at the reactions of his subordinates, Pike also knew the general thoughts of these guys in his heart.

He is very clear that none of his subordinates really put human beings in their hearts, and they have never realized what human beings need to be.

Of course, in his heart, it was almost the same idea, so she didn't care so much about the ideas of her subordinates.

Just let these guys pay attention.

If they don't pay attention, then the boat capsizes in the gutter, and he doesn't care about his business.

Anyway, he has already done what he should do, that is, he has taken on the responsibility of a leader and reminded them well. If they still die because I despise human beings too much, it can only be said that they are more than worthy of death.

"Give me a good rest."

Pike was too lazy to say anything to his subordinates, but gave them an order to let them rest in place.

After finishing speaking, Pike closed his eyes directly, and it seemed that he was going to rest directly.

Looking at Pike like this, his subordinates could only shut up one by one.

They dared not flirt with Parker.

This guy is a ruthless man, he angered him, and he didn't know how to die!

After Pike closed his eyes, Bi was not really resting, his spiritual sense, after he closed his eyes, began to radiate outward.

"I'm very curious, is there really something extraordinary among human beings who can take down the war stronghold of the Demon Rhinoceros unknowingly...

Pike's mind was floating. He was now infinitely curious about Yum City. He wanted to know what kind of existence there was in Yum City.

Previously, his divine sense swept across Baisheng City very quickly. At that time, he was shocked by the situation inside, so he did not carefully observe the situation inside.

He was afraid that his actions would scare the snakes, and (bcbc) at that time, he didn't know what was going on inside, so he was a little more cautious.

Now that he knew that it was really occupied by humans, he was not so cautious.

Therefore, he wanted to use his spiritual sense to check once again what was going on in Baisheng City.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, one hundred battles will not be imperiled, so he needs to find out the inside details, so that he can completely grasp the initiative in the next battle.

Pike's spiritual sense, like a tide, quickly rushed towards the direction of Yum City.

As an eighth-rank monster, his spiritual sense is quite powerful, and because of the suppression of the monster's class power, it is difficult for low-level monsters to find his spiritual sense.

The reason why Case was not able to figure out what exactly was spying on Yum City was because Case's realm was lower than Parker's.

Pike's Spiritual Mind.

Like a silent tide, it quickly surged in the direction of Yusheng City.

This time, he was very serious.

Therefore, he can see clearly all the situations where his divine sense has passed.

Not the slightest omission.

He saw clearly where the Spiritual Mind had gone, and he understood everything clearly.

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