I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 920 : Playing with Parker!! 【Subscription】

Spiritual thoughts can even be blocked.

This incident made Case quite shocked and unbelievable.

It was the first time Case had seen something so incredible.

If someone told him that the spiritual temple could be blocked, he would definitely sneer and treat the other party as an idiot, but now this happened in front of him, making him have to believe that there is such a miraculous thing in the world. exist.

And this magical being is its owner, Chen Qiu!

"Master, it's not that my concentration is too poor, but this matter is really too unbelievable. In the entire history of the cellar world, I have never heard of an almighty who can do such a thing!

Case listened to Chen Qiu's words with a wry smile on his face and said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed this kind of thing. It's really amazing that the spiritual sense can be blocked by others. Incredible, the spiritual sense is something that is invulnerable and inaccessible. It is impossible for a low-level monk to escape the scan of a high-level monk's spiritual sense... Of course, that is what happened before, "! "

Case looked at Chen Qiu's eyes, and slowly showed a strong and incomparable admiration.

At this moment, she once again felt the unfathomable feeling of Chen Qiu.

Listen to Case.

A surprised look appeared on Chen Qiu's face.

He could not have imagined that the fact that he shielded his spiritual and spiritual thoughts would actually shock Case so much.

In his opinion, this matter should be a very simple matter. As long as the mental power is stronger than the opponent's, wouldn't it be easy to block the opponent's mental power?

You must know that Chen Qiu has the power of psychic power. Spiritual psychic power is naturally extremely terrifying. Otherwise, how could he be able to control objects?

Chen Qiu in his previous life did not have much research on mental power because he did not have the ability to control objects. All kinds of miraculous things.

So far, the most bizarre ability of mental power is probably that it can be directly transmitted to the soul of the monster. Even Chen Qiu feels that this ability is a bit perverted!


At this moment, Lian Xiu suddenly felt that powerful spiritual power, which once again enveloped Baisheng City, which made his eyes narrow slightly, and a fierce cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Before, he was watching the situation of the students.

As a result, he suddenly felt the appearance of an abnormal mental power, and immediately began to pay attention. When he found out that this mental power came from a powerful monster, his heart immediately became vigilant.

Chen Qiu immediately combined his spiritual power with his space power, hiding his figure in the void, isolating all spiritual power exploration.

This also caused Pike to find Chen Qiu's figure, which became an extravagant hope, because Chen Qiu had been hidden in the void, and used his powerful spiritual power to isolate himself from everything around him (Zhao Lehao ), so Pike couldn't find Chen Qiu at all.

But after Chen Qiu isolated himself in the void, he could still observe the situation outside, and he could even use his own mental power to follow the other party's way back to investigate.

However, the range covered by Chen Qiu's mental power is indeed not as large as that of Pike. He only knows that the other party is a powerful monster, but he has not checked the specific details of the other party.

Chen Qiu was a little upset, but there was nothing he could do.

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