I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 923: Earth Blast Star 【Subscription】

Threat to Pike.

Chen Qiu sneered in his heart.

It didn't mean anything at all.

These monsters have no morals at all.

The so-called armistice agreement seemed to him like an ass-wiping paper, not worth mentioning at all.

Besides, the so-called armistice agreement was not signed by them, but an agreement signed by the human beings in this world, which has nothing to do with the human beings on earth.

In Chen Qiu's eyes, he only cares about the "seven-two-three" human beings on earth. As for the human beings in this world, he can't care so much for the time being.

"Vulnerable ants, ten seconds have passed now. Your grandfather and I are still here, but you made a move. I see what you can do to me..."

After ten seconds passed, Pike became even more arrogant and proud, his tone was full of provocation and sarcasm, "You human beings will never change that kind of arrogant but incomparable ghost virtue, which is really shameful, If the powerhouse of our Demon Race had said something like this, he would have already done it!

Chen Qiu stopped Pike's words, and the cold light in his eyes became even more turbulent.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you.

Chen Qiu saw the murderous intent in his eyes, his figure slowly rose, his mental power poured out frantically, and he quickly probed where Parker's mental power came from.

Although Chen Qiu's current spiritual power has a certain range and cannot be extended to cover unlimitedly, it does not affect Chen Qiu's finding this Pike.

Because Chen Qiu can move!

He can take the initiative to follow the other party's spiritual power to find the other party's location!

Chen Qiu's figure rose into the sky.

Spiritual power poured out wildly, and then quickly spread out in one direction.

Chen Qiu was sure, and the other party showed a playful smile on the corner of his mouth after his spiritual power spread out in the direction, "Since you want to find something, then I will let you have a good time.

With a swipe, Chen Qiu's figure disappeared and flew towards Pike quickly. While flying Chen Qiu, he controlled the surrounding things, and began to condense a sphere above his head.

The sphere grows slowly with his flight time.

Earth-blasting stars.

This will be a meet and greet gift from Chen Qiu to Parker.

Moreover, it is also a super-sized earth-explosion star, which is the ultimate strength of Chen Qiu's earth-explosion star!

Following the clues of mental power, Chen Qiu immediately found the source of Parker's mental power after flying hundreds of kilometers away.

Above Chen Qiu's head is a super-explosive planet with a diameter of hundreds of meters. He stands above a thousand meters in the sky, looking at the earth below, and after locking in a certain area where three stones stand, Chen Qiu's face With a devilish smile...

"Human, it's been so long, you haven't done it yet? I've been waiting impatiently, and I'm curious what means you have to deal with me?... You can't really just be brave with your mouth, right? If that's the case, I'm really disappointed!

Pike was still madly mocking Chen Qiu at this time, "I originally thought you had some ability, but now it seems that you are just a person who avoided my mental power by any means, and your strength is not very good at all... Of course you're bragging rights or very good! But what's the use of that?

Pike's tone was full of sarcasm.

This guy feels quite embarrassed and ashamed about the fact that he was actually scared by Chen Qiu's mental power since 1.2, so now he is frantically trying to regain his self-confidence and his face.

But this is also a BB machine.

Although he said fiercely, he wanted to cut Chen Qiu into a thousand cuts and devour him alive, but he didn't. He acted immediately, but still planned to act according to his own plan, waiting for his reinforcements to arrive in the morning before continuing. hands-on.

"I'm already here.

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