I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 927 : Are Earth Humans Still Waste! 【Subscription】

Chen Qiu listened to Pike's words, and the playful smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense, "You have been spying on my human race's territory from afar, I thought some old friend was here, so I gave you a little greeting. "


Chen Qiu's words made Parker almost vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

What do you mean by spying on your Terran territory from afar?!

Is that your Terran territory?

That's obviously the territory of "Seven Two Three" my Demon Clan and Demon Scorpion Clan?

"Is your meeting gift just wanting my life? 35

The muscles on Pike's face twitched, and his heart was extremely angry, "And when did Yum City become the territory of your human race? In the armistice agreement, the ownership of Yum City belongs to my Demon Race, and it is the inviolable territory of my Demon Race. When did it become the territory of your human race?

Pike felt that what Chen Qiu said was just farting. Yum City is the most important war city of the Demon Rhinoceros. How could it be the territory of the human race?

"It belongs to our Terran now. 99

Chen Qiu disapproved of Pike's words, and said lightly, "No matter who this war city belonged to before, but from now on, it belongs to our human race and our earth human beings!"

Earth Humans!

As soon as Chen Qiu said these words, an unbelievable light flashed in De Packer's eyes, and he exclaimed, "You are not human beings in this world?!... You are actually human beings on Earth? What are you kidding?!

This time, Pike was really surprised by Chen Qiu's words.

He couldn't imagine that Chen Qiu turned out to be a human on Earth!

Earth humans have already killed the cellar world?!

how can that be?

"Impossible! You absolutely cannot be the earth human beings who are not so powerful. We have been investigating the earth for a long time, and we have all the information on the earth! There are no warriors among the earth human beings at all! All It's trash!

Pike looked at Chen Qiu's eyes, full of anger, he felt that Chen Qiu was talking nonsense and deceiving him.

"That's right! Human beings on Earth are all trash, soft-footed chickens. Their martial arts have not developed at all, and they are all powerless. Why do they fight back and enter the cellar world?!""

"As far as I know, the human beings on Earth have been almost killed by the subordinates of our major demons! Basically, they have all become the supplements of the demons! 55

"This is a big joke! Just relying on the waste of earth human beings, what do they use to attack the cellar world?! The world of the earth without martial arts cultivators can last a day under the attack of our demons, it is already a Great thing! As for counter-attacking us, that's just wishful thinking!

Chen Qiu's words not only made Pike feel quite ridiculous, but even Pike's subordinates showed sarcasm and contempt after listening to Chen Qiu's words, looking at Chen Qiu as if they were looking at a fool. ..

Pike and his men felt that Chen 1.2 Qiu was joking with them.

They didn't believe a single word of what Chen Qiu said, not even a single punctuation mark.

They all felt that Chen Qiu was talking nonsense and wanted to say some confusing information to make them make wrong judgments, thus affecting their battle situation.

Chen Qiu said that Earth humans had already captured Parkson, and they felt that they were just farting, it was impossible!

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