I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 932 : Why open nine heavenly gates! 【Subscription】

In order not to be affected, they retreated frantically, trying to hide far away!

The Gorefiends under Pike have the lowest cultivation base and are in the sixth-rank realm, and there are quite a few in the seventh-rank realm. However, now watching Pike launch a big move, none of these monster powerhouses dare to stay by his side.

Everyone looked terrified.

Looking at them like this, you can feel how terrifying Parker's ultimate move is this time, even the seventh-rank Gorefiend dare not approach!

"Then the human is dead! Lord Pike has used his ultimate move! He is absolutely dead!

"He deserves to die! To dare to provoke Lord Parker, it is not a pity to die!"

"Being able to make Lord Pike use the gorefiend dance, he is worthy of pride even if he dies. This is the first time that the photographer has used the gorefiend dance on a human being! Even if he is dead, 12 is also his honor!"

The Gorefiends under Pike, after retreating a certain distance, showed excitement and schadenfreude on their faces, and their hearts were full of ridicule and ridicule towards Chen Qiu.

They all felt that Chen Qiu was dead this time.

Chen Qiu completely angered Pike.

Let Pike use the blood demon dance, then he has absolutely no hope of surviving!

Anyway, they haven't seen anyone who can survive under the mad dance of Pike's blood demons so far. Jumping under the dance, as long as Pike launches the Gorefiend Dance, he will immediately retreat crazily.

above the sky.

Chen Qiu felt the terrifying aura emanating from Parker's body, his brows could not help but jump slightly, and he was surprised.

The breath that Pike exudes at this time is quite powerful, which makes him feel a little pressure. If he is forced to face it, Chen Qiu feels that if he wants to contact this week, he should be a little reluctant, and he may even fall into the disadvantage.

This is the disadvantage brought about by the realm gap.

After all, Chen Qiu is only in the sixth-grade realm, but Pike is already a monster in the eighth-grade realm. There are two big realms between the two sides.

There is a big gap between these two realms.

If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be able to bear such a big gap at all.

Only Chen Qiu, a genius at the enchanting level, who possesses magical abilities, can jump directly into two great realms and challenge higher-level powerhouses.

If it was another person, or if Chen Qiu didn't have the space ability, it would be impossible to challenge the two realms.

"Human! You were the first to force me to use this trick! Even today you are dead! You should be honored! Be honored! Because you are the first human to die under my blood demon dance. !35

Pike's eyes were full of cruelty, and a low roar came out of his mouth, his eyes fixed on Chen Qiu who appeared above the sky, "To be honest, I admire you very much, as A human warrior cultivator of the sixth-rank realm, you can do such a thing in front of me, it is already very remarkable!"

Parker's words came out.

Immediately, 723 got the blood demons under his subordinates with unbelievable horror on their faces.

"What?!... This human being is only a cultivator of the sixth-rank realm? How is this possible?! 35

"Impossible! Pike's people must have made a mistake! How could this human warrior be only a warrior monk in the sixth-rank realm?! This must be a mistake by Pike, it must be! 35

"How can a warrior in the sixth-grade realm instantly kill a demon powerhouse in the seventh-grade realm in front of Lord Pike?!... This is simply a fantasy! Absolutely impossible! Lord Pike, you must be mistaken, This human is definitely not a rank six martial artist, he is at least a seventh rank, and he may even be a powerhouse of the same realm as you, Lord Parker!"

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