I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 940 : Full of confidence?! 【Subscription】

With a swish, Chen Qiu's figure disappeared like a ghost.

Chen Qiu's figure disappeared.

But Pike's attack did not stop, its sharp claws swiped across the position where Chen Qiu was standing just now, but it did not hit Chen Qiu as he expected, but slashed through an afterimage.

"Damn it!

Pike is going crazy.

His attack was in vain again, and this feeling made him quite irritable.

The feeling of failing every single attack is simply maddening. It is quite uncomfortable to have all the strength in the sky but there is nowhere to go.

That human is more slippery than a loach!

"You want to compare your speed with me~? Who's afraid of who?!"

Pike let out a shocking roar, and two huge meat buns bulged out behind him, and then burst with a bang, and a pair of ferocious bone wings appeared behind Pike-.

As soon as the pair of bone wings appeared, there was a gust of wind whistling around Pike, and the violent hurricane completely stirred the air around him.

"What is this?... This guy even has wings?"

Chen Qiu looked at the pair of bone wings that suddenly appeared behind Parker, and his face couldn't help showing a look of surprise, staring at Parker's pair of bone wings.

Chen Qiu stared at the pair of bone wings that appeared behind Pike, with a look of surprise on his face. After he found the pair of bone wings on Pike's body, Pike, the huge monster, seemed to have become lighter all of a sudden. The aura has also undergone tremendous changes.

All of this is because of this pair of bone wings.

Chen Qiu felt that the speed of this product was probably much faster than before.

However, Chen Qiu didn't worry much about this matter.

He can also have considerable confidence in his own space.

Space ability can be regarded as the power of rules.

It is basically impossible for ordinary powerhouses to touch this field. Only the peerless genius can touch the power of rules when the surrounding realm reaches a certain level.

A warrior cultivator with the power of rules, his combat power is far, stronger than ordinary warriors, which is the capital of their leapfrog challenge to the strong.

"Your speed surprised me..."

Pike's eyes were fixed on Chen Qiu, his eyes were flickering with a fierce chill, and the cold words spewed out of his mouth, "To be honest, he is the fastest human warrior cultivator I have ever seen, even if They are some human kings, and their speed may not be as fast as you... However, no matter how fast you are, you can't compare to me who has magic wings!

-Today I'll show you what real speed is!"

The airflow around Pike rapidly twisted and expanded, forming a huge cyclone around him. Its huge body slowly floated up, as if it was being held up by the air.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

At this time, he actually had an ethereal feeling.

This feeling makes people feel quite strange.

Such a huge and ferocious monster.

There was an ethereal feeling.

Either way, it's a little weird.

"Lightning Demon Wings!... It turned out to be Lightning Demon Wings! This is the most powerful speed demon attack of the Gorefiends! It is rumored that for hundreds of years, no demon cultivator has successfully cultivated it! Lord Pike has already successfully cultivated. ?! - OMG! This is incredible!


"Lord Pike is mighty! Even the Lightning Magic Wing has been successfully cultivated. It's really amazing!"

"As soon as the lightning magic wings come out, who will be the heroes in the world, the speed of the lightning magic wings is definitely the fastest speed magic attack among all speed magic attacks! ... This human being is really going to die! He Ruined!

Looking at the bone wings that appeared behind Parker, Chen Qiu's face just showed a look of surprise, but each of Parker's subordinates showed incredible horror, staring closely at the pair of bones behind Parker. Wing, there is a deep sense of awe and envy in his eyes.

Lightning Magic Wing's reputation is like thunder.

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