I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 943: Why? Why? Why? 【Subscription】

"Lord Pike?!...How is this possible?! 35

"What happened? Am I dreaming? That man attacked Lord Pike? - This must be a dream! It's impossible!"

"Is this human being a human or a ghost?! Why is he so weird and terrifying? ... Lord Pike has already used his lightning magic wings. How did he attack Lord Pike? Why is its speed so terrifying?!

Pike's subordinates watched Pike's bang and was kicked to the ground by Chen Qiu. The huge demon body smashed a big hole on the ground and was embedded in the ground. They were all stunned and their faces turned pale.



An earth-shattering roar came from the earth.

There was a crackling sound.

Nike's figure bounced off the ground like a spring.

After bouncing up, Parker roared up to the sky, his expression ferocious and crazy, like a mad dog that had been greatly stimulated, his eyes were scarlet.

"It seems that your speed is not good. 35

Chen Qiu looked at Pike who bounced off the ground, and his mad and ferocious face showed a playful and sarcastic smile, "The so-called Lightning Magic Wing looks just so-so....


Chen Qiu's words were like a long needle to Pike. It stabbed in his heart so fiercely that it made him jump like thunder. He didn't want to say more, he just wanted to kill Chen Qiu. In the past, the only thought in his mind now was to shred Chen Qiu!

The humiliation he has suffered today is countless times more than the humiliation he has suffered before, so he was furious and wanted to tear Chen Qiu to pieces.


Chen Qiu snorted coldly as he watched Pike kill him.

Although the power of this eighth-rank monster is stronger than him, the speed of this creature is far less than his own, and it is tantamount to fooling around to attack him.


Under Chen Qiu's extreme speed.

Pike, a rank eight monster, was being played around like a monkey by Chen Qiu, so he was so angry that he roared again and again.

Pike's subordinates watched Chen Qiu play the eighth-rank monster like a monkey, and they were all stunned and shocked, and looked at Chen Qiu there dumbfounded.

Although they don't want to admit it.

But they just have a common idea in their hearts.

not alone!

This is a god, a god sent by heaven to torture these demons!

This human is obviously only a sixth-grade realm, but he has made them eighth-grade realm, and has activated the lightning magic wing, Lord Pike, who is playing around like a monkey, other than the god sent by the sky to torture them, what else can there be an explanation?

"This human must be a god sent by God to torture our demons?"

"Could it be that the gods really want to punish our demons? Otherwise, why would there be such terrifying human beings?... No, he is a god! 35

"Only God can do such a thing..."

The Gorefiends under Pike's mentality completely collapsed. They felt that their self-esteem and arrogance were completely crushed by Chen Qiu.

In front of Chen Qiu, they felt that any pride and arrogance they had in the past seemed extremely ridiculous. They used to think that the demons were countless times stronger than humans (Zhao's), and they were the master creatures of this world.

But now Chen Qiu has taught them a lesson vividly. In this world, there are still people who can take care of them and play them like monkeys!

This kind of thing has a huge blow to their hearts!

At this time, not only the monsters under Pike, but also the heart was dealt a huge blow, and even Pike, the eighth-rank monster, was the same.

Pike's mentality is about to explode at this time.

"why why why?"

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