I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 946 : Why don't you dare?! 【Subscription】

Pike felt that he had found a way to deal with Chen Qiu.

Since Chen Qiu's speed is faster than himself, but his attack power can't make him deadly, why bother with him so much, just wait here for reinforcements.

Anyway, he has already sent out intelligence personnel to contact reinforcements, and they will definitely come soon.

As long as reinforcements come.

There is enough combat power.

Pike felt that he could kill Chen Qiu in 10,000 ways.

But he didn't know.

The intelligence personnel he sent out had already been discovered by the scouts of the Dayan Dynasty. At this time, there were already powerful warriors of the Dayan Dynasty who were looking for their troubles.

Instead, he thought he was invincible.

Chen Qiu couldn't kill him anyway.

Then just be an old tortoise squatting here.

Chen Qiu attacked and he defended.

If Chen Qiu doesn't attack, he will just act like an old tortoise and don't believe that Chen Qiu can kill him.

Pike, who became confident in his heart, also regained his calmness. Instead of the previous hysteria and madness, he looked at Chen Qiu with a playful look and mocked Chen Qiu.

Chen Qiu listened to Pike's words.

The expression on his face was slightly stunned, but it was only for a moment. After a moment of stunned, a disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Qiu's mouth, looking at Parker with an idiot-like look.

Um, what does this mean?

Seeing the sarcastic look on Chen Qiu's face, Pike frowned deeply, "What do you mean? Don't you think you can kill me? As long as you can't kill me, you will definitely die in the end!

There is really no way for Chen Qiu to directly kill this guy. After all, this guy's defense is too strong, and its power is too strong. If you fight him head-on, it may not be worth the gain. Chen Qiu doesn't want to take this unnecessary risk. .

However, if he can't kill this guy, is there no way Chen Qiu can deal with him?

of course not!

Chen Qiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sarcastic light flashed in his eyes.

"If I can't kill you, can't you kill your subordinates?...I don't believe they can still be like you!" Chen Qiu's tone was filled with cold killing intent, and his eyes fell on the stunned group in the distance. On the Gorefiend, he said to Pike with a playful look, "Do you think I can kill them all?"

Do you think I can kill them all?

Although Chen Qiu's voice was not loud, it fell into Pike's ears, but it was like a terrifying thunderbolt. When he asked, his mind was buzzing, and his face changed dramatically, swept away the proud look before. getting angry...

"you dare!'

Pike's eyes filled with murderous intent again, and roared at Chen Qiu, "If you dare to do this, I will make you regret it!

"Why don't you dare?!""

As soon as Pike's words came out, Chen Qiu immediately raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar. With a bang, his body was like a sharp sword breaking out of the sky, and he quickly moved towards the monster in the distance, "Today, my uncle, I will kill you in front of you. With your subordinates alone, I see what you can do to me!"

Chen Qiu doesn't have the slightest affection for any monsters.

For them, Chen Qiu only had killing intent.

Therefore, Chen Qiu didn't take Pike's threat 1.2 to heart at all, but acted immediately.

Chen Qiu had to admit that it was not easy for him to kill Pike with his current strength, but he had strong confidence in killing Pike's men.

The strongest under Pike is the monster of the seventh-rank realm.

Chen Qiu has rich experience in killing rank seven monsters.

So Chen Qiu attacked very hard.

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