I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 961 : Undercover plan!! 【Subscription】

Originally, he thought that for a long time, the strongest monsters he had seen should be these two guys.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Qiu, who "casually" went out to fight, brought back such a monster of the eighth-rank realm for them.

Well, let's fight casually, since Chen Qiu has already said so, let's fight casually.

Looking at the eighth-rank monster Pike, who was meekly like a kitten in front of Chen Qiu, "Seven Five Seven", in the hearts of Marshal Wu Tian and others, there was an uncontrollable shock and joy.

The reason why they feel happy is because, with such a powerful monster, the current power of Yum City will be greatly improved.

This also shows that the current Baisheng City is already a monster of the eighth-rank powerhouse that has the strength to defeat.

Before this, he did not have any confidence that he could deal with the monsters of the eighth-rank realm, but now, he finally has this confidence.

"There is no accident on the student's side now, right?... This is a very important matter, don't screw it up for me..."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Pike, Chen Qiu looked at Pike, Jiang Anjia and others with curiosity, and even couldn't help but go up to watch Pike, he was quite speechless, and quickly asked.

He went out for a while, but he had never forgotten about the things on the students' side.

As soon as I heard Chen Qiu say business.

Jiang Anjia and Grand Marshal Wu Tian regained consciousness immediately, and their faces became solemn.

"There is nothing wrong with everything! Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Jiang Anjia said to Chen Qiu with a serious face, "We all know that you attach great importance to this matter, so we also attach great importance to this matter, and have been paying attention to the situation in the proving ground..."

Listening to Jiang Anjia's words, Chen Qiu nodded with satisfaction. Everything was fine. He didn't want to cause trouble with his students during the period of time he was out.

Since there is nothing to do on the student's side, Chen Qiu put it down. Although the thing over there is important, it is not the most important thing right now.

"Come in, I have something important to discuss with you. More

Chen Qiu walked directly towards his tent, and a serious voice came out of his forehead.

Hearing Chen Qiu's words, Jiang Anjia and the others suddenly felt their heart skip a beat, and their expressions changed slightly...

They could hear some shocking feelings from Chen Qiu's tone.

Chen Qiu rarely speaks so seriously, every time he speaks so seriously, it means that things are very serious.

What serious thing happened?

Jiang Anjia and other senior generals looked at each other and could see a look of surprise in each other's eyes.

Marshal Wu Tian and other senior military generals of the Dayan Dynasty stationed in Baisheng City could feel a very dignified atmosphere from Chen Qiu's words.

This made their hearts uncontrollably beat wildly. A high-level general looked at each other and could see a look of surprise in each other's eyes.

However, 1.2 Although everyone was very surprised and doubtful at this time, everyone was very tacit understanding and did not say much, but immediately followed Chen Qiu and walked into his huge tent.

They all understand that guessing here is useless now, and Chen Qiu's actions are something they can't guess at all, so they might as well go in obediently and wait for Chen Qiu to tell the story.

Inside Chen Qiu's big tent, the anger at this time was somewhat solemn.

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