I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 963 : Eighth-Rank monsters as undercover! 【Subscription】

"Do you remember the undercover plan I told you about?"

Chen Qiu looked at the surprised look of everyone, and a playful look appeared in the corner of his mouth, "Actually, as long as this plan is used, we can turn the passive situation into an active situation, control it. Live every move of the monster!"


As soon as Chen Qiu said these words, a look of joy appeared on the faces of Jiang Anjia and others, and their hearts trembled.

Especially Jiang Anjia and Grand Marshal Wu Tian.

Because, these two people heard Chen Qiu talk to them about the undercover plan.

Chen Qiu said before that he wanted to bring Case, the seventh-rank powerhouse of the Demon Rhinoceros, into the Demon Rhinoceros City and let him be an undercover agent. In this way, they would be able to use the Demon Rhinoceros City as an undercover agent. Important information has been grasped.

Keith is the royal bloodline of the Demon Rhinoceros. The information he can get is definitely heavyweight. As long as humans make good use of this information, they can make many unexpected and beautiful counterattacks!

Chen Qiu talked about the undercover program.

When Marshal Wu Tian had someone from Jiang An's family who had known about the plan that Chen Qiu said before, a look of excitement and anticipation appeared on his face.

This matter, they have considered it before, and they all feel that this matter is feasible.

However, before Chen Qiu returned to Earth, in order to enhance the power of Yum City, Chen Qiu did not immediately dispatch the monsters like Case, but let them stay and protect Yum City, so the plan was stranded.

Now Chen Qiu is back.

Yum City's combat effectiveness has also increased accordingly.

With such a great god as Chen Qiu in charge.

Even if the monsters like Case went to carry out the mission, Yum City's combat effectiveness was guaranteed enough.

"You're going to keep Case's back."?

Jiang Anjia's face showed a strong look of anticipation, and said to Chen Qiu, "If we let him go back, we can control the information of the Demon Rhinoceros...

You have to know about Case, but the royal bloodline of the Demon Rhinoceros. The information he can access is very advanced. You can even know the movement of every time you dispatch troops. This has a huge impact on us. role! 99

"An Jia is right, if we can know every action of the demons, we can make corresponding preparations in advance, whether it is retreat or war, the initiative is on our side, we can calculate the strength of the two sides through calculation. The enemy, then make a decision!

Grand Marshal Wu Tian also said to Chen Qiu excitedly, ". "As long as we make good use of this information, we can really become very proactive!"

"This is a good thing! Being able to penetrate the enemy's interior is a huge benefit to our intelligence department!"

"Now we can only rely on sending scouts in large numbers to observe the key points of traffic from afar, so as to guard against the sneak attack of monsters, which is not only inefficient, but also very likely to make some monsters organically exploitable. take……

(Zhao Lizhao) "If we can have our undercover agents, we don't have to send so many scouts. Now we have lost a lot of scout soldiers. We must pay attention to this matter!"

For a while, Chen Qiu's tent became lively, and the military's high-level officials were all shocked by Chen Qiu's plan. After recovering, all their faces showed excitement look.

Obviously, they are very optimistic about this plan.

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