I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 966 : It's crazy! 【Subscription】

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Chen Qiu's words immediately made Jiang Anjia and others stunned, and looked at Chen Qiu in disbelief.

This guy actually started the idea of ​​the ninth-grade monster king?

Isn't this tnd a little too crazy?

The king of the ninth-rank monsters is not a simple role, and he can kill the eighth-rank realm powerhouse with one slap.

Does the current Chen Qiu really have the strength to go "seven-five-seven" to deal with the monster king in the ninth-rank realm?

Although Jiang Anjia and others were reluctant to doubt, and did not dare to doubt Chen Qiu's strength, they were still quite uncertain about whether Chen Qiu could obtain benefits from the ninth-rank realm monster king.

Jiang Anjia and others were not quite sure whether Chen Qiu could get any benefit from the king of the ninth-rank realm monsters.

After all, how strong are they against the monster powerhouses in the ninth-rank realm?

I don't have an exact concept, and I don't know how far Chen Qiu is now from the ninth-rank realm monsters.

In this case, they didn't know what to say.

But what makes them unimaginable is that.

After Chen Qiu said these words, a blazing light actually appeared in his eyes. Obviously, Chen Qiu really had this idea about what he said.

That's right, Chen Qiu really has such an idea now.

Now he is really interested in the monster king of the ninth-rank realm.

Chen Qiu now wants to attack the monster king in the ninth-rank realm!

"I think this is quite feasible, if I sneak into the Monster King City secretly, and then sneak attack, it is very likely to take advantage.

Chen Qiu's eyes flickered with a strong light, looking a little crazy, "Although it's impossible to kill the Demon King directly, I want them to pay a little price and get a little benefit from them, so that I can break through as soon as possible. Still a bit of a grip.

Hearing Chen Qiu's words, Jiang Anjia and others were stunned, and some couldn't believe what they had heard. Looking at Chen Qiu was like looking at a lunatic.

This is so fucking crazy!

Is this guy really planning to attack monsters or attack?!


Doesn't he know the power of the monster king?

Not only Jiang Anjia and others were surprised, but even the three magic pets under Chen Qiu were stunned after listening to Chen Qiu's words, unable to return to their senses for a long time...

"Master, you can't take this risk, it is too dangerous, the strength of the monster king is very powerful, although I don't want to admit it, but I am not a one-shot enemy in front of Tangulas, Tangulas can Kill me easily!" 5

A worried look appeared on Pike's face, and he said to Chen Qiu, "If you go to trouble the kings of monsters like Tangulas, it will be very dangerous, Master, don't be impulsive!

"This guy is right, master, don't be impulsive, the Demon King 1.2 is too scary, their power can destroy the world, and they also have all kinds of mysterious powerful moves, don't rashly attack them! "

"Master, your potential is earth-shattering, as long as you continue to cultivate, your achievements will definitely surpass that of the monster king, there is absolutely no need to take this risk, as long as you continue to cultivate peacefully and safely! 39


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