I Started Global Evolution

Chapter 970 : Is it an idiot to be an idiot! 【Subscription】

"What happened?... Lord Chen Qiu, what's wrong?"

"My lord's face seems to be very ugly! He is heading towards the proving ground. Is this what happened on the proving ground?"

"Hurry up and inform the Marshal and the others! There may be a big incident!"

Chen Qiu didn't hide his tracks, but swaggered towards the trial ground. The chill emanating from his body made many people feel it, and they couldn't help being surprised, not knowing that Chen Qiu What's going on here.

Chen Qiu didn't pay attention to their thoughts at this time, and he strode towards the direction of the proving ground.

At this time, in the trial field, in a dark cave, several arrogant youths were blocking a blood-covered youth in the cave.

"Wang An, hand over the demon core obediently, I will spare you." Among the arrogant youths, a tall and burly youth stepped out, staring at the blood-covered youth with cold eyes, and said coldly, " Anyway, if you take so many magic cores, it won't do much, you can't become Lord Chen Qiu's disciple, you might as well just hand over the magic cores to us and make us complete.

"That's right, it's just a waste of you to hold the magic core. With the few magic cores in your hand, it is impossible to reach the top 100 standard, so keeping these magic cores in your hands is just a waste of resources. That's it!

"As long as you hand over these magic cores to us, our Dongfang family will owe you a favor. After going out from here, our Dongfang family will definitely give you the greatest return."

"Of course, if you don't want to hand over the magic core to us, then you shouldn't walk out of here alive today, anyway, in this proving ground of monsters, even if we kill you, we can still cause you to be killed. The way the monsters are killed, when the time comes, you will be dead in vain.""

Several arrogant-looking teenagers stared at the blood-covered young man Wang An with a playful look. inappropriate.

The young Wang An heard the words of these young people, his eyes were full of anger, he clenched his fists tightly, his teeth clucked, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

"These magic cores were acquired by me with all my life, and it is absolutely impossible for me to give them to you!"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

The young Wang An's eyes were full of angry flames.

He stared at the teenagers in front of him, gnashing his teeth.

He never dreamed that these people would dare to attack him, wanting to snatch the magic core that he had worked so hard to obtain!

This thing is what he has tried his best to fight against monsters regardless of his life and death. The things he obtained after killing the monsters are the proof of his achievements. How could he give these things to these people in front of him?


He wanted to rely on these things to get enough points and become Chen Qiu's student. He had been preparing for this day for a long time, and it was something he absolutely could not fail.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to give the magic core to you. This is something that I have worked so hard to get, why should I give it to you?!" The young Wang An looked resolute, gritted his teeth, and faced his eyes. A few teenagers with indifferent eyes and sneer on their faces said.

Wang An's words made the faces of the teenagers look ugly, staring at Wang An with a gaze that was as powerful as a poisonous snake, like a beast that was about to devour people at any time.

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