Zhong Feifei’s scandal is still fermenting and spreading throughout the Internet.

The moment he learned of Zhong Feifei’s scandal, Chen Luo knew that his new product launch conference was finished!

Chen Luo suffered heavy losses.

Please Zhong Feifei’s endorsement fee, advertising fee, etc… All this money is thrown into the water, but not even a sound can be heard!

The money is secondary.

The most critical thing is that Chen Luo originally planned to launch the product of ‘Golden Bee Powder’, but this product that made him ambitious and wanted to win the domestic cosmetics market in one fell swoop suffered Waterloo before it was listed.

Chen Luo hated Zhong Feifei very much, this slut’s actually had such a big problem, and his own death would still affect him!

The press conference ended in a hurry, Chen Luo refused the media interview, he returned to the banquet hall of the hotel with a black face, got on the car and returned to Meiling International.

Duan Qizheng sighed lightly and sat next to Chen Luo, whose face was always gloomy and did not say a word.

When I arrived at Meiling International Office, Chen Luo’s gloomy face still did not get any better.


Chen Luo slammed the office door shut and made a loud noise.

The employees of Meiling International were suddenly discolored, trembling, and did not dare to speak.

Chen Luo entered the office, and Duan Qi was following behind him, sighing: “Brother Master, you are seriously injured, you… Ay. ”

Duan Qizheng finally turned into a sigh.

Duan Qizheng was well aware of Chen Luo’s preparations during this period of time, and knew Chen Luo’s ambitions even more clearly.

Chen Luo wants to make ‘Golden Bee Powder’ into a super explosive cosmetics, so as to enhance the popularity of the entire Meiling International, and finally make a fierce profit.

Duan Qizheng has also seen the use effect of ‘Golden Bee Powder’ and feels that Golden Bee Powder is entirely likely to become such a popular product!

But now…

How did this happen?

Zhong Feifei’s matter was fermented too coincidentally, but at such an important juncture, something happened to him.

“Master, there must be someone behind the scenes, someone must be ghosting!” Chen Luo gritted his teeth and spat out this sentence with half a sound.

“Someone is ghosting? Who will it be? Duan Qi asked with a frown.

It did happen too far.

After all, Zhong Feifei’s photos posted through her own Weibo are completely ‘self-detonation’. It is impossible to think about it, after all, Zhong Feifei was attending the new product launch at that time.

Who would that be?

“Ye Fei, nine times out of ten it is Ye Fei!” A handsome and extraordinary face appeared in Chen Luo’s mind, and hatred burst out from his eyes.

If Chen Luo hated the most, it must be Ye Fei.

Every time he met Ye Fei, it was not good, Chen Luo had a strong feeling, and this time the incident must have something to do with Ye Fei.

“Ye Fei? Are you sure it’s him? It’s also possible that someone happened to bump into you as a whole result. “Duan Qi is on the right path.

Duan Qizheng was very suspicious of Chen Luo’s judgment.

After all, if this thing was really Ye Fei’s doing, then Ye Fei would inevitably be too terrible.

He actually pinched each one with great precision, waiting for Chen Luo to drill into the trap?

Can Ye Fei really do this?

Chen Luo gritted his teeth, in fact, he also felt unlikely, if this matter was really Ye Fei’s calculation…

Thinking about it carefully, Chen Luo couldn’t help but feel a chill on his back and feel a burst of pressure.

Chen Luo’s face was even more cold.

Chen Luo said coldly, “Whether it is Ye Fei or not, this time my plan has failed again.” ”

Chen Luo clenched his fists, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he threw a punch at the front!

In Chen Luo’s office hung a boxing sandbag that was as tall as a man.

Chen Luo waved his hand and punched out, hitting the sandbag hard, making a dull sound, and the sandbag was directly broken.

Seeing that Chen Luofa was so angry, Duan Qi was busy comforting him: “Brother Master, don’t worry about it first, in fact, we still have a chance.” Although it is because of Zhong Feifei’s matter that your new product launch is tied, at least I know the quality of the product of ‘Golden Bee Powder’. ”

“We just need to avoid the wind and release the ‘Golden Bee Powder’ after this time, I believe this Golden Bee Powder can still hit the market!”

Duan Qi was cheering for Chen Luo.

Chen Luo sighed, his face was gloomy, of course he also knew this truth.

In fact, although Zhong Feifei was unlucky and Chen Luo had suffered heavy losses, he was not completely finished!

He also has a chance to make a comeback!

Just wait a little longer, wait for Zhong Feifei’s scandal to fully ferment, and then re-release the new product ‘Golden Bee Powder’.

The only problem is to find a spokesperson again.

Although Chen Luo suffered heavy losses, but the matter had reached this point, it was only like this, and he still had a chance to rise again.

But Chen Luo didn’t know that Ye Fei wouldn’t even give him half a chance.


Red Face Company.

Halfway through the Su Qingzhu meeting, he learned the news of the exposure of Zhong Feifei’s scandal.

Suddenly, Su Qingzhu finally understood what Ye Fei said about Zhong Feifei’s ‘black material’!

Zhong Feifei, this woman, really has a big problem!

Su Qingzhu began to rejoice that he had listened to Ye Fei’s words and did not continue to let Zhong Feifei be an image spokesperson, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

When the executives of Hongyan Company heard that Zhong Feifei’s scandal had been exposed, they were all overjoyed and all relieved.

What a god to help the Red Face Company!

At this critical moment, Chen Luo’s new product launch became a laughingstock, and he suffered heavy losses.

The Red-Face Company was able to breathe.

The executives of Hongyan Company all thought that this time it was a coincidence, it was Tiansuke Hongyan Company.

But Su Qingzhu knew that all this was done by the man in front of him.

It is definitely Ye Fei who let Zhong Feifei’s scandal be exposed, so that the situation turned to the benefit of Hongyan Company!

Su Qingzhu announced the dissolution of the meeting, and let the executives all leave the room.

After that, Su Qingzhu walked over to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei sat in the corner of the conference room, and he chose a comfortable and quiet place to listen.

Su Qingzhu’s beautiful eyes looked at Ye Fei and asked Ye Fei for verification: “Ye Fei, Zhong Feifei’s things were done by you, right?” ”

“Well, I told you that Zhong Feifei doesn’t have to worry about it.” Ye Fei smiled lightly.

Zhong Feifei’s matter was just the beginning, and then Ye Fei’s most important and crucial killing move!

——————————————————————————–3 More-_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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