After listening to Bai Ruoxi’s words, Ye Fei’s look became serious.

Bai Ruoxi whispered, “I have checked the Violet Organization and found the murderer of that year.” ”

Violet Organization!

The Violet Organization is a large organization group located in the East Sakura Kingdom, and the killer who assassinated Bai Ruoxi’s father came from this organization!

Ye Fei had already told Bai Ruoxi about this organization.

Bai Ruoxi traced the murderer through the information given by Ye Fei.

The murderer who assassinated Bai Ruoxi’s father, code-named ‘Black Crow’, is a native of Higashi-Sakura and one of the top ace killers of the Violet Organization.

At that time, Bai Ruoxi’s father was because he offended a certain competitor in China, so he attracted the competitor to find the ‘Black Crow’ through the Violet Organization, so that the Black Crow attacked Bai Ruoxi’s father and caused an accident.

It has to be said that the Violet Organization is also miraculous, and without knowing it, the death of Bai Ruoxi’s father has become an accident.

At the beginning, Bai Ruoxi’s father’s death was a sensation in Yandu, and after many investigations, there was no clue in the end, and it could only be declared to be an accident.

But Bai Ruoxi certainly knew that her father’s death was not an accident!

Through various doubts, Bai Ruoxi has been tracking down the truth of his father’s death, but with the passage of time, the clues have become less and less.

Until Ye Fei’s appearance, let Bai Ruo see the dawn again.

Ye Fei gave Bai Ruoxi’s U there’s important evidence and clues about Bai Ruoxi’s father’s accident! The two most crucial clues are about the Violet Organization and the other is about the mastermind behind the killing of Bai Ruoxi’s father!

Because Ye Fei was familiar with the plot of the original book, he knew the truth about Bai Ruoxi’s father’s death, and he also knew who Violet organized and killed Bai Ruoxi’s father.

But Ye Fei did not directly tell Bai Ruoxi the final result, but only gave important clues to Bai Ruoxi.

Human nature is like this, people believe more in what they have personally explored.

Bai Ruoxi personally found out the information of the Violet Organization, which also made her more trusting of the clues provided by Ye Fei, and this time she took the initiative to invite Ye Fei to prove it.

“I also know a little about Violet’s organization, this organization is very strict, it is one of the oldest organizations in the world, and if you want to check their intelligence, you must be careful.” Ye Fei reminded Bai Ruoxi Dao.

Bai Ruoxi nodded slightly.

In fact, only a few of her confidants knew about the Violet organization, and even her brother Bai Yu was kept in the dark.

Because of this, Bai Ruoxi could not find anyone else to discuss this matter.

Only Ye Fei was an exception.

After all, from the beginning to the end, Ye Fei knew everything about this matter, and there was no need to hide from Ye Fei.

Bai Ruoxi also knew that Ye Fei was right, and the organization was extremely dangerous.

Killing her father unconsciously, leaving almost no clues, creating the illusion of an accident is enough to prove how terrible the Violet Organization is.

After a brief exchange between the two, Ye Fei already knew some of the information that Bai Ruoxi had found, such as the key murderer of the Black Crow.

Ye Fei asked, “Apart from the Black Crow, what else did you find?” ”

“There are still some clues being investigated, and there are already eyebrows, and I will tell you in a few days.” Bai Ruoxi whispered.

“Okay.” Ye Fei nodded.

Because of this incident, the relationship between the two has become a little closer.

“I’m going back to work, please send me a bit.” Bai Ruoxi’s voice was soft, and his red lips were lightly opened.

Of course, Ye Fei would not refuse such a small request.

Just now, in order to talk to Ye Fei about this matter, Bai Ruoxi had already asked the assistant to leave one step ahead of the other, and by the way, he asked the assistant to drive the car away.

Bai Ruoxi got into Ye Fei’s car.

Ye Fei drove Bai Ruoxi to the Bai Group.

He didn’t drive very fast and drove very smoothly.

It didn’t take long to reach the gate of the Bai Group.

When Ye Fei drove the car to the gate of the Bai Group, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he noticed some conditions in front of him.

It was a cool black McLaren sports car, parked on one side of the White Group gate, and next to the McLaren sports car, stood a handsome young man.

The young man looked lazy and untamed, holding a cigarette and sweeping his eyes around, as if paying attention to something.

Not far from the young man’s side, there were several good-looking beautiful women, and when they saw the young man, they took a picture of him and whispered excitedly.

“This little brother is really handsome, driving the McLaren supercar, the second generation of the rich.”

“Yeah, he’s handsome, and he’s got a good temperament.”

“Little Hoof, did you see that the handsome man couldn’t walk?”

Ye Fei squinted his eyes with interest, this young man not far away was Chen Luo, who had not been seen for a while!

Sure enough, the road was narrow, and I actually met Chen Luo here.

Chen Luo actually appeared at the door of the Bai Group, obviously this is not a coincidence, Chen Luo is likely to come to Bai Ruoxi.

With Chen Luo’s personality of liking beautiful women, plus Bai Ruoxi’s beauty, it is very possible.

In fact, Ye Fei really guessed correctly.

Chen Luo came to find Bai Ruoxi!

Chen Luo had suffered a huge blow in the past two days, and he hated Ye Fei to the bone, and he tried every means to think of ways to bring Ye Fei down.

However, the result made Chen Luo extremely disappointed, especially the Lei family did not know why, as he expected, did not put pressure on the Su family, but instead let the Su family go, which made Chen Luo confused.

Chen Luoke didn’t know that Ye Fei and Lei Yiming were in private contact, only that the Lei family’s pressure on the Su family was suddenly lifted.

This made Chen Luo so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Chen Luo’s abacus has failed one after another, not only that, his Meiling International Company has also plummeted, because the reputation of Zhong Feifei’s spokesperson incident has fallen to the bottom, and it is difficult to improve in a short period of time.

It can be said that Chen Luo’s crazy revenge against the Su family ended with Chen Luo’s comprehensive tragic failure!

Chen Luozhen was so angry that he almost smoked, but he still didn’t die and aimed his next target at Bai Ruoxi!


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