Ye Fei quickly got what he needed.

Just now, when Ye Fei and Chen Luo were fighting, some people around them took out their mobile phones to shoot and videotape, and also recorded the moment when Chen Luo started to move, and also recorded the tragic situation of Chen Luo being beaten by Ye Fei with a blue nose and swollen face.

One of the videos was shot by a good-looking girl, and Ye Fei got it with little effort.

With this video it’s easy.

Ye Fei thanked the girl, the girl shook her head with a red face, a pair of large eyes stared at Ye Fei, she was a little speechless by Ye Fei’s look.

Ye Fei was dumbfounded, and got the video and walked to Bai Ruoxi’s side.

“Go to my office first, you are not lightly injured, I will help you apply the medicine.” Bai Ruoxi whispered.


Ye Fei didn’t show any emotion, he agreed.

He was indeed injured, and it was completely hard to fight with Chen Luo, and Chen Luo’s strength was also very strong, and it was impossible not to be injured.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi entered the office building of the Bai Group.

Along the way, there are constantly employees of the Bai Group to say hello to Bai Ruoxi, and Bai Ruoxi’s position in the Bai Group is almost the same, and the right to speak is extremely large.

Led by Bai Ruoxi, the two soon arrived at Bai Ruoxi’s office, located on the top floor of the Bai Group building.

Bai Ruoxi made a phone call, instructed the female assistant to get the bruising oil and then invited Ye Fei to sit down.

Ye Fei sat on the sofa in his office and looked at his surroundings.

Bai Ruoxi’s office is generously and elegantly arranged, with pure mahogany furniture, antique color, and in the center hangs a calligraphy master’s letter, on which are written the four characters of ‘Hai Na Bai Chuan’, which is quite atmospheric.

“Your office is not quite what I thought it would be.” Ye Fei laughed.

Bai Ruoxi was silent for a moment before he whispered, “This is actually my father’s office, and since his death, this office has hardly changed, and the items and furnishings are all the same.” ”

I see.

Her father’s death was an unforgettable shadow for Bai Ruoxi, who had vowed to find the real culprit.

The furnishings of this office have hardly changed, and Bai Ruoxi wants to remind himself.

Bai Ruoxi seemed reluctant to talk about this topic more, but she was a little curious about the contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo: “What is the matter between you and this Chen Luo?” He seems to hate you to the bone. ”

“I’ve only ruined his good deeds a few times…” Ye Fei briefly explained the origin of the matter, starting with the Luo Weiyu incident.

After listening to what Ye Fei said, Bai Ruoxi’s impression of Chen Luo was even worse.

Bai Ruoxi said softly, “I didn’t expect that such a person was actually a disciple of that Wu Divine Doctor. But Chen Luo is so jealous of you, you have to be careful. At that time, there were many people who had received the favor of Wu Shen Doctor. ”

Bai Ruoxi kindly reminded Ye Fei.

“I know.” Ye Fei smiled, “But now it should be Chen Right.” Without him dealing with me, I will take the initiative to deal with him. ”

Passively waiting for Chen Luo to deal with yourself?

No kidding, this is not Ye Fei

“Then what are you going to do with Chen Luo?” Bai Ruoxi asked.

Ye Fei raised an eyebrow: “So concerned about me?” ”

Bai Ruoxi’s face remained unchanged, and he said softly, “We are allies, aren’t we?” ”

“Yes, it seems that choosing you as an ally is the right choice.” Ye Fei smiled: “Chen Luo currently mainly relies on his brother Duan Qizheng, and Qizheng Pharmaceutical is a first-class pharmaceutical enterprise in China. Duan Qizheng transferred his shares to Chen Luo, and also made Chen Luo the vice president of Qizheng Pharmaceutical. I’m going to do it with Qizheng Medicine first. ”

Ye Fei first wanted to collapse Duan Qizheng!

Duan Qi is Chen Luo’s most important helper, and at present, Chen Luo’s hardest and most iron patron in Yandu is Duan Qizheng.

Because Duan Qizheng had received great favors from Wu Shenyi, and was even accepted by Wu Shenyi as a named disciple, Duan Qizheng really paid Chen Luona’s heart and lungs, asked for money to give money, and asked people to give people.

If it wasn’t for Duan Qizheng’s support, Chen Luo would never have been able to mix so much in Yandu!

Therefore, Ye Fei must first prepare for the collapse of Duan Qizheng!

Duan Qizheng’s downfall was equivalent to Chen Luo breaking an arm!

This is the real breaking of his hand!

Bai Ruoxi thought thoughtfully: “I also know that Qizheng Pharmaceutical is Su’s biggest competitor.” Qizheng Pharmaceutical also has some business dealings with Bai’s family. ”

Bai Ruoxi and Duan Qizheng also have business dealings, so Bai Ruoxi is still familiar with Qizheng Medicine.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Luo found Bai Ruoxi, because the two families had cooperated.

“If needed, I can help you deal with the Qizheng Group.” Bai Ruoxi said softly.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked: “Actually, I already have a plan.” ”

Bai Ruoxi was slightly surprised, Ye Fei thought about how to deal with Duan Qizheng so quickly? It seems that he is also prepared.

Bai Ruoxi was really a little curious, how was Ye Fei going to deal with Chen Luo and deal with Duan Qizheng?

After all, Qizheng Pharmaceutical is a first-class pharmaceutical enterprise in Xuanhuang China, and its market value is also tens of billions, although it is not as good as Ye and Bai, but it is definitely not to be underestimated.

What should Ye Fei do?

Ye Fei saw Bai Ruoxi’s curiosity, and he deliberately sold a guanzi, saying, “Before this, let’s first be disgusted and disgusting.” ”

“You mean that video?” Bai Ruoxi asked.

“Yes.” The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth drew a hint of curvature: “Chen Luo is a man with small eyes and a very serious face, if this video is circulated on the Internet, he will definitely be angry when he sees his ugly side.” ”

Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help but wonder, although Ye Fei described it a little exaggerated, but it was also true.

Once this video is transmitted to the Internet, Chen Luo can’t be angry to death!

This was also Ye Fei’s purpose at the beginning.

His initiative to provoke Chen Luo this time was also the result of his careful consideration!

First, he wanted to test the gap in strength between himself and Chen Luo, and wanted to see how different his strength was with Chen Luo.

The result made Ye Fei very satisfied, although he was not prepared to take advantage of him this time, but Ye Fei’s strength was almost the same as Chen Luo’s, very close.

In addition, Ye Fei just wanted to take the opportunity to let Chen Luo lose face in front of Bai Ruoxi, and completely cut off the possibility of Chen Luo and Bai Ruoxi’s connection!

The result also satisfied Ye Fei, Bai Ruoxi had no good feelings for Chen Luo from the beginning.

At the same time, Ye Fei also got this video of Chen Luo being ugly, just to take revenge on Chen Luo!

It was time to take the initiative and let Chen Luo taste the pain.


These days the audit made my head bigger, many chapters have to be reviewed for half a day, try to restore the update tomorrow, more and more, it is really embarrassing. _

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