In just half a day, the video of Chen Luo and Ye Fei fighting was all over the Internet.

Zhang Mingle is indeed well versed in the hype of the entertainment industry, and he quickly topped this video on the list of hot searches such as Weibo, forums, etc., and the comprehensive playback volume of this video soon exceeded 10 million.

Comments, retweets, and other data are also strong.

Ye Fei was in his private villa at this time, he had just finished taking a shower, lying on the bed and brushing Weibo.

The video of Ye Fei and Chen Luo fighting is ranked fifth on Weibo.

The hot search keyword on Weibo is ‘Qizheng Pharmaceutical’s deputy general manager beating people’.

Qizheng Pharmaceutical is also a well-known listed company, and the news that Chen Luo beat people as a vice president has of course attracted the attention of many melon-eating masses.

Many melon-eating masses watched this video.

In the video, the clear-eyed people can clearly see that Chen Luo took the first shot against Ye Fei, and Ye Fei was ‘forced’ to take a shot and fight with Chen Luo.

The footage of the two people fighting in the video is very clear, and the entire video content is actually not long, that is, two minutes.

Especially in the end, Ye Fei gave Chen Luo that punch, directly kicking Chen Luo’s arm to the bone, Chen Luo’s half of his face was high and swollen, and the look of broken face was very miserable.

Suddenly, the video went viral.

Ye Fei casually clicked on the comment and saw all kinds of remarks from netizens.

“Sleeper, is this Nyima performing martial arts?” The force value of these two people is a bit terrifying. ”

“Laugh at me, this initiative to provoke things is the vice president of Qizheng Medicine, what is the name?” Active provocation was instead beaten into a pig’s head. ”

“It seems to be called Chen Luo, I have seen him once in the live broadcast before, and that time is also very funny.”

“It’s a shame to laugh at me.”

“Only I noticed that the other little brother was handsome?” Handsome and stylish, is my favorite type. ”

The comment area is very active, and this video of Ye Fei and Chen Luo has attracted the attention of the majority of melon-eating masses.

When Zhang Minle was hyping up the momentum, he specifically mentioned that Chen Luo was the vice president of Qizheng Medicine, and also smeared Qizheng Medicine by the way.

As a well-known pharmaceutical company, the news that the top management took the initiative to beat people is undoubtedly the negative news in the negative news, which has caused quite a bad impact.

On the same day, the stock of Qizheng Pharmaceutical suffered a sharp fall, and even fell to a halt.

In the video circulating on the Internet, Chen Luo not only started first, but was also beaten by Ye Fei’s lesson and his nose was blue and his face was swollen. The ugly appearance of Chen Luo’s blue nose and swollen face was made into various memes by many netizens, and ridiculed on various forums.

Chen Luo turned into an emoji.

The photo of his swollen nose and blue face, matched, made into an emoji. For example, ‘Come and single out’, ‘What to see, haven’t you seen a handsome guy’ and then come with ugly photos of Chen Luo, circulating on the Internet.

Chen Luo saw his face very well, and the reason why he broke with the Su family was also because Su Qingzhu’s attitude made him feel humiliated and could not hang on to his face.

Compared with his encounter with Su Qing, after the video of him fighting Ye Fei was uploaded to the Internet, these photos were made into memes, which was the real humiliation for him!

This is the real punch in the face!

And again, this is a great blow to Chen’s reputation.

Chen Luo is also a closed disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, and now he also has a head and a face in Yandu, and after these photos and memes are disseminated, he will surely become a laughing stock in the upper circles of Yandu.

This is inevitable.

Ye Fei saw that the Internet was full of Chen Luo memes, and his mood was suddenly more refreshed, and things were developing more smoothly than he imagined.

Ye Fei couldn’t wait to know Chen Luo’s reaction.

Just when Ye Fei was browsing the news on his mobile phone, his mobile phone was slightly shocked at this time, and Ye Fei looked at it, and it was Mu Zizhen who sent him a message.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen had not seen each other for a few days.

As soon as Ye Fei saw the message sent by Mu Zizhen, he saw that Mu Zizhen sent a video connection between him and Chen Luo.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile, it seemed that the speed of this video spread very quickly, even Mu Zizhen knew it.

Mu Zizhen sent a message and asked, “Did you make a move with that Chen Luo?” “At the same time, Mu Zizhen was paired with a ‘staring dog’ emoji, which was very cute.

Mu Zizhen likes to use emojis in online chats, and the expression is also a bit cute.

“Yes, you saw it.” Ye Fei replied.

“It was Xiao Ting who transferred it to me, this Chen Luo’s martial arts level is good, but you still won the battle…” Mu Zizhen sent out another emoji that “scared my little fish to dry up” to show surprise.

When Ye Fei saw the emoji, he couldn’t help but smile: “Well, I just happened to meet him today, and the result was to move…” Ye Fei explained simply, omitting the part of Bai Ruoxi.

Mu Zizhen was still very clear about Chen Luo’s identity, and she also knew that there was a contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo.

The last time Chen Luo and Ye Fei consulted and treated her grandfather, she was aware of it.

“You still don’t sleep at night?” Ye Fei looked at the time, it was already close to the early morning, and he couldn’t help but ask Mu Zizhen.

Ye Fei knew that Mu Zizhen’s routine was very simple, she hardly stayed up late, and every time she went to bed early. Today is an exception.

Sure enough, Mu Zizhen sent another emoji, which was a cartoon monster’s tearful expression, with the words ‘I’m too difficult’.

Mu Zizhen sent a message: “I haven’t slept yet, my stomach hurts a little, and I can’t sleep.” ”

“Stomach pain?”

“Well, the little glitches that fell before will be fine in a moment.” Mu Zizhen replied, with a pitiful expression.

“Just tomorrow I will acupuncture for Mu Lao and help you see the stomach disease as well.” Ye Fei replied.

Although stomach disease is a small problem, it is easy to cause serious diseases if the stomach is not nourished in time.

“Well, okay.” Mu Zizhen replied quickly and seemed to be a lot lighter.

Ye Fei chatted with Mu Zizhen for a while, and the two of them chatted mainly about some topics in martial arts. Mu Zizhen knew more about the situation in the domestic martial arts community than Ye Fei, and Ye Fei also wanted Mu Zizhen to help him judge Chen Luo’s martial arts strength.

According to Ye Fei’s description, Mu Zizhen judged that Chen Luo should be a martial artist with great internal strength, and he was also a little master in China.

Ordinary more than a dozen elite masters are not necessarily Chen Luo’s opponents, they are simply equivalent to martial arts masters.

And Ye Fei was almost at this level, no less than Chen Luo, and even in this confrontation he had the upper hand!


2 more ~~~~_

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