Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease was more serious than he thought!

Ye Fei took the pulse of Mu Zizhen, and with his medical skills, he could clearly judge Mu Zizhen’s condition. Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease was indeed more serious than he thought.

“Is it serious?” Mu Zizhen saw the expression on Ye Fei’s calm face, and she asked in a low voice.

Ye Fei said seriously, “Isn’t your stomach disease a day or two, and has not been dragging to the hospital for treatment?” It should be caused by long-term irregular diet, direct swallowing of overheated food, etc., at least two or three years. ”

Mu Zizhen stroked his hair and replied softly, “It’s been a few years.” ”

“You haven’t been to the hospital?” Ye Fei frowned.

Ye Fei’s expression was very serious.

As a doctor, Ye Fei had no distractions, and now Mu Zizhen was his patient.

Mu Zizhen’s head was slightly drooping, and her long eyelashes were slightly trembling, and she said, “I think it is a small problem, just bear with it, I didn’t go to the hospital.” ”

Just put up with it…

Mu Zizhen is indeed not an ordinary woman.

Although stomach pain is not the kind of extreme pain, it is always a faint pain, the pain is very long, and it is difficult for ordinary people to endure.

Ye Fei shook his head, “Although the stomach disease is small, it is difficult to treat.” Especially if you have a stomach problem for a long time. Now dragging on the treatment time, the problem will only get worse. You couldn’t sleep in pain yesterday, and you didn’t go to the doctor, really…”

Seeing Ye Fei’s serious expression, Mu Zizhen blinked her watery eyes, and she pursed her lips: “I know, so this is not to please you.” ”

Ye Fei said: “As the saying goes, ‘stomach disease is three parts, seven points of nourishment’, conditioning is very important. I’ll help you with acupuncture and massage first, and I bought some medicine this morning, and you will eat it first. ”

Ye Fei took out the boxes of ‘Stomach Kangshu’ that he bought, which were also the best medicines for the treatment of chronic stomach diseases in Xuanhuang at present.

Seeing the boxes of stomach medicine that Ye Fei bought, Mu Zizhen shook his head slightly, and his eyes became soft: “You still went out of your way to buy medicine for me?” ”

Ye Fei shrugged, he did not say that he bought the stomach medicine from the central city, but simply said: “Just across the street from your house, the big pharmacy bought it by the way.” This medicine you remember to take, according to the course of treatment three times a day, after meals. ”

Mu Zizhen nodded slightly.

Ye Fei said, “Your stomach disease has dragged on for a long time, so in addition to taking medicine, you also need to massage the acupuncture points, you sit down first, I will help you massage the acupuncture points.” ”

“Mm-hmm.” Mu Zizhen obediently sat down and sat in a correct posture.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but laugh dumbly, because Mu Zizhen’s sitting posture was actually a little cute, and there was a feeling of sitting in a row and eating fruits.

How can there be a woman who is not only charming, but also sometimes has a bit of cute attributes?

Ye Fei saw Mu Zizhen sitting in a dignified posture, sitting next to Mu Zizhen, and smelled a light and elegant fragrance. Ye Fei could be sure that Mu Zizhen did not spray perfume, but that her body was light and smelled very good.

“Raise your hand.” Ye Fei reminded.

Mu Zizhen lifted his slender wrist and palmed it upwards.

Ye Fei grabbed Mu Zizhen slenderly, the skin was slightly cool, but delicate as jade. Ye Fei grabbed her hand and grabbed Mu Zizhen’s palm, Ye Fei’s middle finger and ring finger were together, and the inner guan point of Mu Zigen’s wrist.

The inner guan point is about 2 inches away from the wrist in the direction of the elbow, between the two bones in the middle.

The strength of Ye Fei’s kneading is not small,

In an instant, Mu Zizhen’s good-looking willow eyebrows were slightly slighted, but she held back the pain, and her silver teeth bit slightly, and she didn’t say a word.

Ye Fei whispered, “It will hurt a little, you bear with it.” ”

“Okay.” This pain was nothing to Mu Zizhen, she just frowned slightly.

Ye Fei massaged the Neiguan Acupoint for about ten minutes, and there are many functions of the Neiguan Acupoint, one of which is to relieve stomach distension and regulate the spleen and stomach of the qi machine.

After massaging the Neiguan Acupoint, Mu Zizhen’s expression eased slightly, and he seemed to feel much more comfortable.

“There is also a middle navel that needs to be massaged.” Ye Feidao.

Mu Zizhen asked, “Where is the middle cavity?” ”

“On the stomach, the mid-umbilical cavity is at the position of about 4 of the midline above the navel.” Ye Feidao.

Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, didn’t this mean that she was going to be massaged by Ye Fei’s stomach? Mu Zizhen’s eyes were agile, his cheeks were slightly red, and he had a faint shyness in his heart.

This guy…

Mu Zizhen took a look at Ye Fei, only to see Ye Fei say solemnly, “Doctors don’t hide between men and women, Zi Zhen you just treat me as a doctor.” ”

Mu Zizhen hesitated a little before nodding his head slightly.

Ye Fei let Mu Zizhen lie flat, and Mu Zizhen’s long hair was scattered, lying on the bed, and his beauty was full of beauty.

Seeing that Mu Zizhen was lying well, Ye Fei’s index finger, middle finger, and ring finger were together, and the three fingers were together, squeezing the middle cavity of Mu Zizhen’s abdomen, the strength was not light or heavy, and he kneaded his stomach and abdomen for Mu Zizhen.

The touch in Ye Fei’s hand was as silky as milk, Mu Zizhen closed his eyes, and his face was only slightly red.

Ye Fei kneaded and massaged Mu Zizhen’s stomach for a while, and the acupuncture points of his massage were precise and moderate, and it took about fifteen minutes to finish.

“How does it feel now?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Ye Fei had absolute confidence in his medical skills.

Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease is indeed very serious, although Ye Fei massage can not be immediately eliminated and immediately obtained, but the effect of relief should be obvious.

Sure enough, Mu Zizhen stretched out her beautiful willow leaf eyebrows, and her eyes flashed joy: “It’s much more comfortable, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” ”

Ye Fei said, “You must massage these two acupuncture points frequently, and you should pay more attention to eating, eat less and more meals, avoid spicy, and don’t eat hot food…”

Ye Fei reminded Mu Zizhen.

Feeling Ye Fei’s concern, Mu Zizhen’s eyes were even softer, and her water-cut eyes looked at Ye Fei and said, “Well, thank you, Ye Fei.” ”

Mu Zizhen’s eyes revealed a hidden tenderness.

Ye Fei not only brought her stomach medicine, but also was also very careful when massaging and treating her, almost comprehensively, and Mu Zizhen felt very comfortable in his heart.

Ye Fei smiled: “A small matter, you remember to take the medicine on time, then I will go first.” ”

“Then I’ll send you.” Mu Zizhen got up and sent Ye Fei away from the Mu family’s courtyard.

Ye Fei waved goodbye to Mu Zizhen.

Before leaving, the system’s prompt sounded in his ears, and his experience value rose again!


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