In the blink of an eye, another 700 experience points were credited, and Ye Fei’s experience value at this time had reached 3300 points.

Ye Fei heard the sound of the system coming, and his mood was refreshed, especially comfortable.

At the same time, Ye Fei was also secretly thinking to himself: “Chen Luo should go to the Wei family or the Zheng family at this time to find the help of those two big men.” He most likely went to the Wei family, and the Wei family had a lot of energy in Yandu and had the ability to help Chen Luo reduce or even smooth out the trouble of the poison capsule incident. ”

The Wei family and the Zheng family are the two major families that owed Wu Shen a favor in the first place, and these two families are the top giants of Yandu.

Ye Fei guessed that Chen Luo would go to the Wei family or the Zheng family for help, after all, only these two top giants had the energy to help Chen Luo balance the impact of this matter.

Other families, such as the Lei family, are inferior to these top giants.

Of course, Chen Luo will definitely look for help from the Lei family in the end, after all, Lei Yiming’s father is the head of the Xuanhuang National Drug and Food Supervision Department, and he can help.

Between Ye Fei’s thoughts, he saw Su Qingzhu leaning against his side, his eyes slightly closed, and a faint fragrance came.

Seeing Su Qingzhu leaning on his shoulder, this iceberg beauty was amazing at this moment.

Ye Fei wrapped his arms around her slender waist and whispered, “Do you want to sleep for a while?” Don’t go to the company today. ”

“No, I must go, or I’ll be exposed.” Su Qingzhu whispered.

Su Qingzhu did not dare to look into Ye Fei’s eyes, she only felt a little ridiculous, in the past few years, she had never been late to work at the company.

But now, because of Ye Fei, she was ‘absent’ for half a day.

If you don’t go to Hongyan Company today, if it reaches Su Xiaokun’s ears, it will be exposed.

So Su Qingzhu must go to Hongyan Company.

“Well, I’ll send you.” Ye Fei laughed.

After Su Qingzhu got up and got dressed, after changing clothes, Ye Fei drove Su Qingzhu straight to the Su Group.

Sue Group.

Ye Fei sent Su Qingzhu downstairs and turned around and left.

And Su Qingzhu was looking at Ye Fei’s back and biting her mouth, she was a little frightened, she couldn’t help but shake her head, when did she actually become so sick and lost?

Su Qingzhu stepped on high heels and went to his office.

Su Qingzhu’s female assistant Xiao Li saw Su Qingzhu coming, and rushed to report to Su Qingzhu: “General Manager Su, you did not come this morning, this is some sales data of our company last week, as well as some information of Su’s headquarters…”

The little assistant saw Su Qingzhu, secretly Nahan, Su Zong What is going on, he didn’t come to work for half a day, this is the first time, right?

The little assistant looked at Su Qingzhu carefully, slightly stunned, and couldn’t help but blurt out: “General Manager Su, you are so beautiful today.” ”

Su Qingzhu held the jade hand of the information slightly, and the red lips lightly opened: “How beautiful?” ”

The female assistant whispered stunnedly: “I can’t describe it, I feel that you are particularly feminine today, and the whole person seems to be radiant…”

Su Qingzhu was slightly embarrassed, and at the same time, his face was slightly red, and he couldn’t help but think of a sentence: the moisture of love.

“Mr. Su, I’ll go out first when there’s nothing to do.” The female assistant said hurriedly.

The female assistant quietly withdrew from the office, while Su Qingzhu was looking at the information in her hand, somewhat absent-minded, and the figure of Ye Fei appeared in her heart.

Su Qingzhu thought of Ye Fei, she couldn’t help but upturn the corners of her mouth, and then patted her head, as if to drive Ye Fei out of her mind, all because of this bad person, delaying her work.

After ‘driving Ye Fei out’ of his mind, Su Qingzhu began to work seriously.


Time flickered, and three days passed.

The progress of Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu naturally goes without saying, during this three-day period, the stock of Qizheng Group once again suffered a sharp fall, falling for three consecutive days.

Since this period of time, the stock price of Qizheng Group Company has evaporated 40% of the market value, and the stock price is almost waist-bound, which is enough to show the bad impact of this incident.

However, after Chen Luo visited the Wei family, the Wei family actually helped Chen Luo.

Chen Luo specially issued a clarification announcement on the Internet, although the effect was not great, but the good villains can also be regarded as voices.

The Wei family helped Qizheng Group temporarily lift the seizure of the production line, and set the main responsibility for this poison capsule incident as the supplier supplying Qizheng Group.

However, despite this, the crisis of the Qizheng Group has not been lifted, but it has not made the impact of this poison capsule incident worse.

All that Chen Luo had done was just as Ye Fei had expected, and he was not surprised.

At this point, Qizheng Group has been seriously injured, because of the foul-smelling reputation of this incident, the market share of drugs produced by Qizheng Group will also be greatly reduced, and the brand will be greatly affected.

Moreover, Ye Fei also buried his back hand, and when the time came, he would give Chen Luo a fatal blow.


Early this morning, Ye Fei made an agreement with Mu Zizhen that he was going to the Mu family compound for Mu Lao’s acupuncture and to see Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease by the way.

Before Ye Fei went to Mu’s house, he bought a few boxes of stomach medicine.

When she arrived at the Mu family compound, Ye Fei saw that Mu Zizhen was trimming the flowers and grass in the courtyard, she squatted down, her long hair was pulled up, and her eyes were as agile as water.

Mu Zizhen wears a set of house clothes, still does not apply powder, but his plain face is enough to turn sentient beings upside down.

Ye Fei flew to the courtyard and smiled, “Didn’t you practice martial arts today?” ”

“I’ve already finished punching, and it’s you who came too late.” Mu Zizhen smiled lightly, Ye Fei was indeed more late today than usual.

Ye Fei took out the stomach medicine and handed it to Mu Zizhen, explaining simply: “I went to buy stomach medicine, and I delayed a little time in the middle. ”

Seeing those boxes of stomach medicine, Mu Zizhen’s heart warmed, put away the stomach medicine, and smiled as bright as sunshine: “Thank you.” I also know that you have been quite busy lately, and I have to trouble you to see me and my grandfather…”

Ye Fei smiled and said nothing.

Mu Zizhen said softly, “I see the news that Chen Luo has been in trouble lately, and Chen Luo has not moved much lately, as if he wants to deal with you.” ”

Ye Fei’s heart moved, and Mu Zizhen seemed to be very concerned about the contradiction between him and Chen Luo: “Ziyuan, you seem to be very concerned about me and Chen Luo’s affairs?” ”

Mu Zizhen’s smile was sweet, her eyes were as clear as the stream under the ice, and she smiled lightly: “No way, you can’t take someone’s stomach medicine for free.” ”


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