Lin Yufan was controlled by Black Five, who held Lin Yufan’s hand, and Lin Yufan could not help no matter how he struggled.

Lin Yufan’s face was livid, and he asked loudly, “Ye Fei, what are you doing here?!” ”

In a hurry, Lin Yufan directly called Ye Fei’s name.

After Lin Yufan was controlled by Black Fifth and others, he realized that the direction of things was completely unexpected by him!

Ye Fei glanced at Lin Yufan and looked at him condescendingly: “What do you think I want to do?” ”

Lin Yufan’s eyes turned, he wanted to scold out angrily, but he quickly retracted his anger and piled up a false smile: “Ye Zong, Mr. Ye, I think this may be a misunderstanding.” ”

People were under the eaves and had to bow their heads. Lin Yufan knew that Ye Fei’s comers were not good, and he was afraid that he would be in trouble today.

In this regard, Lin Yufan immediately had a false smile on his face, he knew that the more he was at this time, the more calm he became, although he did not know where he was exposed, but first fool this Ye Fei and then say!

Thinking of this, Lin Yufan said busily: “Mr. Ye, this must be a misunderstanding, if you feel dissatisfied, I will give you this “Blue and White Porcelain”, I will not accept money.” ”

This song was given to Ye Fei first, save his life, and then say!

Lin Yufan had a smile on his face, but in his heart, he already resented Ye Fei to the extreme.

Ye Fei looked at Lin Yufan’s clumsy performance, smiled lightly, and said in a loud voice: “Lin Yufan, where are you hiding that laptop?” ”

Where are you hiding that laptop?

This sentence immediately made Lin Yufan sweat coldly, and his pupils closed sharply, looking at Ye Fei in disbelief.

How does Ye Fei know this?

That laptop was Lin Yufan’s biggest secret, and when he got it, he was sure that he was absolutely not discovered.

Can…… How did Ye Fei know?

Lin Yufan’s face was miserable, he swallowed his spit, but he did not speak.

Black Five, however, very cooperatively grabbed Lin Yufan’s neck, pinched his neck, and pinched Lin Yufan’s throat.

No matter how Lin Yufan struggled, it was to no avail.

In the face of Ye Fei’s questioning, Lin Yufan certainly wouldn’t speak, because for him, that laptop was his biggest reliance!

Ye Fei stood in front of Lin Yufan and said lightly, “You don’t want to say? That’s fine, I’ll make you willing to talk. ”

“Black Five.”

“Young Master.” Hei Wu grabbed Lin Yufan’s neck and lowered his head as he headed towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s voice was very cold: “Send this guy to Liu Zihao, let Liu Zihao torture the whereabouts of his notebook, and send someone else to search Lin Yufan’s current residence.” ”

Ye Fei planned to hand over Lin Yufan to Liu Zihao.

Liu Zihao’s ability to torture and interrogate was a must, and the killer organized by Violet could not resist his severe torture, let alone Lin Yufan.

Lin Yufan’s willpower was also more ordinary than ordinary, and it could never be more difficult to deal with than a professionally trained violet killer.

“Yes, young master.” Black Five nodded immediately.

Ye Fei added, “Tell Liu Zihao, let him spit out the secret within a day, if he doesn’t say it… That would abolish him. ”

Ye Fei glanced at Lin Yufan coldly.

Lin Yufan’s body was cold, as if he were in an ice cellar.

Lin Yufan looked at Shangye Fei coldly, he knew that he was finished this time!

Obviously, Ye Fei knew everything about him!

Although Lin Yufan’s laptop had long been hidden by him in a secret place, Lin Yufan knew that he would definitely not be able to hide Ye Fei. What’s more, Ye Fei still had to send someone to torture him…

He’s finished!

“You, you…” Lin Yufan was pale and a little confused, he had never encountered this battle at all.

Ye Fei glanced at Lin Yufan and said lightly, “Lin Yufan, I will give you one last chance, if you tell me where that notebook is, I may be in a good mood and may be able to spare your life.” ”

Ye Fei actually said just that.

He would not let Lin Yufan go.

What a joke, he is a big villain, why let the protagonist go?

In the original book, Ye Fei was scared hard enough as a villain, and he had no reason to spare Lin Yufan. What’s more, Lin Yufan now has an incomparable hatred for him, and if Lin Yufan is let go, it will be a brain pit.

From the moment Black Five grabbed Lin Yufan, Lin Yufan’s fate was already doomed, that is, death!

When Ye Fei said these words, Lin Yufan seemed to be a little moved, but he still didn’t quite believe Ye Fei, he gritted his teeth, his face changed, and finally he shut up.

When Ye Fei saw this, he was not annoyed, but said, “Lin Yufan, you are still a bit backbone.” Black Five, take him away. ”

“Yes, young master.”

Black Five’s knife directly knocked Lin Yufan unconscious, and then several other bodyguards joined forces to drag Lin Yufan away and drag him to Liu Zihao.

Liu Zihao currently has a special wasteland on the outskirts of Yandu, and he is still in charge of interrogating the Violet Order’s killer.

Lin Yufan was dragged away.

Ye Fei sent several bodyguards to search Lin Yufan’s residence.

Lin Yufan’s laptop is most likely still hidden in Lin Yufan’s residence, as long as he finds the computer, Lin Yufan is worthless.

Ye Fei was bored to play with his mobile phone for a while, and after waiting for less than an hour, he received a call from another of his bodyguards.

“Young master, that laptop was found, and Lin Yufan hid it in a hollow tile.” On the phone, the bodyguard’s voice was rough and agitated.

Ye Fei’s spirit was lifted, and he didn’t expect it to go so smoothly.

But think about it, Lin Yufan’s residence space is very limited, as long as you look carefully, you can always find it.

“Very well, your salary has been five-fold this month, send me your laptop.” Ye Fei said lightly.

“Yes, young master.”

Half an hour later, the laptop appeared on Ye Fei’s desk!

It was a silver high-end laptop, Ye Fei opened the files in the computer in the office, and sure enough, he found countless classics from the earth!

From songs to scripts, from novels to variety shows… The whole nine yards!

Laptop in hand!



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