Ye Fei clearly remembered the plot in the original book.

In the original book, the rich second generation Ye Fei was obsessed with Su Qingzhu, and Chen Luo, the male protagonist of the original book, caused a contradiction.

Chen Luo was therefore jealous of Shangye Fei.

Ye Fei had become the object of Chen Luo’s face several times, and each time he lost face.

In the end, Chen Luo even wanted to destroy the entire Ye Clan in order to get revenge on Ye Fei.

Chen Luo relied on his master’s background, plus he became acquainted with several big men after coming to Yanjing, relying on the forces of all sides, Chen Luo stubbornly co-opted all parties and formed an alliance against the Ye family.

Of course, the Ye family is also a tree with deep roots, and it can still resist one or two at the beginning.

But along with the aura of the protagonist Chen Luo in the original book, all the way open, in the end, the Ye family could not hold back.

Especially in the end, Chen Luo also used a little means to make the two high-level people of the Ye Group defect, it was Ye Changhai and Huang He.

When Ye Changhai and Huang He rebelled, they worked within the Ye Group, causing several important projects within the Ye Group to go wrong.

The two held important positions in the Yip Group for many years.

Therefore, the rebellion of the two of them also caused the Ye clique to be seriously injured, and many important middle and high-level officials also fled, and people were panicked.

In the end, due to problems with important projects, the capital chain was broken and plummeted.

After that, the wall was pushed down by everyone, the Ye Group was investigated for some problems, and Ye Father and Ye Mu changed from top rich people with unlimited scenery to prisoners of the order.

The rich second generation Ye Fei in the original book was even more miserable, and was finally killed by Chen Luo.

The once glorious Ye Group fell apart, and Father Ye and Mother Ye accumulated a lifetime of wealth to make wedding dresses for others, all cheapening Chen Luo and his allies.

This is the plot of the original book.

All Ye Fei could do now was to first control the people with problems and prevent them from happening before they happened.

Speaking of which, Ye Fei believed that with Ye Father and Ye Mother’s business head trouble, he could definitely handle the two traitors Ye Changhai and Huang He.

Perhaps Ye Changhai and Huang He have no signs of betrayal now, but loyalty is absolutely unreliable, and it can be tested as soon as it is tempted.

“Xiao Fei, then I will go to the group headquarters first, and I will inform you of the news.” Father Ye has always done things with vigor and vigor.

“Okay.” Ye Fei agreed.

Father Ye and Mother Ye left together.

Ye Fei sat on the sofa in the living room, slightly relieved, after solving the internal hidden dangers, the next step was to rob Chen Luo’s chance!

In the original book, the opportunity for Chen Luo’s first rise was in the last two days.

This was also the reason why Ye Fei detained Chen Luo for ten days.

He wants to cut off the opportunity of Chen Luo!

This opportunity is indeed a rare opportunity for Chen Luo to rise.

According to the plot of the original book, Chen Luo will meet a very special woman.

Because this woman is very special.

Her name is Mu Zizhen.

Mu Zizhen’s identity is the granddaughter of a certain big man in Yanjing, a woman who can be called a red-faced disaster.

The special thing about Mu Zizhen is that she is not only the granddaughter of the big guy, but also very powerful herself. She has learned martial arts, sanda, firearms, equestrian and many other abilities, and has mastered each of them.

Her fighting level, strength, and even not inferior to the original book male protagonist Chen Luo!

Mu Zizhen learned martial arts from an early age, and when he grew up, he followed his grandfather in military training, so he practiced this good skill.

In the military, she was well-deserved all-rounder, and even at one point was hired as an instructor in a special forces because of her excellence.

Such a woman, who can conquer?

Even the male protagonist Chen Luo, after several pursuits hit a wall, hindered by her identity, did not dare to play small tricks, in the original book the two have always been ordinary friends together.

That is to say, this woman Chen Luo can’t figure it out.

The reason why Chen Luo knew Mu Zizhen in the original book was because when he arrived in Yanjing a few days ago, a vicious robbery occurred at the intersection of the Red Ring Road in Yanjing City!

Yanjing Red Ring Road is one of the more prosperous sections of Yanjing, and at the corner of the Red Ring Road is a gold jewelry store with a large façade – ‘Jinyi Jewelry’.

The jewel was targeted by several gangsters.

A total of five robbers rushed into the gold shop to rob gold and jewelry.

It is no coincidence that the book is not written, and these robbers in the original book are also blamed for their bad luck, and they just met Chen Luo and Mu Zizhen who was shopping.

Chen Luo and Mu Zizhen struck, and these robbers, without exception, were all arrested, and the cups were full.

Chen Luo and Mu Zizhen also knew each other.

After Chen Luo and Mu Zizhen met, Mu Zizhen knew that Chen Luo could heal, so he invited Chen Luo to treat his elderly and sick grandfather. Chen Luo only then got to know Mu Zizhen’s grandfather through the line of Mu Zizhen.

Then, when Chen Luo encountered several crises, Mu Zizhen’s grandfather came to his aid, so that Chen Luo could turn the danger into a disaster.

It can be said that Mu Zizhen is one of the key figures.

Therefore, Ye Fei tried to detain Chen Luo for ten days and let him miss the opportunity to meet with Mu Zizhen.

And Ye Fei himself, of course, could not let go of this opportunity to get to know Mu Zizhen, he wanted to turn Chen Luo’s opportunity into his own!

In the original book, Mu Zizhen herself has a light attitude towards any man, not a false color, she is a very character woman.

Therefore, Ye Fei only added the charm value when adding attributes, although Mu Zizhen could not fall in love with him at first sight, but leaving a good impression would help Ye Fei take the lead.


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