Seeing Wu Shenyi’s attitude, Ye Fei knew that this matter had happened!

Although Wu Shen Doctor is both medical and martial and has superior strength, Wu Shen Doctor also has weaknesses. Wu Shenyi’s character is too high and pure to tolerate any stains.

And what Chen Luo had done had already touched the bottom line of Wu Shenyi’s tolerance!

To know the heart of the healer’s parents, Wu Shen Doctor’s character is excellent.

Even if Chen Luo was still alive, if he really did such a thing, he would be painfully cleaned up by Wu Shen Doctor!

Wu Shen Doctor absolutely could not tolerate Chen Luo doing such a thing!

Therefore, Ye Fei knew very well that as long as Doctor Wu knew what Chen Luo had done and knew about Chen Luo’s evil deeds, Doctor Wu would definitely hate Chen Luo to the extreme!

This matter was already under Ye Fei’s control.

In the end, Dr. Wu Shen will definitely go to find out the truth, and Ye Feiren’s evidence is all in hand, and he is not afraid of Dr. Wu Shen to check the truth, because Ye Fei is also all the truth.

In the end, after Wu Shenyi found out that everything was really as Ye Fei said, he believed that Wu Shenyi would have his own conclusions at that time.

The greatest possibility is that Wu Shen Doctor will give up his accountability for Ye Fei, although Wu Shen Doctor must still have some knots and mustard in his heart, but in the end he is likely to give up targeting Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s attitude from beginning to end was particularly tough and full of confidence.

This is also Ye Fei’s own attitude.

To fight, be accompanied at any time!

After Ye Fei was promoted to Grand Master, his strength had changed dramatically, and with his current martial arts strength, he really wasn’t necessarily afraid of Wu Shen Doctor.

Of course, Wu Shenyi’s strength is not only because of his martial arts strength, but also because of his medical skills, as well as his vast network.

But the stronger Wu Shen Doctor was, the more Ye Fei couldn’t be instigated!

Wu Shen Doctor stopped his cup and sighed, “Since today’s matter has been said, then the old decay will also resign, Brother Wei, thank you for this hospitality.” ”

“Old Friend Wu, you haven’t eaten this wine and dish yet, so you are in a hurry to go?” Elder Wei said hurriedly, seeing that Dr. Wu Shen was about to get up and say goodbye, he shook his head and sighed.

Wu Shen Doctor reluctantly smiled and said, “After all, Chen Luo is my apprentice, and I want to investigate this matter thoroughly to the end, and I don’t want to delay it for a moment.” If my evil disciple really did something that harmed heaven and earth, it would be that I had no way to discipline him. ”

Doctor Wu Shen believed Ye Fei’s words fifty percent, and the others still couldn’t believe it, and wanted to verify it themselves.

“Since that’s the case, then Old Friend Wu please go to the toilet.” However, this matter is very important, and my Wei family can help one or two to investigate this matter. I can trust Xiaoye’s character, but this matter is somewhat complicated, and it is really necessary to investigate clearly. Elder Wei said.

“Exactly, please, Brother Wei.” Wu Shen Doctor said to Elder Wei.

“Old friend Wu is assured.” Elder Wei also promised.


Wu Shenyi arched his hand again, and he left with Shi Yun and Duan Qizheng, with some Xiao Suo on his back.

Before leaving, Ling Shiyun blinked her eyes and looked at Ye Fei carefully, as if Ye Fei had flowers on his face, and was obviously quite curious about Ye Fei.

Dr. Wu Shen and the others were gone.

Ye Fei was not in a hurry, the table full of wine and vegetables had not been touched, Ye Fei was hungry.

Since becoming a martial arts master, Ye Fei’s strength has rapidly become stronger, and his appetite has also become much larger. Just now Ye Fei didn’t move his chopsticks, and now he was hungry.

“Xiaoye, you are also not easy, it turns out that there are so many reasons for this matter.” Elder Wei saw Dr. Wu Shen leave, and he sighed and said.

Hearing Elder Wei’s words, Ye Fei smiled: “Chen Luoren has a set before, a set behind his back, he has no scruples in Yandu through the connections of Wu Shenyi, and many rich families have been deceived by him, including the Lei family, and the Zheng family is the same…”

Elder Wei nodded slowly, “I didn’t expect Chen Luo to be such a person, after Old Friend Wu investigated the truth this time, I was afraid that he would be extremely sad.” ”


Elder Wei said, “Well, let’s not mention this matter, let’s eat wine and vegetables.” ”

Elder Wei said, while greeting Ye Fei and Wei Dongqing.

Ye Fei was also unceremonious, eating food like a remnant of the wind at the moment, seeing that Ye Fei ate fragrantly, Elder Wei couldn’t help but have an appetite and ate half a bowl of rice more than usual.

Seeing the situation, Wei Dongqing smiled, “Brother Ye, you might as well come to our house often to eat in the future, so that my grandfather seems to be able to eat more than half a bowl of rice every time. ”

Wei Dongqing laughed like this, and Elder Wei also laughed, quite meaningfully, “I see that Xiao Ye’s strength has increased greatly, as if he has the state of a master warrior…”

“Grandmaster?” Wei Dongqing exclaimed in surprise and looked at Ye Fei’s eyes changed.

Grandmaster Warrior!

This is the top warrior.

Although Wei Dongqing did not learn martial arts, he had also heard about the power of the Sect Master Martial Artist, and he had heard that the Sect Master Martial Artist was a rare existence in the martial arts, and the Sect Master Martial Artist was superior in strength, which was by no means comparable to ordinary people.

There are even rumors that there is now a master-level warrior in the Xuanhuang Kingdom’s military, with a status like a military god.

The preciousness of the Grandmaster-level martial artist is evident from this.

And Ye Fei was actually a master-level martial artist?

Although Wei Dongqing had some doubts before, he didn’t dare to think about it, he would rather not believe his own speculation, because it was really amazing.

Seeing Elder Wei’s gaze full of deep meaning, Ye Fei also smiled, “Exactly.” I was also lucky to become a master martial artist because of the opportunity. ”

Elder Wei was slightly embarrassed at this moment.

Speculation is one thing, but confirmation is another.

However, what kind of person Elder Wei was, he had seen the wind and waves, and after being slightly shocked, he whispered, “It is true that a hero is a teenager, and such a young person is a realm master, and it is indeed extraordinary.” ”

“Elder Wei, you said with a smile.” Ye Fei replied with a smile, not humble, very humble.

Elder Wei took a deep look at Ye Fei, and after learning that Ye Fei was the Transformation Realm Master, his attitude and mentality towards Ye Fei also changed slightly.

After all, this is a twenty-something realm master!

Throughout the history of the Xuanhuang Kingdom, where are the twenty-something realm masters?

Ye Fei’s future achievements will be unlimited!

Rather bully the old, not the few!

Ye Fei’s future is unlimited, and he must make good friends!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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