Ye Fei made four dishes, each of which was unique and appetizing.

Mu Zizhen’s favorite is still the kung pao chicken ding.

Ye Fei’s kung pao chicken is cooked with full color and flavor. Based on chicken as the main note, it is cooked with peanuts and rice, cucumbers, peppers and other accessories.

This kung pao chicken is red but not spicy, spicy but not fierce, and the meat is smooth and crispy.

The fresh and spicy taste of the entrance reached the mouth, making Mu Zizhen feel that it was simply the supreme enjoyment.

It was so comfortable.

The corners of Mu Zizhen’s mouth cocked slightly, and he said with surprise and surprise: “Ye Fei, how on earth did you make such a delicious delicacy…”

Mu Zizhen’s eyes widened slightly, and he inquired about Ye Fei with great curiosity.

In fact, it was completely different from Mu Zizhen’s imagination, Mu Zizhen was really curious about how Ye Fei made such a delicious delicacy.

After making food with Ye Fei last time, Mu Zizhen also noticed that she didn’t seem to be good at making food, and she experimented again.

As a result, Mu Zizhen found a problem, she seemed to be really not good at making meals…

After Mu Zizhen tried to cook meals, she found that she really didn’t seem to be good at cooking, and although the meals she cooked could not be said to be unpalatable, she could barely be eaten, but compared with the meals made by Ye Fei…

The gap is really too big.

In this regard, Mu Zizhen can only be attributed to Ye Fei, this guy is a monster, he can do everything so well, even cooking and cooking.

Mu Zizhen ate the meal, although the action was still elegant, but the speed of eating was very fast.

Ye Fei’s dishes were so delicious that Mu Zizhen even ate half a bowl of rice more than usual, and after eating, she touched her stomach and was extremely satisfied.

Ye Fei blinked, smiled and asked, “Is it delicious?” ”

“Well, if you cook me food often, I’ll probably get fat soon.” Mu Zizhen held his chin and blinked.

“Now that you’re recovering from your injuries, you need to exercise more every day, so you have to eat more.” Ye Fei said with a smile.

Mu Zizhen’s injuries had indeed fully recovered, and after she re-became a military instructor, the amount of exercise had also increased, and this amount of food was actually nothing to Mu Zizhen.

After eating and drinking, Mu Zizhen also seemed to have a premonition, his face was red, and his smart eyes did not even dare to look at Ye Fei.

It was getting dark.

In fact, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen both knew that what would happen next. But Ye Fei also wanted to go step by step, and didn’t want to destroy all the impressions.

Ye Fei grabbed Mu Zizhen’s weak and boneless little hand, and saw that Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, and he also gently leaned into his arms.

“Last time your parents saw me. What is the impression? Ye Fei asked in a low voice.

The relationship between Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen was already public, especially since both of them had already met their parents, not to mention.

Hearing Ye Fei’s question, Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, and he replied: “The impression is very good, especially my mother, I really don’t know what kind of ecstasy you have poured into her…”

After Mu Zizhen thought of going home, He Qin pulled her to ask questions for a while, caring about Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen’s affairs, and at the same time being extremely satisfied with Ye Fei.

He Qin was not generally satisfied with Ye Fei, but felt that Ye Fei was the best choice in any aspect, and even said a lot of good things about Ye Fei, which made Mu Zizhen even more crying and laughing, and he couldn’t help but feel that Ye Fei really didn’t know what was going on, and actually made his mother so satisfied with him.

As for Mu Zizhen’s father, Mu Lingyun, he was also quite satisfied with Ye Fei.

At least from the current situation, Ye Fei is still worthy of Mu Zizhen in any way, if the two can really go to the end, Mu Lingyun can also be regarded as a thought, happy to see it succeed.

And Mu Zizhen saw that Ye Fei was recognized by his parents, and his heart was also sweet.

Ye Fei smiled, “No way, who called me so attractive.” ”

“You’re ugly.” Mu Zizhen gave Ye Fei a delicate white eye.

Ye Fei smiled and picked up Mu Zizhen, directly hugged her into his arms, and then smiled: “I am not a stinky beauty, even Zizhen you have such a high vision with me, indicating that I am indeed charming…”

The corners of Mu Zizhen’s mouth were upturned, and she couldn’t say what it was like in her heart, it was a little sweet, and looking at Ye Fei was full of tenderness.

Ye Fei smiled lightly and whispered, “In a few days, you can also go to our house, in fact, my mother has been nagging you for a long time.” ”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, she immediately saw Mu Zizhen’s face slightly red, and she hesitated slightly, “Go to your house…”

“Yeah, what’s wrong, don’t you want to?” Ye Fei smiled and blinked.

In fact, Lin Xue had indeed been chanting, asking Ye Fei to bring Mu Zizhen or Su Qingzhu and other women back to see. Lin Xue knew very well how attractive his son was now, and he also knew that at present, Su Qingzhu, Mu Zizhen and other women had an ambiguous relationship with Ye Fei.

“Yes, just a little embarrassed.” Mu Zizhen bowed his head and his voice was small.

Hearing Mu Zizhen say this, Ye Fei wrapped his arms around her slender waist and smiled, “What’s so embarrassing about this, the ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws.” ”

When the words were spoken, Ye Fei immediately changed his mouth again: “No, it should be that the beautiful daughter-in-law always wants to see the in-laws.” ”

Hearing this, Mu Zizhen’s heart was sweet, and his smile was bent.

Ye Fei wrapped his arms around Mu Zizhen’s waist and blinked, “Zi Yuan, it’s not too early in the day, are we…”

Mu Zizhen lowered his head: “Just had enough to eat…” Mu Zizhen seemed to be refusing, but the voice of rejection was very weak. In fact, Mu Zizhen had already secretly made a decision.

Ye Fei smiled and said in Mu Zizhen’s ear, “It’s okay, I haven’t eaten enough, I’ll come…”

Hearing Ye Fei’s meaningful words, feeling the hot air exhaled by Ye Fei when he spoke in his ear, Mu Zizhen’s face immediately turned red and he understood Ye Fei’s meaning.

Ye Fei hugged Mu Zizhen, and the two of them walked into the room.

Ye Fei also finally got what he wanted.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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