I Started The Game Shocked The Empress

Chapter 727: Nether Black Tortoise, Are You Qualified?

In the endless sea, the huge black shadow appeared on the sea surface. The entire endless sea was because of its appearance. The sea surface was ascending for an unknown number of meters. The surrounding coasts were washed away, countless houses were washed down by the sea, and countless cultivators were all. Was swept under the sea.

"I can't tell, this old bastard is really big."

Ning Tian frowned slightly, then glanced at a place, and with a big wave of his hand, the power of space instantly moved all the people in that place to a place where the waves could not be swept away.

And these people are people of the Promise God Dynasty.

Seeing that the old emperor had a good relationship with him, at least he couldn't just watch his former people being swept by the waves.

"All right…"

"It's time to go and see what is going on."

Ning Tian stretched his waist, and then stepped forward. Not far away, all the cultivators of the people of the Promise God Dynasty who were saved were stunned, looking at the slowly dissipating back figure on the sky. There was a look of awe.

Endless seas, silent sea abyss.

The so-called silence is gone here, the waves slap around, and the sound of piercing chains dragging can be heard. At this moment, the Nether Black Tortoise is already maximized.

Although the size is not comparable to the huge Flame Lion King, it can still easily cover half of the endless sea.

I saw it.

Its dark tortoise shell is like a giant moving island, and a dark light soars into the sky, connecting the tortoise shell island and the sky!

In the sky, dark clouds were surging, and a cloudy wind was blowing.

And faintly visible, under the pitch-black light beam, there are several figures appearing.

"Sure enough, he is from the ancient god Yuntu."

In the sky, Ning Tian used the law of space, stayed in the void, and used his divine mind to perceive everything outside. He also relied on the help of the chaotic aura to hide his own aura from the people of the ancient god cloud map.

"It seems..."

"They should be trying to extract the turmoil in it."

Ning Tian murmured. He discovered one thing. After the Tree of Unknown has absorbed enough turmoil, he can see at a glance whether someone else has this kind of energy, no matter how well it is hidden.

And under this dark beam, these ancient gods in the cloud map of the ancient gods all possess the power of turmoil.

"Two supreme ancient gods, one chaotic ancient god..."

"The ancient god Yuntu sent these three people?"

Ning Tian frowned slightly, and a glint flashed in his eyes. If there were only these three people, he might have the power to fight. After all, even the Chaos Ancient God would only be a catastrophe.


"There is also a huge aura, in this dark beam, that is, in the land sealed by the raging waves of the raging sea! This aura is at least the ancient god who dominates a star..."

Ning Tian's eyes fell on it, and the thoughts in his heart began to appear constantly.

If you want to solve these people, it’s best to do it now. Just take advantage of the fact that the ruling ancient god has not yet come out of the sealed land, and use the lock core replacement technique to lock it in, and try to steal the beam and change the pillar. The three are not his opponents at all!

And being imprisoned in the sealed land, the ruling ancient god he also has tricks to deal with!

after all…

In the sealed land, there is a breath of turmoil, and the breath of turmoil can strengthen the ancient god of the ancient god cloud map, and it can strengthen him even more!


"Break them one by one!"

In the void, Ning Tian murmured, and his figure slowly disappeared into the void.

And at the moment.

The three ancient gods didn't even notice the danger coming, their eyes all fell in the black light beam, with a solemn expression: "Why hasn't the ancestor Ming come out yet? It's been an hour. "

One of the Supreme Ancient Gods frowned and said.

"hold on."

"The ancestor Ming has been here many times and already has experience. There should be no trouble."

The ancient chaos god seemed very calm, he shook his head, and said to the two in a deep voice.

"I naturally believe in the old ancestor Ming. The main reason is... the god has always jumped his right eye recently, and I am a little worried... and the palace patriarch was still in the nine regions that day, the god doesn't want to encounter this ancient god assassin."

The supreme ancient god touched his beating right eye and couldn't help saying.

"Tiangong Patriarch..."

Upon hearing this, the other two ancient gods frowned, and there was a solemn flash in their eyes.


"Are you here, call me?"

at this time.

A figure quietly appeared behind the three of them, and the voice with a smile rang.


Heard this.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and the ancient god's aura burst out from the body in an instant. After turning around abruptly, they saw a young man dressed in black looking at them with a smile.

"Heaven...Tiangong Patriarch!"

"How did you come!"

The supreme ancient god with his right eye could not help but exclaimed.

"Why am I here?" Ning Tian chuckled and looked at several people with a smile: "I heard you calling, so I came."

The three ancient gods: "..."

Come on you!

If you ask you to come, you will come, your uncle's!

They were a little jealous, and they screamed in their hearts. Although they didn't know the specific strength of the Patriarch of the Heavenly Palace, but judging from the ability to slay the two masters of the ancient gods together with the God of Curse, Ning Tian's strength was definitely not low!

"It's no wonder that God's right eye twitched, and he had a bad premonition."

The Supreme Ancient God murmured.


"Your right eye is jumping? I have a way to keep him from jumping."

Ning Tian smiled and raised his hand, a ray of black air in his hand was perplexed, and he lightly pointed at the supreme ancient god.


A scream sounded, and the blood continued to shed.


The expressions of the other two changed, only to see that the supreme ancient god with the right eye jumped wildly, that right eye was actually corroded by a cloud of black air, and blood was flowing, even when the black air appeared, he had already done all the defenses. , But still hard to resist!


"So, don't you just stop jumping, right?" Ning Tian looked at him with a squinting smile. Although he smiled, there was a chill in his voice. I heard that your right eye was jumping? Now that you don’t have your right eye, don’t you know how to jump?



"This god wants you to die!"

The face of the ancient god who had lost his right eye changed drastically, and the aura of the Supreme Ancient God One Star continued to surge, and the Supreme Ancient God and the Chaos Ancient God beside him also surged towards Ning Tian.


"It's kind to help you, you still don't appreciate it, it seems..."

"I can only kill you."

Ning Tian shook his head slightly, a breath of death in his hand emerged, and swept towards the three people. The Supreme Ancient God was indeed very strong, but unfortunately, in Ning Tian's eyes, how dare a person lower than his Realm dare to attack him Ah?


"It's a mere one-star supreme ancient god, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to meet me."

[Send one chapter first, and the three chapters are finished with two thousand five words left, but... my classmate called me to eat, and I will post two chapters when I have finished eating. 】

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