I Started The Game Shocked The Empress

Chapter 729 Countless failures, replace the lock cylinder!

Netherworld Black Tortoise looked at Ning Tian with a look of fear. His mountain-like body was trembling, but it clearly remembered that Ning Tian almost cut its tortoise whip several years ago!

Without the tortoise whip, is it still a normal Black Tortoise?


When I see Ning Tian again, You Ming Black Tortoise will be so scared! Moreover, although it cannot see through Ning Tian's strength now, it can clearly perceive Ning Tian's horror from its aura!


"Little turtle?"

The corner of Ning Tian's mouth lifted slightly, revealing a nuclear-sound smile: "Didn't you just call yourself Uncle Black Tortoise?"


"I will always be a little tortoise in front of my ancestor." Netherworld Black Tortoise coughed dryly. When the cough was coughing, even the sea was throwing up a stormy sea, and it was this kind of behemoth that he called himself a little in front of Ning Tian. Tortoise.

Nether Black Tortoise is not only instinctively afraid of Ning Tian, ​​but also has the seal technique left by Ning Tian in his body, which can be regarded as its half master.

"Count you acquaintance."

Ning Tian chuckled lightly, his indifferent gaze fell on Nether Black Tortoise, his hand was already facing Nether Black Tortoise, and he lifted slightly, he said lightly: "I am here today to give you a surprise and make you a brand new Of you."

When this sentence falls.

The technique of replacing the lock cylinder has been used silently.


"Become brand new... Me?"

Nether Black Tortoise was stunned for a moment, watching Ning Tian's raised hand, the surge of strong energy like thunder and lightning, he could not help swallowing the saliva, the small island that the turtle shell turned into was constantly trembling at this moment.

This is not...surprise, but fright! ?

Although I don't know what the ancestor said, but looking at the terrifying thunder and lightning power, it knew in its heart that there was no good thing.

[You were shocked and scared and cried Nether Black Tortoise. 】

【Beginning of the Way of the Royal Beast Ascension, the way of the Royal Beast has moved from the holy way to the divine way. 】

In mind.

The sound of the system fell.

"The Way of Royal Beast?"

Hearing these words, Ning Tian raised his brows slightly. The way of imperial beasts has long since been cultivation, and he did not expect to have reached the level of sanctification a long time ago. It should be when he was in charge of the Flame Sealed Lion King. By the way, ascension. .


Now that you have a way to guard against beasts, it would be better to completely subdue the Netherworld Black Tortoise first, perhaps this will make it more convenient to replace the lock cylinder.


He is already half the master.

"Nether, listen to the array music." Ning Tian looked at the Nether Black Tortoise, then waved his big hand, Xianle Guzheng appeared in front of him. At this moment, he doesn't need his own hands to play the sound of the imperial beast, just use divine thoughts. .


Netherworld Black Tortoise froze for a moment.

Originally in surprise, the Patriarch called its name, but the next second when the beast's sound sounded, the look in the eyes of Netherworld Black Tortoise suddenly became sluggish, intoxicated in fairy music.

When the Jue Xian Guzheng was played by God's thoughts, the music and the way of beasts rang at the same time.


Zheng! Zheng~

When the music sounded, Ning Tian found something wrong. There was also a sound of imperial beast in the Netherworld Black Tortoise. Although the rhythm of the two imperial beast sounds was different, the essence was the same.


One is to control the Nether Black Tortoise, and the other is to counter-control the Nether Black Tortoise.

"Ancient God Yuntu, there are actually people who master this kind of beast-repelling music..."

Ning Tian squinted his eyes. The sound of the imperial beast is very similar to his in essence. Logically speaking... his imperial beast's voice should be unique in the entire Profound Sky World...

"what the hell is it?"

Ning Tian frowned, and when he was about to think about it, his brain suddenly went blank, as if there were countless voices in his mind: "Failure...failure...failure...failure...I failed again..."


This weird and constantly overlapping sound only lasted for a few seconds before it disappeared.


There was already a cold sweat on Ning Tian's forehead, and he murmured. He wanted to think about it, but he didn't know anything.

"Damn it..."

"What is going on?"

He shook his head fiercely, and the dizziness was thrown out, and then he looked at Nether Black Tortoise. At this moment, his divine mind was already playing Jue Xian Guzheng, and the heavenly joy in Nether Black Tortoise had dissipated. many.

Maybe it's because of the long time, or maybe it's because of the power of Ning Tian's Voice of the Royal Beast.

A few minutes later.



Netherworld Black Tortoise showed a huge momentum, and then Jue Xian Guzheng Xianle stopped, Netherworld Black Tortoise had already imprinted his mark.


"Now, Netherworld Black Tortoise is my second top Demonic Beasts."

Ning Tian murmured.

Then, the strong power that resembled thunder and lightning in his hand emerged again. Now that he has taken control of the Nether Black Tortoise, the lock core replacement technique to be performed next should be much simpler.

"Netherworld, next, don't move around."

Ning Tian gave an order. After hearing this, Netherworld Black Tortoise was a little scared, but he didn't dare not listen to Ning Tian's order and could only nod his head.

"Netherworld Black Tortoise is an invisible lock, and that invisible lock needs to be revealed." Ning Tian's eyes fell on Netherworld Black Tortoise's body and murmured faintly.


The thunder-like power in his hand blasted towards the tortoise shell of Nether Black Tortoise with a palm!

At this moment, Ning Tian is in charge of thunder and lightning, and he wants to forcefully blast out the tortoiseshell lock!


Seeing this scene, Netherworld Black Tortoise exclaimed, and quickly retracted his head, and when this thunder and lightning punch was about to hit, the black breath on the tortoise shell gradually flowed out.


"Even the power of this lock... is the energy of the breath of movement."

Ning Tian squinted his eyes.

On the tortoise shell, the black breath condensed into a pitch-black lock, which was hundreds of meters long, and the invisible lock was locked by a chain of iron chains, and these chains not only locked the black lock, but also locked it. The Netherworld Black Tortoise.

"Since it's transformed by the power of turmoil, then... it's much simpler."

A chuckle appeared at the corner of Ning Tian's mouth.

If it is other simple energy, it may be a little difficult for him, but...this is the most complicated movement. The energy of chaos is the simplest for him.

"Use darkness as the lock and movement and chaos as the core."

"Change it."

Ning Tian raised his hand, his left hand controlled the amount of lightning power that was changed, and his right hand was a cloud of black energy...this is the power of movement and chaos.

When the power of the two gathered together, the iron chain that locked the Netherworld Black Tortoise began to make a weird sound, and the Netherworld Black Tortoise was also constantly exuding the power of movement and chaos.



In an instant, the endless seas raged, and even the Netherworld Black Tortoise burst into a roar. Obviously, this change of the lock cylinder also reacted greatly to it!

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