“Hahahaha! Hahahahaha! ”

“We, we’ve finally arrived!!”

In the east of the Demon Energy Empire, 250,000 demon troops experienced many obstacles from the forces of the Demon Energy Empire, and they finally passed through the entire territory of the Demon Energy Empire.

But because of the losses in the battle along the way, the 250,000 demons were only more than 90,000 left at the moment.

Tripp trembled his hands and looked at the extremely steep stone wall that stood not far in front of him, like a huge wall.

This is the Mountain Range of Heaven’s Wrath.

It looks like a wall that stands 10,000 meters high on the ground, and the whole thing is gray and black.

“Is this the eastern end of the Roryland continent?”

Unlike the extremely excited demon soldiers, Trip, the Prince of the Bullhead, was in a heavy mood.

Because, this one is too easy to reach.

That’s right, it’s too easy to reach, although their 250,000 troops fought all the way, across the entire Demon Energy Empire, and only more than 90,000 people died, but Tripp still felt that it was too easy to arrive.

They are demons, and the Demon Empire will not listen to them and obediently let them pass, they can only fight.

And ordinary humans?

It only takes a few months for ordinary humans to get here, but why, why hasn’t there been a single word of the back of the wall for ten thousand years?!

Although this mountain range of heavenly punishment is high, it is not impossible to fly up and take a look with all its strength.

But why hasn’t there been a trace of news from the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range for more than 10,000 years?!

The bull-headed prince Tripp soared into the sky and took off in an instant.

His speed is very fast, and the whole person is constantly flying upwards!

Five hundred meters height, one thousand meters height, two kilometers height, five kilometers altitude.

Prince Niutou felt that his physical strength began to struggle a little.

Six thousand meters high… Bang!

With a muffled sound, the rising Bullhead Prince seemed to have touched some invisible wall, and instantly fell from the sky!

After his body fell rapidly and fell free for three thousand meters, the Prince of Bullhead barely managed to maintain his flight, he reversed his direction and levitated in the air, his eyes looking at the sky in shock.

He knew why nothing had ever come out of the other side of the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range in ten thousand years.

At a height of about six kilometers in the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range, there is a magic barrier!

And it seems that I am afraid that this magic barrier has wrapped the entire periphery of the Eastern and Northern Regions along with the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range!

The outer regions of the Western and Southern Regions are all seas, and only the outer regions of the Eastern and Northern Regions are all the same land.

Trip’s eyes widened and he soared again.

However, this time he calculated the height, and when he reached about five kilometers, he slowed down significantly, constantly testing the invisible barrier.

Six kilometers in height.

Trip’s hand touched in the air, and this touch touched an invisible wall.


Trip’s eyes widened angrily, and the magic power in his body gushed out, and through his hand, it began to rush to this magic barrier in the sky.


With a hum, in an instant, along with Trip’s magic power pouring in, countless wonderful magic patterns instantly appeared out of thin air in the sky.

It’s as if these magic patterns naturally grow in the air.

Shock appeared in Trip’s widened eyes, accompanied by this trace of surprise.

Because, this formation he knows!

Prince Niutou of the Telin Clan, one of the demons born on the last group of demons on the World Demon Tree ten thousand years ago.

And the magic patterns that appeared in the air in front of him were exactly the same as the natural patterns on the World Demon Tree that Tripp saw ten thousand years ago!

“I know, I know, it should be done!”

There was excitement in Trip’s eyes.

His hands began to gesture in the void.

With his gesture, a corresponding wave of magic was activated.

And the countless wonderfully suspended patterns in the sky began to change and move.

It was as if Tripp was solving some puzzle.

About half an hour later, Tripp landed from the sky.

There was excitement on his face.

Untie a third!

Just go up and unlock it twice, and he can open a passage!

He Tripp may be the only person in this human world and the demon world who knows what it is like outside the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range!

Tripp is currently in a state of extreme excitement.


The last time Tripp went to the sky, he was sweating and manipulating his magic, looking at the magic patterns that were constantly being removed in the sky, it was already fast, as long as he moved a little, a passage for him to fly over appeared.

Finally, among the seemingly infinite magic runes in the sky, a one-size-sized blank space finally appeared.

Tripp flew by in surprise!

This time he was not hindered in any way.

Seven kilometers, eight kilometers, nine kilometers ….. 10,000 meters!!

It’s arrived!

The Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range was really 10,000 meters high!

Tripp endured the endless cold above 10,000 meters, and a thin layer of frost formed on the surface of his skin.

He continued to fly forward, wanting to cross the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range.

On the mountain range of heavenly punishment, it is very flat, like a huge platform.

The Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range is 10,000 meters high and thousands of meters thick.

Tripp landed on the edge on the other side of the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath of the cold air.

He opened his eyes and wanted to see what kind of scenery was behind the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range, and when he looked down at a height of 10,000 meters, he could overlook countless scenery.

He is fortunate to be able to be the first person, overlooking the new world, the scenery of the new land!

However, at this look, Tripp was completely stunned, his mouth slowly expanded, his eyes widened, and his pupils narrowed greatly.

The whole person trembled irrepressibly in an instant, as if he had seen something, a frightening scene that he would never forget!

“It turns out….. Originally…… Here it is…. The secret of the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range…..”

Trip’s body trembled, terrified, and painfully uttered the next sentence: “It turns out… Our Demon World, and the Lorryland Continent…..”

“It’s actually a world!”

Dr. Luo Hua looked at all the colleagues in the laboratory, and he said very seriously.

All the researchers looked at Dr. Luo Hua with a serious face in amazement and shock.

The wind was howling, and Tripp stood alone on the edge of 10,000 meters in the air, his eyes wide open, looking at the unobstructed scenery beyond the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range.


Extremely deep darkness!

Countless black silt-like substances covered the entire world outside the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range!

And the tall and incomparable Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range was like the last wall to block the flood, blocking all those incomparably deep dark substances in the periphery of the Roryland Continent!

And the Lorryland continent is like an island in the sea.

They are constantly flowing, wriggling, and lapping against the walls of the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range.

In the distance, there was also the half-amputated body of this huge black shadow that was 10,000 meters tall, deeply buried in the countless black profound substances!

World Magic Tree!!

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