
Seeing Tanjiro of Your Bean, a smile appeared on his face.

If you are allowed, Your Bean can be recognized at the Pillar Meeting and you can continue to stay in the Ghost Killer Team, which is the best result for Tanjiro.

Holding Youdouko’s hand, Tanjiro smiled and narrowed his eyes into a line.

My wife Zengyi, who is nestled in the quilt, stares at Tanjiro with a gaze that only a tenth-level grudge woman can have, and he will also take your bean’s hand!

However, Senior Qingshan stood in front of him, he only had the heart to think about it, and he did not dare to do it.

The slap on his face that had just been thrown by the caretaker was still hot and painful, and my wife Shanyi felt that he was a poor child, no one hurt, no one loved, and no one wanted to marry him!

Tears flowed out, and the quilt was soaked.

Zhang Qingshan couldn’t stand his pitiful look a little, “Shanyi, do whatever you want!” ”

“Really?” My wife Shanyi lifted the quilt and sat up.

Zhang Qingshan nodded and added: “In addition to approaching Your beans, you can go up to the moon for nine days and catch turtles in the five oceans!” If you need help, you can squeak as much as you want! Seniors still love you very much. ”

My wife Shanyi, who had just piled up a smile on her face, suddenly collapsed her smile.

If you can’t take your bean’s little hand, can’t get close to your bean, can’t rest your head on your bean’s thigh, what’s the point of him doing other things?

Sure enough, the bad guys who stand in the way of themselves and Youdouko, in addition to Tanjiro, the biggest bad guy is Aoyama-senpai Enmmm…

There was a knock on the door of the ward.

“Moxi Moxie~ Can I come in?”

Hearing this gentle voice, even if Zhang Qingshan didn’t turn around to look, he knew that the person who came was Butterfly Shinobu.

Behind Butterfly Shinobu, the caregiver just now appeared, pointed to my wife Shanyi on the hospital bed, and said, “Lord Butterfly!” It was this pervert who grabbed my hand and said I liked him and wanted to marry him! ”

The caretaker said angrily about my wife’s ‘crime’ about her wife.

Just after leaving, the more the caretaker thought about it, the more angry she became, the more angry she became, the more she couldn’t let this pervert go, and she had to let him be punished, and turned around and told Lord Butterfly about it.

Butterfly couldn’t help but expect that there were such interesting people on the side of his butterfly house.

Came to my wife Shanyi’s hospital bed, with a shallow smile on his face, stretched out a finger, swung it left and right twice, and said: “Shanyi, it’s not good to grab a girl’s hand indiscriminately~”

My wife, Shanyi, who had tears in the corners of her eyes, sniffed her nose and sucked back the snot that often flowed out, revealing a face of grievances.

“I, I, UH… I see…”

The smile on Butterfly Shinobu’s face was a little bit

Tanjiro on the side has a black line on the brain.

Ask God, who can save my wife?

Intuition told Zhang Qingshan that this kid might be beaten, and maybe he might be beaten not lightly.

My wife Shanyi still doesn’t know what situation she is in now, but she only feels that the butterfly in front of her is gentle and generous, and her voice is good, which makes him feel a fluttering feeling when he listens to the whole person.

Seeing that he didn’t let go of his hand for a long time, the butterfly was not in a hurry to withdraw his hand, and continued to speak: “Can you tell me why you don’t cooperate with drinking medicine?” ”

Holding the butterfly’s soft and slender hand, my wife was completely trapped in the bubble of happiness and could not come out.

Hehe smiled and said, “The medicine is too bitter, but can I rest on your lap and drink the medicine again?” ”

Tanjiro was shocked by these words and couldn’t say a word, this kid, I’m afraid that the residual poison in his brain is not clean!

The caretaker on the side was frightened and the whole person wandered for nine days, this pervert! I’m afraid it’s a fool, I dare to be so unreasonable to Lord Butterfly.

Butterfly Shinobu who heard this still had a smile on her face, but a murderous aura emanated from her.

Zhang Qingshan took a few steps back, retreated to Your Bean’s side, and blocked Your Bean’s big eyes with one hand.

The next scene should be violent, mixed with a little blood, not suitable for simple and cute You Bean to watch.

Only listening to the boom, my wife’s bed split in two, and he fell from the bed to the floor, his hands still holding it.

Butterfly Ren slowly put away the dangling knife in his hand, and greeted my wife Shanyi with a left hook punch, and the black circles under her purple and black eyes instantly ‘painted’ my wife Shanyi.

With a crackling mad output, my wife Shanyi was beaten up on one leg and weakly pedaled in midair.

It’s not that he doesn’t fight back, it’s that he doesn’t have the ability and time to fight back, everything comes too suddenly, and when he is beaten, there is still the residual warmth of her hand in the palm of his hand.

Butterfly Shinobu, who turned around, smiled at Aoyama and Tanjiro and patted his head lightly, “Ah! It’s a bit heavy~”

The corners of Tanjiro’s mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at my wife Shanyi on the ground, not ‘a little heavy’ but very heavy!

The nursing lady hurriedly ran out and called someone, lifted my wife Shanyi on the ground from the ground and carried her to another undamaged hospital bed.

“Pay attention to oh, there are several fractures on his body, and it must be lighter when bandaging, otherwise it will hurt!” Butterfly endured a warm reminder.

This woman is so terrible.

Tanjiro once again refreshed his understanding of butterfly Shinobu in his heart.

The residual poison is still unclear, and now it has been beaten into multiple fractures, and my wife Shanyi is lying on the hospital bed in tears, so sad that she can’t help herself.

The evil world is always more cruel to itself!!!

You bean peeled off the hand blocking his eyes, looking puzzled, what just happened?

“Hmm?” Turned around and tugged at Brother Qingshan’s clothes, why did he want to block his eyes, his small expression showed that he was not very happy.

Zhang Qingshan touched Your Bean’s head soothingly.

Butterfly Shinobu stepped forward two steps and approached Tanjiro’s hospital bed, and Tanjiro’s whole body froze, holding his breath, and his face was nervous and sweaty.

Seeing him look so nervous, Butterfly couldn’t help but hide his mouth and chuckled, “Tanjiro, don’t be nervous, I’ll just look at your injuries, I’m willing to get along with everyone.” ”

“Yes… It’s…” Tanjiro was half incredulous of her words, what happened to Zengyi just now, he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

After checking Tanjiro’s injuries, Butterfly Shinobu smiled at Zhang Aoyama as he left, and did not say anything extraneous.

Zhang Qingshan frowned slightly, turned his head to look at the door of the ward, and no longer saw the figure of butterfly Shinobu.

PS: Say hello to the family! Xiaomengxin work hard, come on! Please support your family! _

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