I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

100 Kaido, Hurry Up And Deliver It! (Please Subscribe!)

"Long live world conquest!!!"

“I didn’t expect that such a day would actually happen. It’s really great!”

"Will world conquest really come? I really thought they gave up here completely!"

"It seems that this Tianlong King is still a man of his word. I just don't know what they are going to do here. Could they just be interested in our forging technology?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can drive that general away, no matter what we do, it will be worth it!"

Today is definitely an unforgettable day for the people of Wanokuni.

This country has always been closed to the outside world, and its culture is very conservative and independent.

Therefore, even now, they actually have no particular favorable impression of the so-called "world conquest" from the outside world.

But not long ago, when they saw this large army of thousands of people walking all the way from the sea, the people on their side were completely stunned.

But then, there was uncontrollable ecstasy!

They actually came?!!!

Some time ago, World Conquest sent a notice, saying that it would open the country to Wanokuni. Of course, it was not by violent means, but it was hoped that 433 Wanokuni could join the Allies of World Conquest and change the current closed status quo.

The reason is not clear, but it should be related to the newly promoted "Dragon King", because he seems to be planning to come in person.

I originally thought it was just an exaggerated description, but now it’s actually true!

If it was a few years ago, maybe if the world was conquered, they would be very repulsive.

After all, why should outsiders interfere with their own affairs?

But now, they are eager for the conquerors of the world to take care of it!

There is no way, Wanokuni is too chaotic now!

Kurozumi orochi had taken over the position of shogun before, how much they hated this man.

And when His Highness Oden came back, they were extremely excited.

...But unexpectedly, His Highness Oden actually recognized Orochi's status, and he danced naked under General Orochi's house every week!!

All the original hopes turned into a dream.

At first, I thought he might have been coerced or possessed by something strange.

But it was like this day after day, and everyone lost confidence in him.

There is no way, how can a person who is drunk and doing crazy things all day long be trustworthy?

Therefore, when they heard the news about the coming people to conquer the world a few days ago, they were really excited and scared.

They are afraid that the world will be conquered just for their technology. If this is the case, maybe they just want to negotiate business with the general. In that case, they will be in trouble!

"Please be sure to remove the current general!"

"Just let me out! I don't want to stay in this place ruled by that kind of general!"

"Can we elect a new general ourselves?!"

Therefore, they must now inform the world of their purpose of conquest!

No matter what, now that the big snake has escaped, this is their only chance!!

"We understand. Please don't be so excited. The Heavenly Dragon King is inside to understand the situation and will try his best to give you a satisfactory answer.

"I'm not trying my best, I'm asking you to do it! If you don't want it, this country will be doomed!"

"Yes! I really beg you!"


It seems that the situation is really critical.

Looking at these warriors, each of them had a look of eagerness and sincerity on their faces. The Marines who were now blocking the general's mansion couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

They just came directly from the sea.

I have to say, Miss Acedes is really terrifyingly strong, everyone was so frozen along the way, and the range and intensity were so exaggerated.

Moreover, she didn't seem tired at all, and Kikihara seemed to be quite bored!

It can only be said that the gap between people is really too big.

And now, the people of Wanokuni began to rush out.

Guri, Tuwan, Nozomi, Flower City, Suzuo, Bai Wu…………

Except for the most mysterious "Ghost Island", it seems that most people in the remaining areas already know about this matter and are rushing here in a hurry.

This is not about coming for reinforcements [or a trap or anything like that.

But I really hate this general now!

When they came over at first, there were some city guards blocking them, but Miss Albedo and Miss Acedes took action directly and got rid of those people!

Then continue forward and negotiate directly with the general.

....To be honest, it seems that there is no meaning of "negotiation"?

But along the way, they had no intention of stopping, and the journey was smooth.

But when they arrived at the General's Mansion, they found that the other party had actually escaped!

What kind of general is this?

The Marines, who originally thought there would be a big battle, felt a little depressed in their hearts.

After all, I heard that everyone in Wanokuni is extremely xenophobic, so they are also worried about fighting the local residents.

As a result, after discovering that the general had escaped, the people were very excited and rushed to spread the news, and they all rushed to the Flower Capital.

How annoying is this general?

It seems that their coming to liberate this place is not a bad thing.

It's a bit confusing that the current Heavenly Dragon King actually chose to stay directly in the Shogun's Mansion instead of chasing the Kurozumi Orochi.

You know, even if you occupy this place now, it actually doesn't make much sense.

As long as they are still there, they can come back at any time.

They can't decide everything about this country on their own, right?

It is very important to "justify the name" and not allow outsiders to leave any excuse for world conquest.

However, Tianlong King seems to be very calm now, not panicking at all, everything is waiting quietly...

Of course, there may be reasons.

The most troublesome place is on Ghost Island itself.

Kaido’s Beasts Pirates are still here!

But they are not too worried now.

For some reason, they now really have a sense of "blind" trust in this Heavenly Dragon King.

It feels like this person can do anything...

They are really looking forward to Kaido coming soon!!

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