I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

16 Buster Call Is Coming! (Asking For Collections, Flowers, And Evaluation Votes)

"These three are the slaves you just bought, Ivan, right?"

"I've said they're not slaves, they haven't been branded yet."

"That's almost it... Well, anyway, since you've been bought by Ivan, you should work hard for him, Amas, and don't do anything to embarrass him, otherwise I'll be embarrassed too."

Originally, she wanted to be tough and establish her prestige.

But after seeing the man next to her glance at her, Shyarly Liya also coughed lightly, and then said coldly to the three young girls in front of her.


The three sisters looked at Ivan on the side, and after seeing him nod, the three of them responded, and then looked at Ivan with some admiration.

Sure enough, Lord Ivan, after going in and talking to this woman for a few words, he quickly convinced the other party.

Although still very arrogant, that annoying look has disappeared.

"Ah~ The lord is really amazing. He convinced Miss Shyarly in just a few moves. What did he use to convince her~"

However, at this time, Shinobu on the side suddenly laughed and teased, and the words he used were a bit subtle.

The three little girls didn't understand, but Albedo certainly understood.

"Hmph, this time should rely on actual combat to solve the problem. Lord Ivan's combat power is very strong. He can handle me easily, let alone this woman!"

So she said it directly, and even Shinobu's face was a little stiff.

Her original intention was to embarrass Shyarly and make Albedo jealous, and watch the fun, but she didn't expect Albedo to expose herself!

But Albedo didn't care about this. Anyway, since this woman dared to do it, what couldn't she (Albedo) say? !

It's not just this woman. She has also seen it! And she sees it every day!

So there is nothing to envy about this! She was not jealous at all because there was one more person competing for Lord Ivan!

"Humph! Nonsense, nonsense, Amas! I'm leaving first, I don't want to listen to women like you talking nonsense, Amas!"

In the confused eyes of the three sisters, Shyarly Liya snorted coldly, then got angry for no reason, and wanted to leave directly.

Of course, her face was already red, although I didn't know whether it was anger or shame.

This woman is really crazy, how dare she say such a thing directly? !

... But it's true, if she wasn't crazy, she wouldn't have done something like fighting Celestial Dragons.

I barely agree with this crazy woman, at least she is really wholeheartedly for Brother Ivan.

"Really leaving? Not sitting down anymore?"

At this time, Ivan still spoke, seeming a little reluctant.

Well, indeed, after what happened before, he was a little "reluctant".

Anyway, it's okay now, and Shyarly Liya hasn't been here for a while, it's good to stay here for a few days.

...And because of what Albedo said, he even had a "bold" idea just now.

If he did it that way, it would be very interesting~!

"No, there are still things to do at home, Amas. After my father became the 'Five Elders' of this generation, he gave me a lot of reforms. How can it be so easy Amas."

"Huh? What reforms?"

When Ivan heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Listening to Shyarly's tone, it seems that there are really a lot of things to do?

"It's about the slave reform Amas. He said that he heard that you have the idea of ​​reform, but you don't know where to start, so my father said to start the reform and let me and other parties try to accept it or not Amas, but don't tell others for the time being. For example, improve the lives of slaves, no torture, no rape, and you can regain your freedom after more than ten years of slavery. Isn't this the idea you proposed yourself?"



Is this kind of thing something that Celestial Dragons would think of? ?

Hearing this, everyone present looked at Ivan.

But let alone others, even Ivan himself was a little confused.

He did say these things, but he was just talking casually. He didn't expect Shyarly to take it seriously, and her father also took it seriously!

"I forgot about it a long time ago. It doesn't seem realistic, but why would he leave this matter to you? You never take care of things."

"There's no way. He has been busy with that matter recently. How can he have time to manage this Amas."

"What matter?"

"It's Ohara Amas. It is said that the scholars on that island want to study the historical text, so now they are thinking about destroying them. The order has been issued to use Buster Call."


Alas, it really came.

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