I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

24 Saul And Robin Failed To Escape (Please Collect, Flowers, Evaluation Votes)

"Saul! Are you really okay? You were hit just now. It hurts a lot!"

Today is a very painful day for Robin.

I finally met my mother, but soon I had to say goodbye forever. Now the entire island is under attack, the doctors are also killed, Saul is still injured, and he is still escaping with her...

How many more bad things are going to happen?

How long will it continue?

"It doesn't matter, Robin, this little thing is nothing to me~! Hehehehehe! You have to have confidence in my power, and we will continue to live together in the future~!"


"Of course! You still have a long life ahead of you~!"


Fortunately, after seeing her new friend Saul give her a strange and familiar laugh, she suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

No matter what, as long as Saul is here, she can persevere forever!

...Although Saul himself knew that this was unlikely.

My body is too big and it is impossible to hide it.

Therefore, even if he takes Robin with him, he will only harm her.

But Robin herself is different. She is very smart and has the ability of Devil Fruit. As long as she can escape, she will definitely survive!

The most important thing is that she is still too young, she still has a lot of beautiful youth, and the future is waiting for her...

"Discover Saul Vice Admiral!"

"Huh?!" x2

However, as soon as I thought of this, my vision just widened.

The two huge warships that appeared ahead still plunged him and Robin into despair again.

...No, it looks like we are going to take action!

"Robin, stay here for now, we're going to rush out later!"

Saul turned around and put the confused and nervous Robin on the ground, and then he rushed out and rushed towards the two warships!

The artillery fire from behind has become louder and louder, and many places have sunk to the bottom of the sea under the attack of artillery shells.

And even those that have not been bombarded are now shrouded in endless smoke, and it is only a matter of time before they sink!

Therefore, he must take action now!


And following the artilleryman's order, more than ten artillery shells were quickly fired at Saul!

But Saul did not choose to dodge, but forcefully resisted all those nearby!

Although with his size, coupled with the fact that he was seriously injured during this period and his strength has significantly declined, it is very difficult to avoid these, but it is not completely impossible to avoid.

Mainly worried about Robin being injured.

But he is a giant after all, and he is able to achieve the position of Vice Admiral. His physical fitness is still excellent, and he actually managed to carry it!

And when he saw it, he was about to overturn a warship!

No matter what, let's grab a warship first and then coax Robin out. Otherwise, there is really only a dead end here...

Um? !

But unfortunately, his wishful thinking soon came to nothing.

Because the moment before he touched the warship, his huge fist and his arm were suddenly turned into an ice sculpture!

This is? !

"Ohhhh!!! Kuzan Vice Admiral!" xN

The Marines, who originally thought they were about to be bombarded, couldn't help but start cheering after seeing this scene.

At this time, a tall and slender figure was already standing on the guardrail of the warship, with his hands in his pockets and silently looking at Saul.


Seeing this figure, Saul couldn't help but look almost desperate in his eyes.

Although he has been his friend for many years, because of this, he knows better that this person's strength is definitely not something that he can compete with now!

Damn it, I just found him!

...But in fact, Kuzan himself has no choice.

According to his original plan, he planned to go down by himself first, and then let Saul try to overturn the two warships or something, and wait until there was confusion.

Of course, it didn't mean that he wanted to let Saul and the girl go on purpose, it was just that he had something he wanted to ask Saul about.

Because he himself still had some doubts about this mission. He knew that it was impossible for his friend to really help a terrorist escape.

The World Government's order to directly destroy the island also made him question his sense of justice for the first time, so here, he wanted to ask a little bit...

However, the plan was disrupted.

"Oh? You were very decisive in taking action. I thought you would let the ship capsize before taking action~"


Hearing the man not far away making slightly teasing remarks to him, Kuzan couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart.

Because of the existence of this kid, he couldn't let go!

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