I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

43 Acedes: I Like You~Master! (Asking For Collections, Flowers, And Evaluation Votes)

"Well, Lord Im, let them continue fighting. Is it really okay?"

Looking at the two figures intertwining in the sky far ahead, and the sky that had completely turned into a mixture of blue and black, the little Robin couldn't help but asked Im worriedly. Got it.

Since just now, Lord Ivan has been fighting with the summoned Miss Acedes, which lasted for about ten minutes.

Although it doesn't sound like a long time, in fact, as someone who has experienced it personally, Robin feels that this oppressive atmosphere in the entire space is really painful.

Fortunately, although she couldn't see clearly, Lord Ivan didn't look injured.

After all, he had used that powerful trick before, and it felt like he might be able to bomb the entire Mariejois...

Of course, he wouldn't do such a thing.

But Miss Acedes opposite is really awesome.

I originally thought that with Lord Ivan's strength, he should be able to defeat the opponent quickly.

But the other party's freezing power seems to be no less than the previous Mr. Kuzan, or even worse!

The power of freezing seems to completely seal the entire space. Even if the distance is hundreds of meters, you can still feel this powerful sense of oppression...

Oh, of course this is not the small space it was before.

After all, there are ancient cultural relics everywhere, so it’s impossible to fight there.

So Lord Im let them walk into a door here, and then suddenly came to this relatively wide grassland.

This space is about two kilometers in radius, but the world outside that is not visible at all.

Although I don’t know what kind of power it is, with Lady Im’s ability, it’s not surprising that she can do this level of things. After all, she is...

Hey, I don’t want to say this anymore, I still have to pay attention to the fighting situation here.

"It doesn't matter, Ivan is stronger."

Regarding Robin's worries, Im still looked calm and calm, and looked at the sky silently...

However, it can still be seen from her slightly clenched hands that she is actually quite nervous.

She actually doesn't know how to fight.

For so many years, she has survived mainly by relying on her abilities. In addition, coupled with her own special characteristics, she has been able to remain standing for so many years and has been strictly protected by the Five Elders of each generation.

But her own fighting ability is actually very weak. Any ordinary person might be able to defeat her.

Therefore, she actually couldn't tell at all about the fighting situation between these two people, and her eyesight might not even be as good as Robin's.

But she has absolute confidence in Ivan.

She believed that Ivan was the most powerful now and could not lose to such a woman who came out of nowhere!

Fortunately, maybe her prayers actually worked.

Ivan's figure suddenly turned into a thick (and powerful) lightning beam, and then violently blasted the frozen side to the ground in an instant, creating a huge pit more than ten meters deep in the ground!

...Of course, this is not the effect of prayer, but the gap in strength.


The blue figure who was hit to the ground coughed violently and spit out the blood in his mouth.

In addition, the clothes on his body already had a lot of tears, and his skin was bruised and purple, as if it had been burned!

The whole person looked very embarrassed.

...Of course, it’s a little too fragrant.

"So, the winner has been decided a long time ago, so don't keep pestering me like this. I don't like hitting women."

However, Ivan, who was slowly landing, had no particular intention of watching it, but complained helplessly.

Alas, actually he really didn't want to be like this.

After all, with his strength, if he fights Acedes, he will just crush him.

...Well, in fact, even if he doesn't use the power of Devil Fruit now, he is still top-notch in this world, not to mention that he has already used this power with ease.

Don't look at him like this. Before the system awakened, he was already extremely powerful. He wanted to protect himself by his own strength and never thought of relying on unreliable bodyguards.

However, Acedes had been suppressed by him just now, but he refused to give up at all. Instead, he became more and more excited as he fought. Even if he was injured, it didn't matter at all, so he could only strike hard.

Sigh, the reputation of hitting women doesn’t sound too good!

"...Huhuhu~ Looking at the many women around you, I thought you were a man who relied on women to make ends meet. I didn't expect you to be so strong~"

However, Acedes, who was seriously injured, was not angry or wailing. Instead, he remained lying on the ground and looked at Ivan with a smile.

His eyes began to show a look of extreme interest.

"Hey, how could I be that kind of person? I just like to get along with cute girls."

"Are you so carefree? It's better to be more focused on this aspect."

"What are you talking about? If you like it, you just like it. Why do you have to force yourself to distort your thoughts? If you ask me to say it, if you like it but don't dare to express it, that kind of trash has no qualifications to talk about liking it! I just want to build a big harem that I like. ~!”

"Pfft hahaha~! I like you~! It feels very refreshing to be able to say such a scumbag statement so confidently~ Then from now on, let me accept (and) adapt to you, Lord~ People~"

"Hey, if you say that, I'll be excited."

"Then why don't you try it now~"

"Well, it's better not to, I'm very conservative."

"Hoo~ You really have the nerve to say that~"

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