I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

52 Her Name Is Acedes, She Is My Woman (Please Collect, Flowers, Evaluation Votes)

"Are you the only one? I thought a group of people would come over. Forget it, now that they're here, this stupid pig is of no use anymore."

Seeing this serious-faced figure appearing next to him, Acedes finally stood up, and then pierced the ice sword in his hand directly towards Roswald!

Fortunately, at the moment when everyone was about to suffocate, a figure appeared in front of him instantly, and then used his magma-like body to instantly melt the ice sword!

"Oh oh oh!!" xN

Seeing this scene, the people present couldn't help but cheered.

Before this person came, they had been frightened and on tenterhooks all the time!

This woman is truly a devil!

After Saint Roswader was chopped down just now, some people tried to rescue him, but they were all killed by her sword, and no one needed to take a second blow.

But the seemingly delicate body contains extremely powerful power. It can easily cut open the armor and peeps of the guards. Either the knowledge is cut off or they are directly separated, and the blood has already been splashed everywhere. , some maids were so frightened that they fainted.

She herself had been spattered with blood just now, but she didn't care at all. Instead, she seemed to enjoy the blood bath.

But soon, the Bloodline on her body and clothes disappeared, as if it had never appeared in the first place...

Well, before leaving, Im actually gave Ivan a bunch of Eternal Night Orbs.

Maybe it was because Ivan looked very greedy, so Im just gave him a dozen or so pills, and if he still couldn't get enough, just keep taking them.

All I can say is that having an extremely rich mother is indeed different!

Of course Acedes doesn't pay attention to these.

Although she did find this thing very convenient, her focus now was not on it, but on the man in front of her.

"Looking at you, you should be able to bring me a little fun~"

Having said that, Acedes also condensed a long sword of ice again, and then stabbed towards the opponent instantly!

The other party also turned into the appearance of magma, and then began a fierce bombardment. Every collision made the entire space tremble!

Everyone present was frightened and completely stunned. A few of the bolder ones wanted to get closer and pull Roswaard back.

But before they could reach him, his legs had frozen automatically, and not long after, they were cut in half or more by the aftermath of the slash!

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but flinch back, which only made Roswald itchy with anger, but he didn't dare to say anything, for fear that the disaster star not far away would kill him.

Now, we can only hope that this Marine can be solved quickly!

...But what he didn't know was that the Marine who was helping him fight against Acedes was also suffering from something he couldn't express.

I didn't want to play for Celestial Dragons, not to mention this guy looked very unpleasant.

But there is no way, the task is the task, he must complete it.

But he was too naive.

This woman's strength is much stronger than imagined!

This freezing ability looks a bit like Kuzan's, but it's more lethal and faster!

After several interviews, he even felt a little tired!

"Hey, isn't that the only level? Or is this place making you unable to let go and timid? It's too boring."


Damn it, this woman is so arrogant!

Seeing the obvious disappointment and contempt in her eyes, Sakazuki's anger couldn't help but rise again and again, but he couldn't help but take a breath.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the place of fighting. The power shown by this woman is already much stronger than him!

If you continue to fight, you will definitely lose!

A person of this level, and a woman at that, is almost as good as the so-called "big mom"!

Such a person would suddenly attack the Celestial Dragons, and it was at the door of Sabaody. This was really unexpected by everyone.

"Who are you exactly?"

So Sakazuki also asked directly.

Whether the other party answers or not is her own business, but she has too little information now and there is nothing she can do.

"Do I need to tell you?"

"Ha, it turns out it's the rat who didn't even dare to tell me his name."


Seeing the other party calling her that, Acedes couldn't help but show a little surprise.

This man looked rigid, but his mind worked quite quickly and he was very proficient in provocation, which made her want to say something.

Of course, this was not because she had fallen victim to the provocation, but because she herself did not bother to hide it.

Just chop it off. She never cared about such small things. As for whether it would cause trouble to her master, she didn't bother to think about it.

If his master cannot accept this, it means he is just that kind of man...

"Her name is Acedes, she is my woman."


But at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in front of her like muffled thunder.

Then there was a sudden sound of thunder from the air, and it rang directly next to her.

Looking at this familiar figure, Acedes was stunned for a moment before a bright and satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"It's you?!"

But after seeing this person's appearance, Sakazuki's face became extremely ugly!

Sure enough, he should have guessed it.

People who are so unscrupulous and wanton do not exist everywhere!

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