I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

76 Wiped Off The Map, Just Like Ohara (Please Subscribe!)

"Yes, in the past many years, the original pattern has been maintained. If it suddenly changes, there will definitely be someone with intentions who will take the opportunity to cause trouble.

"Yes, all countries are equal. Are you, you Celestial Dragons, really superior to us?!"

I have to say that after someone took the lead, many people began to speak tougher and even became more explicit.

But this kind of thinking is actually quite normal.

After all, Celestial Dragons had only been dominating the local area before, collecting some money every year, but they did not interfere in the country's internal affairs.

But now?

They are now almost directly announcing that all countries are "under their control"!

Such an arrogant attitude is really unbearable!!!

"I don't think so. I think people are probably born equal.'

But Ivan suddenly said something like this, which made people feel a little surprised. What he said seemed different from what he did, right?


But at this moment, everyone present felt an inexplicable sense of oppression coming towards them, making their heads feel empty instantly, and their whole bodies felt an extremely cold chill, which instantly enveloped their whole bodies - up and down!

When they looked upward, they all saw a pair of eyes that seemed calm but were extremely cold.

"However, the identities, powers, and rights that people possess are unequal. And I do have the right to dominate you. Not only me, but also the former Five Elders and the World Conqueror all have such rights. Don’t you know? So, there has been no change at all from before to now.


Good guy, it’s so hard to say directly!

But this sentence does make sense, whether it is one person or five people.

In fact, they all have the right to change the world with just one sentence!

Thinking of this, many kings, as well as the princes and princesses, couldn't help but look a little depressed.

I thought that as the most important royal family in a country, I was all-powerful in my country and could control the life and death of many people at will, but now here, I am at the mercy of others.

This huge gap is really unacceptable.

"However, in the past, at least five people decided, and their decisions would not be influenced by one person. Now, they all take orders from you. I doubt that if you make a wrong choice, the world will fall into chaos. into crisis."

But at this time, King Liku, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again.

Although Scarlett was a little confused and looked embarrassed, as a king, he still needed to say some things.

"Yes, if it is dominated by a militant like me, the world will probably be in chaos soon~hahaha~!"


You are so embarrassed to say it.

Hearing the middle-aged man next to King Liku laughing, everyone present could not help but complain silently in their hearts.

But precisely because it was he, the "King of War," who said it, it seemed even more convincing!

His country has been in war, but he has not compromised because of his warlike nature. Instead, he has been destroyed and reborn in the war, and I am afraid he will continue to fight in the future.

But he also has various difficulties and reasons. He can only say that if outsiders don't understand, they can't say anything.

And now, everyone feels that his words are very reasonable. .......******......

If this so-called "Dragon King" is really a militant, then so many countries in the world will probably suffer!

The big countries are exhausted, and the small countries may even be wiped out directly. In this case, what kind of peace will there be?!

"Oh, then don't worry. Most of the things are left to the Five Elders to decide. I don't care about things myself and I don't bother to take care of them."


Then what is the role of being this "king"?

When they heard this, everyone suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies seemed to be reduced a lot in an instant. The heavy atmosphere just now seemed to have disappeared directly. While they relaxed for a moment, they couldn't help but feel in their hearts. He complained secretly.

Of course, if that's the case, that's indeed a good thing.

Although some people may be dissatisfied with the various policies of the Five Elders, on the whole, they are still beneficial to most countries.

"I am not a person who likes trouble, nor do I like war, but I will not interfere in your own internal affairs. Whether you advocate peace or hope for war, that is your business. Instead, I will increase my support for some disaster victims. Funding…………but.”

When Ivan said the last word, he paused for a while and did not continue.

And just when everyone was holding their breath, waiting for his next words...

He suddenly disappeared.

Then he instantly appeared in the middle of the table where all the kings were meeting!

"If someone wants to disobey the world and pursue something they shouldn't know, I will ruthlessly wipe their country off the map, just like Ohara."


Time seems to have completely stopped at this moment...

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