I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

81 The Vixen Princess Is Here! (Please Subscribe!)

"Lord Ivan hasn't come back yet? It's already evening. Are all those kings just doing it? It's been so long and it's not over yet.

"You've asked this question many times. I'm here too. You ask me this, but I don't know."

"But I'm really worried. There's been no news. Isn't it because they are entangled by those kings? Just kill them all and then send the puppets to forget about it!"

"Calm down, my lord, you are not Miss Albedo~"

"But, I really can't help it!!-!!"


It's better to be quieter, it's so noisy.

Seeing this dignified, beautiful, elegant, and plump woman who seemed to be going crazy and kept shouting, the girls next to her couldn't help but sigh.

Since just now, this big-mouthed gorilla...oh no, it's the beautiful Miss Momo, has been barking non-stop.

Well, this is very normal.

Normally, she doesn't want to leave Lord Ivan for a moment, and even wants to follow him when he goes to bed, showers and goes to the toilet if possible.

But now Master Ivan has not come back and has been away for more than half a day, which naturally makes her a little anxious.

"Miss Albedo, I don't think there is any need to be so nervous. I think Lord Ivan has already left.'

"Huh? How do you know?!"

But at this time, a young girl holding a book and slowly flipping through it said something calmly, causing Albedo to recover immediately and hurriedly asked

Does she have any top secret information?!

"I think Mr. Ivan couldn't bear to sit there all day talking about national affairs. He probably went to find a cute girl a long time ago.


It seems, inexplicably, very reasonable.

Although it was only said by an 8-year-old girl, it suddenly made people feel enlightened.

"But, if that was the case, he should have come back long ago..."

Although she had to admit that this situation was more likely, Albedo still didn't want to believe it.

If you are looking for a girl, wouldn’t it be nice to come back when there are so many at home?

Is it possible that...

"There must be a woman outside, right? Isn't there a saying that 'domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers'~"

"Impossible! Doesn't Sir Ivan only know us? Where are the women?"

This is of course impossible!

Hearing the teasing chuckle from the beautiful butterfly-like girl beside her, Albedo immediately retorted loudly.

She follows Master Ivan all day long, where can he...


It seems really......

"Miss Shyarly, aren't there a few of her best friends? And there seemed to be one yesterday~ Her Highness the Princess who was rescued by the Lord~"



Although the plot of a hero saving a beauty is very cliched, if the other party is a princess who is not experienced in the world, the effect is still quite obvious.

Moreover, Albedo also met the princess yesterday. She looked... indeed somewhat pretty, but she was a bit younger, but she already had a good figure.

"On one side is the ignorant and kind-hearted princess who saved the slave, and on the other side is the big bad wolf who has long been greedy for meat. I think the lord may have already taken action~" -------·ROĚTE.- -----

"Sister Ren described Master Ivan very well."

"Ah la~ The truth is like this~ When you little guys live in a few years, the lord will definitely not be able to help but secretly attack you~"

Seeing the three sisters opposite who were still exercising, she couldn't help but ask her. Shinobu also smiled, then squatted down and touched the small faces of the three of them gently.


Especially on the round face of the green-haired girl, I touched it for a long time...

Unfortunately, the three of them did not feel comfortable this time.

On the contrary, because they could hardly hold on to push-ups, it made things worse, and they almost fell to the ground.

But they didn't dare to say anything.

Although Sister Ren looks like she is smiling, she is in a very bad mood today for some reason, and there is a hint of gunpowder in her smile.

So when they started training, they were exhausted from every level.

"Huh? Are you all here?"

"Lord Ivan!" xN

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the direction of the door.

The girls who were still frowning immediately showed bright smiles.

......... However, when they noticed someone slowly walking in with a red-faced Sakura girl, their expressions began to become strange.

It turns out that I really went to find a "vixen"!

And they all successfully joined hands!

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