I, Starting From Celestial Dragons, Infinite Summons!

95 Do You Want To Take Marine’S Bunch Of Losers With You? (Please Subscribe)

Wanokuni, the "New World" located in the second half of the "Grand Line", is a closed country that never welcomes outsiders, does not join the World government, and even Marine ships cannot enter.

At the same time, it is also the location of the Beasts Pirates led by the great pirate Kaido.

Residents of this country wear special clothes called "kimonos", communicate with others in a more traditional tone, and call powerful swordsmen "samurai". The top leader of Wanokuni is called "shogun", and the top leader of the region is called "daimyo".

The entire country is very closed, with only "Zou" as an ally. The fur tribe of Zou established a firm alliance with the "Kozuki family" of the ruler of Wanokuni hundreds of years ago, and they are considered brothers.

The current general is Kurozumi, an ally of Kaido who is conducting a series of black market arms transactions.

Because Wanokuni is a closed country, it has some technologies that are not available overseas. Seastones that are spread all over the world were born in this country, but the forging technology is unique to the Wanokuni people.

The citizens of this country generally have strong physical fitness and also use Haki. The armed Haki is called "Emission" there.

Regarding Kaido’s Beasts Pirates, it has three major boards…………


"This is roughly the 197 pieces of information. From the current point of view, there is not much information that can be extracted. These should be most of the information that can be learned so far, Lord Ivan."

"Well, well done,

After hearing what the girl in front of him had concluded, Ivan smiled and put his hand on her little head, stroking it gently.

And the other party's originally slightly serious face soon showed a look of happiness.

Although it took a week to collect part of the information, there was actually not much useful information.

Therefore, she was originally worried that she would be scolded by Lord Ivan.

But fortunately, Lord Ivan was not angry, and instead praised her~

"Collecting to this level is actually enough. The main thing is to get rid of the strongest threatening combat forces. The rest are mostly three-legged cats anyway. 11

Of course, Ivan didn't have many requirements for her. In fact, these were things he probably knew before, and he knew more.

Wanokuni is a country that has been closed off for many years. It did not start closing down 20 years ago. It is also extremely conservative internally and unwilling to open up to the outside world.

Even if it is world conquest, the understanding of it (cecg) is actually not very much.

"Lord Ivan, that Beasts Pirates seems to be very powerful. Should we take Marine with us?"

But Robin still has some doubts.

Now, she has read a lot of books, and combined with various newspapers and news, there are reports on some powerful people in the major pirate groups, and she has a general understanding.

The Beasts Pirates are probably the most powerful pirate group besides the Whitebeard Pirates.

Moreover, the Whitebeard Pirates themselves may not have many ideas of competition, so in recent years they have only been protecting their territory and stabilizing their surrounding areas, and have no intention of taking the opportunity to expand.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts is different. He has expanded his territory wantonly in recent years, especially in the past few years, after entering Wanokuni [completely included Wanokuni as his subordinate.

Due to its strong strength, even if it means conquering the world, there is no extra power to manage it.

Robin was worried that it would be really dangerous for them to go there by themselves.

"Huh? What are you going to do with those losers?"

"I don't think it's necessary. If it's all at that level, we can easily solve it ourselves."

But before Ivan could speak, Albedo and Acedes on the side had already complained and denied it, which made her a little embarrassed.

But even she couldn't deny their claims.

Because these two people have fought against Marine's high-end combat power, to be honest, for them, those...

It’s simply a bit “vulnerable”!

But if they were alone, wouldn't it be dangerous if something unexpected happened?

....Although, she doesn't want those Marines on her feet.

The fact that Saul was imprisoned and the fact that they directly attacked the refuge ship made her not have a good impression of Marine now.

Of course, she visits Saul every month. Although he is locked up now, he is not in good spirits and he also receives some "special care" inside.

Well, in a positive sense, after all, Master Ivan has taken special care of him, so his body still looks so strong.

...seems to be a little fatter.

But no matter what, the life inside was actually much better than she initially imagined.

"Marine still has to be called, otherwise, they won't know our identities. This time we are going to 'recruit,' not just to grab things."

Of course, Ivan still explained with a smile, and then the two of them gave up this idea.

There is no way, people are closed to the outside world, how can they know what kind of Heavenly Dragon King you are?

Only by sending Marine warships out can he reveal his identity.

"Tch, since that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it. I just hope those losers won't get in the way."

Albedo snorted disdainfully and continued to mock.

She has not forgotten the unreasonable things that the Marines wanted to do to Lord Ivan.

If they dare to cause trouble this time, they will definitely not be spared lightly!

"Okay, don't think they are so incompetent. Marine still has many masters...what happened to you?"


Ivan also smiled and comforted Albedo, but at this time, he noticed that Shi on the side had not spoken, and there was an obviously worried look on his face.

You know, this week, she has been looking forward to returning to Wanokuni as soon as possible every day.

Talking about "mission" and "destiny" all day long, it seems that I have been waiting for it for a long time.

But why are you hesitating now?


But at this time, I tried to open my mouth, but felt a little hesitant.

"Miss Shi must be worried that if a large army is sent into Wanokuni, many people may be hurt, right?"

"Yes, if the army invades, the people of Wanokuni will definitely not be able to completely avoid it."

At this time, Kanae and Shinobu on the side also explained while kicking softly.

After Shi heard this, he couldn't help but tremble slightly, and then nodded.

Because their appearance was surprisingly similar to their previous living habits, the three of them had a pretty good relationship and talked about a lot of things.

At the same time, the excitement at the beginning gradually turned into worry.

After all, the two sisters have more experience and are much clearer in this regard.

"Don't worry, what we are going to do is not to invade your hometown, but to protect your hometown and not do any unnecessary things~"


"Anyway, you are going with us. You will know if you see it with your own eyes. What exactly are we going to do~"


I hope my hometown can be a little more peaceful.

After all, we are heading to Wanokuni today!.

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