A gap was punched in the wall, and the morale of the marauders was greatly enhanced, and they rushed up screaming at the orders of the city lord.

On the contrary, the human side is anxious, and the reinforcements have not yet arrived.

With the current defensive strength alone, it can still be difficult to resist a city, but in the face of the siege of the two cities, it suddenly feels powerless.

There is too much difference between the number of people and the number of strong people.

“Hold on, don’t panic, hold on, the message for help has already come out, as long as you can hold out for 1 hour, reinforcements will come.”

At this time, Cui Qiang shouted, but his face was extremely dignified and anxious.

It doesn’t sound like an hour is a long time, but in such a situation, there may be unpredictable consequences in the next minute.

It is easy to hold out for 1 hour.

In this moment, under the impact of the marauder army, many human warriors had already died.

The energy cannons in the rear did not stop attacking, and for the source stone abundant marauders, the shells seemed to be without money.

Not long after, the eastern wall was also melted out of a huge hole.

“Attack! Kill me!!! At this moment, the lord of the Bright Light City, Katwen, also waved a big hand and ordered the remaining troops to rush towards the newly opened cave entrance.

“Bastard!” Originally, there was only one hole in the west, and it could barely cope with it, but this time, there were holes on both sides, and it was difficult to deal with.

To the west is led by Hamande, who is also the peak of the Nine Stars. To the east is led by Catheven, who is also the peak of the Nine Stars.

However, in Huacheng, only Cui Qiang was currently the peak of the Nine Stars, and if he could prevent Hamander in the west, there was no way to resist Katiewen in the east.

In an instant, the defensive line in the east was like the Yellow River breaking its embankment, and it was out of control.

Screams kept coming, and the human warriors fell into the river of blood one after another.

“No!!! Labor and management have fought with you! Seeing the massive sacrifices of the human warriors, those masters in the east were furious.

The three elderly Eight Star Peak Masters directly met Katvin, attacking wildly, only attacking but not defending.

For a moment, they resisted the attack, but their hard fighting, after a while, fell into the downwind again.

After all, the difference in strength is too big, and the whole difference is a big realm.

“Protect my Hwaseong !!!” It seemed that he was about to lose his strength, and Cui Qiang was also dragged by Nahamand and could not get out.

One of the Eight Star Peak Sect Masters gave a loud shout and slapped it hard and directly hugged Katvin.

“No, Elder Shen, don’t !!!” The others instantly understood what the master was going to do and cried out in sorrow.

“Boom!!!” A violent explosion sounded, raising a cloud of dust.

“Ah~~” Those marauders around this Katwen were directly blown away, and even some of the five or six star warriors were in the center of the explosion, and they were instantly blown into slag.

In an instant, a vacuum was formed here.

“Old !!!” All the strong human beings were all in tears, and just now, Elder Shen was desperately exploding himself, creating a breathing space for mankind.

The self-explosion of the peak of the eight stars was infinitely powerful, and even the strong nine stars did not dare to defend it.

“! The spicy chicken like an ant dared to treat the lord of the city in this way!!! ”

An extremely angry voice came out of the dust, and then a dark shadow sprang out, and it was Nakatiewen.

At this time, he was ragged and had many bruises visible on his exposed skin, but it was not too much damage.

“What!!!” The human strong man was horrified, and the self-explosion of the peak of the eight stars actually only caused this bit of damage to this Katvin.

In the end, the strong man of the Nine Star Peak is too powerful to make people despair.

Cathewen even more hatefully came out, the lord of his own city, the existence of the Nine Star Peak, actually gave an eight-star hot chicken like this.

Fortunately, he had the Divine Armor on his body, otherwise he would really be injured at that moment.

Even so, his Divine Armor had already cracked a little, how could he not be angry.

Suddenly, he rushed over and waved a few times, and another piece of martial artist fell.

“Protect my Hwaseong !!!” Seeing the situation, the other two human eight-star peak strongmen before looked at each other and smiled and rushed up again.

“No, Elder Chen, Elder Pang, no!” The crowd naturally knew what the two were going to do, and exclaimed again.

However, all in vain, in two loud explosions, the two strong men blew themselves up again.

“Wow, whoa!! Bastards, you ants, you dare to treat the lord of this city like this again and again, and I want you all to die without a place to die! ”

This time, Katiewen finally vomited blood, and was blown up one after another, even if he was wearing the Nine Star Peak Realm and wearing the Divine Armor Armor, he couldn’t stand it.

He didn’t expect that these people were so fierce and fearless of death, that they didn’t say a word, and they directly blew themselves up, which was too hateful.

Now that he was all cracked and ineffective, his arms and face were all injured, although it did not hurt the fundamentals, but it was not good, and the most important thing was that it looked very wasteful.

As a strong man, as the lord of a city, how could he endure this, suddenly he went crazy, rushing into the crowd was a fight.

And because the three eight-star peak strong people blew themselves up, everyone erupted in grief and anger, one after another fearless of death, and exploded without a word.

Even if one person can’t do him much harm, what about ten, a hundred, or even a thousand?

“If you want to break through my city, step over the corpses of the laborers and then say, give me a blast!!”

“Hahaha, Brother Hong, in the next life we are still good brothers!” I’ll accompany you! ”


Such words can be seen everywhere, and the eyes of the marauders are red.

And human beings, even more fierce and not afraid of death, they can not retreat, once Hwaseong is breached, the passage behind them will be occupied by them.

Once they invade the earth, they will be destroyed.

So they only have to fight, even if they sacrifice their lives, they can’t take a step back.

Die, but also pull these pieces together.

At this moment, although there was no strong person like Cui Qiang in the east to resist Katvin, he encountered a human being who was completely unafraid of death.

Blowing himself up without saying a word actually caused the marauders to suffer more serious losses, and Katwen’s eyes were red when he saw it.

I didn’t expect that without the obstruction of the Nine Star Peak Strongman, my side would actually lose so much.

Hamander also felt the fierceness of the battle over there, and his brow furrowed and he became angry.

“Kill the laborers fiercely, they can’t stand it!” Watch out for their self-detonation, wandering, and don’t get together! ”

Although they are numerous, but people are not afraid of death, they will explode at every turn, this explosion, their own people are gathered together, naturally all affected by the impact, the loss is even more heavy.

As time went on, Hwaseong held out for nearly half an hour, and the damage reached an extremely tragic situation.

It can be said that now they are completely using their lives to delay time, in order to hold on to this hour.

However, the difference in numbers and strength is still too great, and as the war continues, human resistance is getting lower and sluggish, and the strong are dying too much.

“It’s over! Can’t make it!!! At this moment, a wave of despair pervaded the hearts of everyone in Hwaseong City.

“Spelled! Even if you die, you have to pull them on their backs!!! But the next moment, everyone looked determined, ready to play the last heat.

And the faces of Hamand and Katwen’s face also became even more vicious, not expecting that they would lose so much in this battle.

But none of this mattered, because they were about to take Hwaseon.

“Kill me!” They can’t!!! Both men gave orders at the same time.

But as soon as the words fell, a series of loud noises came from the distance behind them, and the soaring flames stained half of the sky red.

“Report!!! Lord, isn’t it good!!! Old home, old home is served! ”

A ragged marauder, coming from behind.


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