Because of Bi Hao’s amazing results, the next test was boring.

It can only be said that current affairs are messy, originally there were some two cyclone examiners in it, compared with him, it was nothing.

However, the other three schools of the Four Great Martial Arts Colleges were not without gains, and three three-cyclone geniuses actually appeared in the back.

Each family finally divided one, and even if there was an explanation, it also made them suspicious for a while.

I didn’t expect that this session of the Nanjiang area actually came out with so many geniuses.

However, for Bi Hao not to choose them, there are still some regrets in his heart.

In this way, the enrollment of the National Martial Arts College in the Nanjiang area was over.

As the first person in the assessment of the Nanjiang area and the first person in the national examination, Bi Hao naturally received countless envious eyes.

In particular, his good friend Wang Haoran felt that he was dreaming at this time.

His good brother, Bi Hao, who was thin and weak before, actually turned into the first in the national martial arts examination?

But his heart was only happy, not a little jealous.

The principal of Henglin No.1 Middle School also rushed directly to the scene and gave commendations and awards on behalf of the school.

The reason why he rushed to the venue to reward him was because there were reporters everywhere now.

This is the best time to publicize his Yokobayashi Ichi, and naturally it cannot be missed.

As for the reward, it is 50,000 cash, for the school, giving so much money is a bit of a surprise to Bi Hao.

However, this money came at a real time, and when he took the money, the sound of the system sounded in his head.

【Ding, host wealth value change, system upgrade, increase enhanced classification twice!】 】

Please select the category you want to strengthen…

The option of strengthening appeared in front of Bi Hao’s eyes again, and this time, he decisively chose the Attribute Blessing State Hundred Times Enhancement and the Gong Fa Hundred Times Enhancement.

【Ding, attribute blessing state 100 times enhanced success! 】 Each attribute cultivation gets a hundred times faster boost! 】

[Ding, the practice of a hundred times to strengthen the success! 】 The resulting exercise will get a hundred times the effect! 】

Then he looked at the panel.

[Host: Bi Hao

Wealth: 5036785 (get a hundredfold blessing of wealth


Source Force: 1000 (100 times faster blessing cultivation


Physique: 1000 (100 times faster blessing cultivation).

Spiritual power: 750 (100 times faster blessing cultivation


Exercises: Basic Forging LV100, Basic Tuna LV100.

Storage space: 2 cubic meters + (wealth value can increase space, 50,000/1 cubic meter).

Enhanced Status: Wealth 100x Enhancement (activated), Attribute Bless State 100x Enhancement (activated), Exercise 100x Enhancement (activated).

Unenhanced option: Equipment 100x Enhanced, Elixir 100x Enhanced].

“Huh?” Seeing the enhanced panel, Bi Hao had some accidents.

Originally, I thought that this attribute was strengthened by a hundred times, which was a direct increase of a hundred times, and it turned out that the attribute cultivation was accelerated.

So what’s the difference between this and improving the practice a hundredfold? He couldn’t help but frown.

Then he didn’t care about the principal and the others on the side of the red light who were chattering with reporters, and instantly closed their eyes and lucked out the exercises.

[Ding, Tuna is in progress, source force absorption, source force +1, get a hundred times the blessing, source force +100].

In a short moment, he opened his eyes and could not hide his joy.

“That’s the way it is!”

Although it is not a direct enhancement of a hundred times the attribute, it is not bad.

While the Gong Fa accelerated the absorption of the source force, it originally only added 1 source force, but now it has directly become 100.

The source force reached 1100 was also shown on its own properties panel.

It’s a little different from what I expected, but it doesn’t stop me from escalating wildly.

It was equivalent to having 200 times the cultivation effect of himself, and when he thought about it, he was also calm.

The reason why he chose to strengthen the martial arts a hundred times was because he knew that after he arrived at the martial arts academy, once he was promoted to a martial artist, he would start to learn martial arts, and at this time, the strengthening of the martial arts was still necessary.

As for the elixir and equipment, there is no hurry at the moment!

At this time, Chen Hao, the person in charge of the Nanjiang Wu Academy, came over.

“Bi Hao, welcome to my Nanjiang Wu College, this is the admission letter, it has the address on it, you can come to the school to report in a week!”

“Huh? A week later? Isn’t it time for a summer vacation? Hearing this, Bi Hao was stunned.

“Huh? Hahaha, the martial arts academy can not say that there is no summer vacation, since becoming a martial artist can get unique power and status, naturally pay more than others, only in the New Year, there is a vacation Oh! ”

Chen Hao also laughed when he heard it, including the three Sect Masters on the side.

The age of 18 to 22 is the best golden cultivation period, that is, the four years of college.

During this period, it was their rapid growth period, so there was hardly any vacation to speak of.

If you miss this time, the progress will be relatively slow.

Therefore, you can see that these masters are almost 40 years old, and generally when the four major martial arts colleges graduate, they can almost reach the four-star martial artist, and the five-star is not difficult, but it only takes 4 years.

However, it took more than ten years or even decades to cultivate from the 5-star to the 7-star Sect Master Realm.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to cultivate after the golden period, of course, the master is also the biggest threshold for martial artists.

If the fish jumps over the dragon gate, you can cross this level to take off and transform into a dragon.

However, this hurdle has made countless people stop.

(Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!) )

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