For an instant, the whole scene was silent, and everyone stood where they were, stunned.

A strong person at the peak of the Nine Stars was actually killed by a knife like this, and there was no room for resistance.

“This, too strong, right?”

Liu Zhen and several people didn’t know what to say?

When Bi Hao had killed the Eight Star Peak with one punch before, they were already shocked.

But now, Bi Hao had slaughtered the Nine Star Peak, and at the same time was facing hundreds of thousands of troops.

However, even so, it was still suppressed by Bi Hao alone.

“Run!!!” The next moment, the marauders of Sawtooth City were shocked and shouted and scattered.

Just kidding, their city lords were instantly seconded, and those who rushed up were all mentally suppressed and completely lost their combat strength.

“Chase!” At this time, Zhao Lei shouted loudly, wanting to pursue!

“Chase a fart!” Just scare them away, just 5 of us, how many can we catch? Just take down the city! ”

Bi Hao rolled his eyes and stopped.

Although the remaining marauders, if Bi Hao wanted to kill them, it would be very easy, but the consumption was also huge.

The sword and spiritual suppression just now consumed a lot of his source power and spiritual power.

Killing those predators is not good for you, so naturally you will not waste your wealth value.

“Ugh!” Zhao Lei heard the words for a moment and laughed.

I saw that Bi Hao was too powerful and overexcited, and now I think about it.

There were only 5 people here, and Bi Hao had such combat strength.

Although the other side is fleeing, there are hundreds of thousands of people, and there are many strong people with eight or nine stars.

Now the other party was scared by Bi Hao’s knife just now, which would be so.

If the chase is too tight, see the dog can’t run off the wall and jump the wall, in case of desperate counterattack, then it is they who are unlucky.

“You can actually kill the Nine Star Peak Strongman in a second, that is the lord of this Sawtooth City!” At this time, Chen Xi and the others also walked up, especially Liu Zhen, who was already shocked and did not know what to say at this time.

The Sawtooth City can be said to be the old rival of Hwaseong City, which has been holding each other for decades, and the two sides have come and gone, which can be said to be evenly matched, and unilaterally speaking, no one can help anyone.

Otherwise it wouldn’t have been against it for decades, and it still is!

But now, Bi Hao appeared, and in just a few days, the Sawtooth City vein was bombed, the city lord was killed, and the marauders in the city died and ran, and it was obvious that the city had been taken down.

Thinking about it, he felt like he was dreaming, everything was so unreal!

I actually looked down on this Bi Hao before, and even pretended to be forced in front of him, blushing when I thought about it.

Bi Hao didn’t say anything more, Wu Zi walked toward the city, but before they had walked around the city, they found that there was a treasure house in the city lord’s palace, only to find that the hundreds of thousands of marauders had arrived, and then hurriedly came out to meet the battle.

At this time, since the other party had run out, he naturally wanted to patronize.


“Huh? This is……? Cui Qiang and the others, who were the first to rush to support, were surprised to see the scattered and escaped marauders.

They thought they had discovered the whereabouts of themselves and the others and had come to round them up.

However, at this look, I found that these marauders were all panicked, and where they wanted to surround them, they were obviously fleeing for their lives.

That hurried and panicked look, full of panic, fell down and even rolled up and ran again, and from time to time looked back, as if afraid of being caught up by something terrible.

Cui Qiang’s several Nine Star Peak Strongmen were confused, what was the situation!

However, since they had met, they naturally would not let them go.

The two cities have been holding each other for decades, and they have always seen each other without saying anything and directly killing each other.

In addition, this time Hwaseong was raided by them, with heavy casualties, and many former comrades-in-arms and brothers were killed in Huangquan, and naturally they would not leave their hands.

Cui Qiang and the others directly shot at them and killed them.

However, these people, when they met Cui Qiang and others, also showed a hint of shock, but there was no love at all, and they turned around and ran, without the appearance of fighting with them at all.

“This???” Things were abnormal, Cui Qiang and the others also frowned, and immediately grabbed some predators and asked.

After decades of confrontation, the language of both sides can naturally understand each other.

After torture, they learned that the original Sawtooth City had been terminated, and their city lord had been killed in a second!

Hearing this news, Cui Qiang and the others were also shocked and stunned.

Hamand can be regarded as Cui Qiang’s old opponent, and the two do not know how many times they have played against each other in decades.

I have never been able to help the other party, and this time I almost gave the goods to Yin and lost Hwaseong.

But it wasn’t long before he was killed? How can it be?

As the peak of the Nine Stars, he naturally knew how difficult it was to kill the strong people of this realm, let alone the second kill? What an international joke.

Those who can slay the Nine Star Peak Strongman must have already reached that realm.

But is this possible? But through the persecution just now, he knew that the man who killed Hamad was only a teenager.

Several people looked at each other in shock, forgetting to stop the fleeing marauders.

“Could it be that the people who came out of there entered the alien space?” At this time, Lao Wang frowned.

“No, people there have their own entrances, why come here and enter the other space?” And even if you come in, there will be registration, as long as it is registered, I can’t be unaware! Huo Qiang shook his head in denial.

“Maybe they hid their names?” Otherwise, can you kill the Nine Star Strong Man in a second and be so young, is it possible? ”

Old Zhou also walked over at this time and said doubtfully.

“No matter, go over and see it before you say it!” Since there was no answer, Cui Qiang proposed to rush directly to see what was going on.

Therefore, all three of them nodded their heads, and rushed towards the Sawtooth City with those eight or nine star strongmen who had arrived first.

At this time, Bi Hao was full of comfort and happiness, and this harvest was not small.

In the end, it is a treasure trove of cities, and there are countless high-quality and even high-quality source stones stored in it, even all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits are also dazzling, and there are high-grade magic beast magic planting materials, which are necessary for making high-grade divine products.

Bi Hao was naturally not polite, those magic beasts, the materials of the magic plant, and the strange flowers and fruits were all included in the storage space by him, as for those source stones, he was not interested.

Now that I have a hundred times stronger than all things, this source stone wants to have it at any time, there is no need to put it away and occupy the place, even if the space is large, there is no point, anyway, the current wealth value has reached ten trillion after this harvest, as long as he breaks through to the peak of the Nine Stars, he can naturally upgrade again!

And Chen Xi and the others who followed in naturally took a good look at it, and they were all overjoyed.

Liu Zhen smiled even more, his harvest in the past 2 years was not as good as one ten-millionth of this harvest!

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