“Bi Hao, I ask you to calm down a little more, what you said is correct, but no matter what, this matter must be reported to the government and the military department, and in the end it is up to them to decide!”

Seeing that the situation was deadlocked, Cui Qiang thought about it and still spoke.

He didn’t want to cause internal divisions for such a city.

Although this vein of ore and the treasure house of the city made them covet, this Bi Hao’s strength was too anti-heavenly.

Moreover, this boy’s apparent combat strength is only the beginning of the Six Stars, he can kill the Nine Star Peak, if he grows up again, what will be the horror?

Even the people in that place don’t necessarily achieve this, do they?

It is obviously unwise to offend him now, and besides, they are just a town guard, and to put it bluntly, they are a part-time worker, and there is no need to exonerate him themselves.

So he felt that he should still throw this hot potato on it.

“This is any of you, from today onwards, this city is called Nanjiang City, and it belongs to our Martial Arts Alliance.” If I find out that someone is trying to rob the city of its resources, then I will talk to him! ”

Bi Hao lost a word, didn’t even look at them, and went straight into the city.

Chen Xi heard the words, and at first he was stunned, but he didn’t say anything and followed in.

Instead, Lin Xiaoxiao walked over to Cui Qiang’s three people.

“Grandpa Cui, Grandpa Wang, Grandpa Zhou, I advise you, Bi Hao, you can’t afford to offend!”

With that, if he looked at them again with deep meaning, he also turned and went into the city.

When the three of them heard her words, they were slightly stunned, and a trace of solemnity appeared on their faces, looking at her back for a long time.

“Lord Zhenshou, do you just let them go?” This city is for them? ”

At this time, the nine-star strong man who had been crushed before came forward and asked, and there was still anger on his face.

“How? Still feel overwhelmed just now? ”

“I know what you think, but Bi Hao is also right, this city was really beaten down by him.” Why do you say this, you all know in your hearts that this boy is not one who can compromise by casually making two sentences and taking the pressure of the national government. Let’s go, now go directly to the Shining City and take it now. ”

With that, Cui Qiang said no more, and took the lead with Lao Zhou and Lao Wang, and the three of them rushed towards the direction of Yaoguang City.

The others also looked at each other, showing helplessness, and followed closely.

Only the Nine Star Strongman, who had just been suppressed, showed a trace of bitterness in his eyes, but he didn’t say much and followed up.

In fact, Cui Qiang did not say one thing.

This Lin Xiaoxiao knew all three of them, and her father and grandfather were their old acquaintances.

In the eyes of outsiders, I only know that this Lin Xiaoxiao is known as the goddess of icebergs and is a reincarnation.

However, they knew that this Lin Xiaoxiao was also a very special existence among the reincarnated beings.

Based on her messy memories, she awakens to the knowledge that in her past life she has touched the rarest element of time.

Although he had not yet fully awakened and did not have the ability to restore this time element, he had a strong premonition.

She could come over and say this, and it seemed that there must be something extraordinary about this Bi Hao.

At the beginning, Lin Xiaoxiao’s grandfather and parents also won several battles that seemed to have no chance of winning at all.

It was because of her ability to foresee, inform the crisis in advance, prevent it, and fight back appropriately, that victory was achieved.

So, her words cannot but be listened to!

Of course, Cui Qiang will still report all this to the government and the military department, including Lin Xiaoxiao’s words, as for the final deal, let the above decide.


When Cui Qiang and the others went to capture Yaoguang City, Bi Hao and his men came to the city lord’s mansion of the Sawtooth City.

“Bi Hao, you just said that this city will be owned by the Martial Arts School Alliance in the future?” Chen Xi smiled and ran over and asked.

If what he says is true, then this is good news, and with such resources, the school’s students can naturally grow rapidly.

“That’s right, this place will be called Nanjiang City from now on!” Open to the Martial Arts Schools Alliance, of course, the lord of the city is me, but I will let go of the four colleges to manage together! Bi Hao nodded and said.

Hearing his words, Lin Xiaoxiao, Chen Xi and Zhao Lei all raised their eyebrows and smiled.

Usually, the different spaces can only rest in the city of the government and the military department, although it is not bad, but there is not so much resource supply.

But now with this Nanjiang City, it is equivalent to having endless resources, natural and comfortable!

As for why it is called Nanjiang City, they have no opinion at all, in the end, this city is laid down by Bi Hao, and it can be called whatever love wants.

It’s good to get a piece of the pie now.

However, Zhang Zhi asked with some trepidation: “Four major colleges?” Is there our heavenly fragrance? ”

You know, the recognized four colleges are Kyoto, Nanjiang, Nanchuan and Modu, and their Tianxiang is also the title of these four colleges that only entered this year.

“Of course, you Tianxiang, didn’t you also participate in this operation?” Bi Hao laughed.

“What about the magic capital?” Several people asked at the same time, if this news goes out, saying that they do not bring the magic capital, they are afraid of causing trouble again.

“They? Hum! Last time, the old man of Ge Long was very unhappy with me, and he made his heart and eyes everywhere, so why bring them? Leave it alone! ”

Bi Hao skimmed his lips and said, he is very vengeful!

I haven’t found an opportunity to him yet, and now I will share the benefits to them? Dream!

As for taking this Nanjiang City out to the Martial Arts Alliance, he also had his plans.

First, after all, this is a big city with mineral veins, and when the news comes to the top, the government and the military will naturally have opinions.

He wasn’t afraid, but by now, the fool knew that there were other levels above the Nine Star Peak, and although he was strong and confident, he wasn’t arrogant enough to think that he was invincible now.

Then, if all the military schools are pulled into the water, the government and the military department naturally cannot say anything more.

Over the years, the martial arts school has cultivated countless talents for the government and the military department, and now it is the city that Bi Hao himself has built, giving them a use, and there is no excuse to say more.

Second, what Cui Qiang said just now is also correct, such a big city, is it difficult to keep here every day? Naturally, it is necessary to find someone to guard together.

Then, with the participation of the Martial Arts Alliance, there are naturally enough people to defend the city.

Third, he also wanted to cultivate his own power, others he did not trust much, but his own school, Nanjiang Wu Academy, was still trustworthy, coupled with Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao’s support for themselves, Nanchuan and Kyoto could slowly pull together and reorganize, and there was no big problem.

As for Tianxiang, after all, Zhang Weaving also participated in this action this time, and on the whole, this lady’s character is no problem. Use it first, not until the time comes.

And with the joint management of the four major martial arts schools, they can also restrain each other and let themselves have no worries!

That’s why he made that decision.

Therefore, several people discussed for a moment, and then decided to make a decision at the moment, let Liu Zhen, Zhang Zhi and Zhao Lei send a letter, and first invite the presidents and tutors of the four major colleges to consult.

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