“Sure enough, when I entered the realm of the Grandmaster, all the values made a qualitative leap.”

The Sect Master is a very difficult chasm in the martial arts world to cross, and it is precisely because of this that all the strong people who cross the Sect Master Realm are all figures of the level of one side.

The guru cannot be disgraced, which represents the status of the guru, and it shows the strength of the guru.

Bi Hao’s current strength was comparable to the Nine Star Peak, and even much stronger than the ordinary Nine Star Peak.

Unless some Nine Star Martial Artists with elemental power could compete with him, the many Nine Stars would still be crushed in front of him.

Speaking of elemental power, we have to talk about reincarnation.

The so-called reincarnation has reached the threshold above the great master, transcended the existence of the peak of the Nine Stars, and reached an unknowable realm.

When those who are strong are on the verge of death, they will seal their own spirit and be reborn, so that their bodies will change and quickly restore their strength before they are born, which is the origin of the reincarnation.

These things were told to Bi Hao by Lin Xiaoxiao who had recovered part of his memory.

Therefore, Bi Hao was now very curious about the realm above the Nine Star Peak, but Lin Xiaoxiao’s memories were not complete, and he didn’t know much about that realm.

At this moment, an excited female voice came out of the door.

“Bi Hao, are you there?” I am Wang Sisi. ”

Bi Hao retracted his thoughts and opened the door.

I saw Wang Sisi wearing a long blue dress and looking at Bi Hao with a smile.

“How did you get here?”

Wang Sisi had an excited expression and said with a delicate nose.

“I’m at the peak of four stars now and will be able to hit five stars right away, so I’m also qualified to come to Nanjiang City.”

In order to better control the management and defense of Nanjiang City, Wang Xuan arranged for the warriors of the academy with more than four stars to come to the garrison of Nanjiang City.

It can not only allow them to get the experience, but also let them quickly advance.

Several other colleges naturally also brought in their own students, and for a time Nanjiang City hoarded tens of thousands of students.

Although the strength of the Fourth Academy was large in number and seemed to be strong, the Nine Star Martial Artist who could really take the shot was Bi Hao.

Although he only had seven stars, his ability to crush the ten nine-star grand masters of the military department with his strength was enough to prove his strength.

However, such a pattern is never a long-term solution, and if you want to develop rapidly, you must have more eight-star and nine-star warriors, so that you can smoothly face the chaotic situation in the future.

Therefore, within the Four Courtyards, it is necessary to cultivate martial artists at all stages at any cost, so that the strength of Nanjiang City can have a rapid improvement in a short period of time.

“You have come just right, this is the essence of the soul, this condensed soul fruit, just to help you break through.”

Bi Hao carefully explained the use and drawbacks of these two treasures to Wang Sisi, and made this girl more serious than listening to lectures in the academy.

“Well, I’ll definitely cultivate well.”

When she heard that Lin Xiaoxiao had entered the realm of the Sect Master, it was as if a fire was burning in her heart, making her belief in wanting to become stronger even more intense.

Soon it was night, and Bi Hao stood in the attic looking up at the stars.

I don’t know if it was because of the strong spiritual power here or some other reason, the night sky was full of stars, which looked unusually radiant.

This kind of celestial phenomenon is not seen in today’s heavily polluted earth.

Although he traveled to this time and space advocating force, people’s indiscriminate cutting and industrial and agricultural manufacturing still made the earth seriously polluted.

Bi Hao was expressing his feelings, and suddenly found that his body was locked by several powerful spiritual forces, as if he only needed to move slightly, those masters would launch a deadly attack.

Bi Hao exuded his spiritual power and found that there were ten incomparably powerful breaths around his room.

Before Bi Hao had not found out at all, presumably these martial artists should not be much different from Zhang Wee’s ability, and should be assassination assassins who are good at concealing their aura.

“The ten of you are really bold, even the lord of this city dares to assassinate him!”

With a “bang”, Bi Hao exerted all his spiritual power on those ten people.

I thought that I could suppress the other party in this way, but what I didn’t expect was that Shi Shi actually launched an attack at the same time.

With a “hum” sound, a strangely shaped dark weapon flew over Bi Hao’s cheek, while on the other side, a man dressed in black instantly appeared, holding a long sword in his hand and stabbing straight at Bi Hao.

Bi Hao’s mind turned electrically, and the chopper immediately struck, using the blocking word technique, and suddenly set up his moves.

The remaining eight people seemed to have no concern for Bi Hao’s resistance at all, and used killing moves one after another to try to subdue Bi Hao to death.

“Who are you, and why are you trying to assassinate me?”

The eight did not give any answers, and only responded to his more rapid attacks.

Now that Bi Hao had entered the realm of the Sect Master, the ordinary Nine Star Peak could not help him, not to mention these ten assassins, who were mainly assassinating.

As long as he withstood this first round of attacks and gave him the opportunity to fight back, it was undoubtedly these ten people who died.

“Fantastic Stay”

A series of explosions shook the whole earth, and Wang Xuan and the other academy people were immediately awakened and rushed in the direction of Bi Hao.

After the ten people finished a round of attacks, they thought they could take down Bi Hao, but they did not expect to be killed by Bi Hao with a knife, and finally only two people had to leave away.

And all this only happened for less than a minute, which made Bi Hao very puzzled.

Who would use such a large formation to assassinate him, judging from the confrontation just now, these people were at least in the middle of the Nine Stars, and there were even a few people in the late Nine Stars and the peak of the Nine Stars.

This made him think of the ten Nine Star Martial Artists in the military department, but after a little thought, he felt that it was unlikely.

During the day, he directly crushed the other party with his spiritual power, and judging from the wave of people just now, the other party was not afraid of his spiritual power at all, and even ten people launched a fatal move in an instant.

This was enough to show that the spiritual strength of these ten people and Bi Hao did not want to go up and down.

A bunch of people broke into the room and came to the attic, and relaxed after seeing that Bi Hao was not injured.

“What the hell just happened?” Is it difficult for you to break through again? ”

However, Wang Xuan knew that every time this demon broke through the momentum, it was extremely frightening, and he was not sure what new techniques he had studied to make such a big move.

“No, I was assassinated.”


All the people, including Wang Xuan, were all confused, they had set up a powerful barrier formation in the urban area these days, and ordinary people could not enter at all, let alone assassinate Bi Hao under the eyes of all of them.

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