“What are you?” Why is it hidden in the Ding? ”

The figure is a little faint, but the general appearance is still very real.

That figure was none other than Liu Feng’s master, the Yuan Spirit Immortal.

At this time, the Yuan Spirit Immortal was actually a little angry, thinking that he had been cultivating for thousands of years, and he had never been angry about anything.

But today his most proud disciple died tragically at the hands of this man, and he had only one thought in his mind.

That is to kill the person in front of you and avenge your own disciple.

“Bi Hao, do you know that the person you just killed is my apprentice?”

The Yuan Ling Immortal seemed to be questioning, and it seemed to be blaming, in short, the tone was very unkind.

“I don’t care whose apprentice he is, if you want Lao Tzu’s life, you have to be a good mortal, even if it is your apprentice, I will not be wrong.”

Bi Hao sensed from Long Xuanding that this figure was not an entity, but a being similar to the soul mark.

Since Buddha-figures are not here, it is enough for him to ridicule.

“Wanton, I am a wandering illusion, a fairy of the Yuanling, is it something that you mortals can blaspheme.”

Bi Hao did not have the slightest fear, holding his arm and laughing foolishly.

“I don’t care what kind of realm or immortal you are, if you provoke Lao Tzu, you will have to pay the price of blood, even if you are here, I will not make a mistake!”


Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, the dark clouds above the sky were dense, lightning and thunder, and suddenly a hole was torn out of the sky, and then the mouth became larger and larger, and a bottomless black hole appeared, and the scene was terrifying to the extreme.

The disciples and soldiers of Nanjiang City were a little overwhelmed when they saw this apocalyptic scene.

Fortunately, a general immediately gave the order to open the Guardian Boundary, which reduced the panic of the people.

Immediately after that, a huge palm flew out of the black hole, and the huge palm covered the sky and the sun, enveloping the entire Nanjiang City in it.

“This is the end of your blasphemy against this immortal, death!”

Everyone who was shocked by this loud cry was spinning in the sky, and even Bi Hao felt his ears buzzing, and he knew at the moment that the other party was not an ordinary warrior, but an existence equivalent to an immortal.

“Shangxian? Amusing! Even if I am a Shangxian, I can’t make a mistake! ”

Bi Hao’s combat strength is now outstanding, and his self-confidence is even more explosive, although this momentum is frightening, but he is not without the strength to fight.


A burst of light passed by, and Bi Hao put on his colorful Divine Soldier suit.

Although it was really not very beautiful to display in front of everyone, he couldn’t take care of much at the moment, and his feet stomped on the ground and flew towards the giant palm.

The people of Nanjiang City only saw a multicolored light fly up into the sky and head towards the giant palm, which was even more dazzling than the giant palm in the sky.

“Look, it’s God B, God B is going to strike!”

“But the giant palm in the sky seems to have surpassed the power of mortals, can our B god resist it?”

“You fool, our B god is omnipotent, and the little giant palm can’t defeat this god of war in the world.”

Although the crowd said this, there was still some drumming in their hearts, after all, they had never seen that kind of power.

He was also quite afraid of this power, and everyone at the moment prayed that this god of war in the world could once again exert his strength and resist this earth-shattering blow.

Bi Hao in the air injected all his realm power into the Longyuan dagger.

After being blessed by a divine soldier, the blade, which was only more than half a meter long, suddenly swelled.

With a “hum” sound, the entire blade swelled to an oversized blade more than thirty meters long and more than ten meters wide.

And Bi Hao’s Force also passed rapidly at this moment, and more than 100 million Force forces were all poured into this blow.

He believed that with this blow he could crush the giant palm in the air.

All this happened only in the blink of an eye, and the next moment Bi Hao suddenly waved the large knife in his hand.

His mouth shouted angrily, “Destroy the heavens, devour the silence and destroy the slash!” ”

This knife will wipe out everything in front of him, wipe out all sentient beings, destroy heaven and earth.

This was Bi Hao’s current all-out attack, a super attack above the 100 million Force.


It was as if a missile exploded in the sky, and the energy waves that scattered out almost blew the entire Nanjiang City away.

Fortunately, some of the Nine Star Martial Artists joined forces to cast the Energy Boundary, and the Nanjiang City already had a large array of guards, which saved the warriors in the Nanjiang City.

In another land of birds and flowers, the Yuan Spirit Immortal’s forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his right hand had burned a long scar at this time.

“Damn, I actually underestimated that human being!”

With a wave of the Yuan Spirit Immortal’s right hand, the long sword scar instantly recovered intact, but his disordered breath still betrayed him, making him cough dryly until he spat out a mouthful of blood.

“How? Even you, the Shang Immortal, couldn’t do anything about that Bi Hao? ”

A cold voice entered the Yuan Spirit Immortal’s ears, causing him to immediately return to his previous composure.

“Demon Lord, the information you gave is far from me, and it seems that I am going to raise the price this time.”


The demon lord walked to the bamboo house and looked at the Yuan Spirit Immortal with some anger.

“We all agreed on the price before, why do we have to increase the price?”

The Yuan Spirit Immortal took a cup of tea and said leisurely, “The information you gave before was not accurate, I didn’t lift the task and already gave you a lot of face, but Liu Feng died because of this.” ”

The tone of the Yuan Spirit Immortal was obviously not good, and the Demon Lord naturally did not dare to offend too much.

“Well, as long as you can kill Bi Hao, I will promise you any conditions.”

“Very good, next time I will definitely let Bi Hao die without a place to die.”

The Yuan Ling Immortal crushed the tea cup in the cup and vented the anger in his heart.

Inside Nanjiang City, everyone shouted.

“B God! B God! ”

Bi Hao’s colorful light flowed in the air, because it was too dazzling, people could not see Bi Hao’s clothes at all.

Bi Hao scattered his equipment and stood in the air with the Force and said, “After this battle, the guard work in the city pool will be strengthened again, and all personnel entering and leaving will check their identities and immediately report to me if they find anything wrong.” ”


This time, the other party was able to enter Nanjiang City with such a big swing, mainly because they were too contemptuous of the past warriors, which caused Liu Feng to break into the secret room as if entering the no-man’s land.

If the interrogation is tighter, even if Liu Feng has the realm of a king, everyone can work together to block a burst through the guardian array, so as not to break in when Bi Hao is at his weakest, almost killing him.

Although he finally defeated the giant palm, he could feel that the other party’s realm was definitely not like this, and if the other party’s Buddha-figure was like this again, Bi Hao would never be able to win.

“It seems that I need to cultivate more quickly!”

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